Results found for social issues | Eastern North Carolina Now

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3 Results found for social issues

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Americans who identify themselves as Democrats are far more likely than the rest of the population to say companies should take stands on contentious social and political issues.
Americans who identify themselves as Democrats are far more likely than the rest of the population to say companies should take stands on contentious social and political issues.
Would it surprise you to learn that, depending on the poll and specific questions asked, between a quarter and a third of Democrats identify their views on abortion as "pro-life"?
Would it surprise you to learn that, depending on the poll and specific questions asked, between a quarter and a third of Democrats identify their views on abortion as "pro-life"?
Two teams of students at East Carolina University recently took on the same challenge: identify a social problem facing their community and create a business plan to effectively address it.
Two teams of students at East Carolina University recently took on the same challenge: identify a social problem facing their community and create a business plan to effectively address it.


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