Results found for protectionism | Eastern North Carolina Now

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11 Results found for protectionism

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Tax credits for higher-income people buying expensive electric vehicles will be borne on the backs of the poor
There has always been a robust political debate between advocates of free trade and advocates of manipulating the terms of trade to protect special interests
There has always been a robust political debate between advocates of free trade and advocates of manipulating the terms of trade to protect special interests
Imagine yourself cut off from the rest of society. Not from all social interactions, however, just from all economic exchanges
Imagine yourself cut off from the rest of society. Not from all social interactions, however, just from all economic exchanges
My wife is angry at the government. No surprise there, I suppose - we do have a great deal in common
My wife is angry at the government. No surprise there, I suppose - we do have a great deal in common
As part of the US-Mexico trade deal that was announced last week, the Trump administration argued for and won a $16 per hour minimum wage for auto and auto parts workers in the United States and Mexico
As part of the US-Mexico trade deal that was announced last week, the Trump administration argued for and won a $16 per hour minimum wage for auto and auto parts workers in the United States and Mexico
There is a puzzling expression regularly being used by members of the Trump administration that, they argue, describes a major goal of their protectionist trade policies: "reciprocal trade."
There is a puzzling expression regularly being used by members of the Trump administration that, they argue, describes a major goal of their protectionist trade policies: "reciprocal trade."
As the trade dispute with China picks up, bigger farms in North Carolina are scrambling to cope with a shrinking market of customers
As the trade dispute with China picks up, bigger farms in North Carolina are scrambling to cope with a shrinking market of customers
"If you look at the U.S. current account balance…we are ceding about $450 billion of our wealth to mostly Southeast Asia and a little bit to Mexico." Kyle Bass, Founder of Hayman Capital Management on the Fox Business Channel.
"If you look at the U.S. current account balance…we are ceding about $450 billion of our wealth to mostly Southeast Asia and a little bit to Mexico." Kyle Bass, Founder of Hayman Capital Management on the Fox Business Channel.
Typically, "saving American jobs" is the reason given for implementing protectionist trade measures, i.e., tariffs and quotas. The argument goes something like this: foreign producers of a product are offering American consumers a more attractive price or better quality product than they can get fro
Typically, "saving American jobs" is the reason given for implementing protectionist trade measures, i.e., tariffs and quotas. The argument goes something like this: foreign producers of a product are offering American consumers a more attractive price or better quality product than they can get fro
Americans are upset. Some are just mildly unhappy, others seem miserable, many are plain mad
Americans are upset. Some are just mildly unhappy, others seem miserable, many are plain mad
North Carolina ranks 29th of the 50 U.S. states (plus the District of Columbia) when it comes to imposing laws requiring people wishing to perform certain occupations to get a license from the government, according to a new study by Institute for Justice.
North Carolina ranks 29th of the 50 U.S. states (plus the District of Columbia) when it comes to imposing laws requiring people wishing to perform certain occupations to get a license from the government, according to a new study by Institute for Justice.


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