Results found for school of music | Eastern North Carolina Now

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4 Results found for school of music

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Original music is composed, performed by ECU students
Original music is composed, performed by ECU students
Piano festival brings students, guest artists to campus
Piano festival brings students, guest artists to campus
‘She had a heart of gold.’ Donor gives surprise $5.2M to School of Music
‘She had a heart of gold.’ Donor gives surprise $5.2M to School of Music
The East Carolina University School of Music Chamber Singers became the first American choir ever to win the 13th International Maribor Choral Competition Gallus held April 10-12 in Maribor, Slovenia.
The East Carolina University School of Music Chamber Singers became the first American choir ever to win the 13th International Maribor Choral Competition Gallus held April 10-12 in Maribor, Slovenia.


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