Results found for proposed jail | Eastern North Carolina Now

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31 Results found for proposed jail

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This is a continuation of the videos from the Candidates Forum held recently. In this installment we share the clips from the Sheriff candidates.
This is a continuation of the videos from the Candidates Forum held recently. In this installment we share the clips from the Sheriff candidates.
I never cease to be amazed that there are residents of Beaufort County who continue to struggle to understand the jail issues. Some people are dedicated to the thought that every government and every person on the planet makes decisions based on facts, reason and logic.
I never cease to be amazed that there are residents of Beaufort County who continue to struggle to understand the jail issues. Some people are dedicated to the thought that every government and every person on the planet makes decisions based on facts, reason and logic.
The Town of Chocowinity Planning Board, meeting in regular monthly session Tuesday (4-21-14), voted unanimously to deny a request by Beaufort County to amend the zoning ordinance to allow for a jail in the L1 zoning classification which would have the effect of blocking a jail
The Town of Chocowinity Planning Board, meeting in regular monthly session Tuesday (4-21-14), voted unanimously to deny a request by Beaufort County to amend the zoning ordinance to allow for a jail in the L1 zoning classification which would have the effect of blocking a jail
Washington, NC is the same as Washington, DC when it comes to making bad decisions, dirty dealing and subverting the State and Federal Constitutions.
Washington, NC is the same as Washington, DC when it comes to making bad decisions, dirty dealing and subverting the State and Federal Constitutions.
A criticism of Sheriff Alan Jordan's failure to meet his responsibilities concerning the Beaufort County Jail.
A criticism of Sheriff Alan Jordan's failure to meet his responsibilities concerning the Beaufort County Jail.
The political propaganda that surrounds the new jail has not helped to inform either the public or the county commissioners.
The political propaganda that surrounds the new jail has not helped to inform either the public or the county commissioners.
Three people showed up at the March Beaufort County Commissioners meeting to show us how brilliant they are. I once heard a man say "My mother always told my sibling to keep its mouth shut so people would not know how little she actually knew".
Three people showed up at the March Beaufort County Commissioners meeting to show us how brilliant they are. I once heard a man say "My mother always told my sibling to keep its mouth shut so people would not know how little she actually knew".
The Chocowinity Town Board met for its regular monthly meeting on April 1, 2014. It was a short agenda and the public meeting lasted only 30 minutes.
The Chocowinity Town Board met for its regular monthly meeting on April 1, 2014. It was a short agenda and the public meeting lasted only 30 minutes.
If you've ever wondered why the Republican Party in Beaufort County is so divided you need look no further for a prime example than the March monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners.
If you've ever wondered why the Republican Party in Beaufort County is so divided you need look no further for a prime example than the March monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners.
At the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners' meeting Monday (3-10-14) night candidate for Beaufort County Sheriff Donald Dixon made a presentation that contained some rather amazing information.
At the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners' meeting Monday (3-10-14) night candidate for Beaufort County Sheriff Donald Dixon made a presentation that contained some rather amazing information.
Back in the 1992 presidential race most can remember when Ross Perot said "that giant sucking sound" referring to American jobs that would leave the US if NAFTA was passed.
Back in the 1992 presidential race most can remember when Ross Perot said "that giant sucking sound" referring to American jobs that would leave the US if NAFTA was passed.
The Washington Daily News recently published an editorial in which they complained about Hood Richardson and Stan Deatherage not attending the local annual Board of Commissioners' planning retreat. The editorial suggested it was their duty to attend the session.
The Washington Daily News recently published an editorial in which they complained about Hood Richardson and Stan Deatherage not attending the local annual Board of Commissioners' planning retreat. The editorial suggested it was their duty to attend the session.
At the recent annual "planning retreat" of the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners one of the presenters, Dr. William Rivenbark, reviewed the financial status of the county.
At the recent annual "planning retreat" of the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners one of the presenters, Dr. William Rivenbark, reviewed the financial status of the county.
Those in attendance at the special called meeting of the Beaufort County Commission today (2-27-14) were exposed to one of the worst displays of arrogance in government we have ever seen in 38 years of attending such meetings.
Those in attendance at the special called meeting of the Beaufort County Commission today (2-27-14) were exposed to one of the worst displays of arrogance in government we have ever seen in 38 years of attending such meetings.
The new Beaufort County jail with sheriff’s offices, magistrates offices, 911 offices, possibly a courtroom, and maybe a gym is moving slowly forward.
The new Beaufort County jail with sheriff’s offices, magistrates offices, 911 offices, possibly a courtroom, and maybe a gym is moving slowly forward.
If Al Klemm wanted to start a day-care business and took a business plan to the bank to borrow money do you think they would lend him the money if he was using population projections that included people over 20 years of age as potential customers? That is exactly what he is doing with the Jail Stud
If Al Klemm wanted to start a day-care business and took a business plan to the bank to borrow money do you think they would lend him the money if he was using population projections that included people over 20 years of age as potential customers? That is exactly what he is doing with the Jail Stud
At the February 3, 2014 Board of Commissioners' meeting Hood Richardson offered a motion to petition Superior Court Judge Wayland Sermons to dissolve the current order related to the jail.
At the February 3, 2014 Board of Commissioners' meeting Hood Richardson offered a motion to petition Superior Court Judge Wayland Sermons to dissolve the current order related to the jail.
According to Beaufort County Manager Randall Woodruff, the majority on the Beaufort County Commission are planning on paying for a new jail they are proposing by using non-voter approved long-term debt rather than submitting the issue to a vote of the people.
According to Beaufort County Manager Randall Woodruff, the majority on the Beaufort County Commission are planning on paying for a new jail they are proposing by using non-voter approved long-term debt rather than submitting the issue to a vote of the people.
In the brief span of about two minutes at the January meeting of the Beaufort County Commission we were subjected to yet another example of what is wrong with the majority's view of their responsibilities as commissioners.
In the brief span of about two minutes at the January meeting of the Beaufort County Commission we were subjected to yet another example of what is wrong with the majority's view of their responsibilities as commissioners.
Everyone knows that the Gang of Four and the Resident Superior Court Judge have already determined that a new jail needs to be built in Beaufort County.
One of our observers just sent a rant on "Can someone tell this single voter how the taxpayers in BC can stop this jail from being built without a voter referendum?"
One of our observers just sent a rant on "Can someone tell this single voter how the taxpayers in BC can stop this jail from being built without a voter referendum?"
Our County Commissioners have decided to move forward with spending millions of taxpayers’ dollars without a referendum on the issue. The reason they give is that ‘the voters won’t vote to approve a jail”.
Our County Commissioners have decided to move forward with spending millions of taxpayers’ dollars without a referendum on the issue. The reason they give is that ‘the voters won’t vote to approve a jail”.
During he October 7 Beaufort County Commissioners meeting , Hood Richardson made another motion seconded by Stan Deatherage to place a referendum for a new jail at the Chocowinity Industrial site on the ballot for the next general election in 2014.
During he October 7 Beaufort County Commissioners meeting , Hood Richardson made another motion seconded by Stan Deatherage to place a referendum for a new jail at the Chocowinity Industrial site on the ballot for the next general election in 2014.
Beaufort County Commissioner Al Klemm, the acknowledged chairman of equivocation, expressed that he would 'not insult his Democrat friends', in any strongly worded resolution begging for their bipartisanship in correcting ObamCare.
Beaufort County Commissioner Al Klemm, the acknowledged chairman of equivocation, expressed that he would 'not insult his Democrat friends', in any strongly worded resolution begging for their bipartisanship in correcting ObamCare.
The Beaufort County Commissioner Jail Committee met Wednesday (12-11-13) to accept proposals from architects and construction companies to do the design work on a new Law Enforcement Complex in the Chocowinity Industrial Park as well as manage the construction once/if construction starts.
The Beaufort County Commissioner Jail Committee met Wednesday (12-11-13) to accept proposals from architects and construction companies to do the design work on a new Law Enforcement Complex in the Chocowinity Industrial Park as well as manage the construction once/if construction starts.
Donald Dixon, one of the announced candidates for Sheriff of Beaufort County spoke during the Public Comment section of the December Board of Commissioner's meeting.
Donald Dixon, one of the announced candidates for Sheriff of Beaufort County spoke during the Public Comment section of the December Board of Commissioner's meeting.
If you have never been deceived or lied to you may want to stop reading now. The rest of this article will have no meaning to you.
If you have never been deceived or lied to you may want to stop reading now. The rest of this article will have no meaning to you.
Beaufort County is soliciting qualifications statements for a contract in both Architectural Design Services as well as Construction Management At Risk for construction of a facility that will house a new detention center and Sheriff’s Office.
Beaufort County is soliciting qualifications statements for a contract in both Architectural Design Services as well as Construction Management At Risk for construction of a facility that will house a new detention center and Sheriff’s Office.
At the November 4, 2013 Beaufort County Commissioners' meeting William (Buzz) Cayton spoke during the Public Comment section of the agenda on how the board has gone about making a decision to build a new jail in the Chocowinity Industrial Park. You can listen to his comments below.
At the November 4, 2013 Beaufort County Commissioners' meeting William (Buzz) Cayton spoke during the Public Comment section of the agenda on how the board has gone about making a decision to build a new jail in the Chocowinity Industrial Park. You can listen to his comments below.
Back in February, at the annual Board of Commissioners' retreat, the architectural firm hired by the county to do a study on building a new jail was making its presentation of the options it had identified.
Back in February, at the annual Board of Commissioners' retreat, the architectural firm hired by the county to do a study on building a new jail was making its presentation of the options it had identified.
Comparing the jail to a dungeon is a gross exaggeration. Our jail meets the standards for a jail. It has only been condemned in the dark cold corners of a few of our heavy thinkers.
Comparing the jail to a dungeon is a gross exaggeration. Our jail meets the standards for a jail. It has only been condemned in the dark cold corners of a few of our heavy thinkers.