Results found for state boards and commissions | Eastern North Carolina Now

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7 Results found for state boards and commissions

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Today, Governor Roy Cooper announced a nomination and appointments to North Carolina boards and commissions.
Today, Governor Roy Cooper announced a nomination and appointments to North Carolina boards and commissions.
Governor Roy Cooper announced new appointments and nominations to state boards and commissions today.
Governor Roy Cooper announced new appointments and nominations to state boards and commissions today.
Today, Governor Roy Cooper announced new appointments and nominations to boards and commissions across North Carolina.
Today, Governor Roy Cooper announced new appointments and nominations to boards and commissions across North Carolina.
Governor Roy Cooper announced new appointments to state boards and commissions today
Today, Governor Roy Cooper announced new appointments to boards and commissions across North Carolina.
Today, Governor Roy Cooper announced new appointments to boards and commissions across North Carolina.
Governor Roy Cooper today announced nominees to three state boards and commissions, the North Carolina Utilities Commission, the State Board of Education, and the North Carolina Employment Security Board of Review.
Governor Roy Cooper today announced nominees to three state boards and commissions, the North Carolina Utilities Commission, the State Board of Education, and the North Carolina Employment Security Board of Review.
Today, Gov. Roy Cooper announced a new web portal for North Carolina boards and commissions to streamline the application process for people who wish to serve and provide more information to the public
Today, Gov. Roy Cooper announced a new web portal for North Carolina boards and commissions to streamline the application process for people who wish to serve and provide more information to the public


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