Results found for sunset provision | Eastern North Carolina Now

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3 Results found for sunset provision

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Not long ago I wrote a report on the importance of sunset provisions with periodic review of state regulations. In it I equated reviewing old state rules with cleaning out a toolshed.
Not long ago I wrote a report on the importance of sunset provisions with periodic review of state regulations. In it I equated reviewing old state rules with cleaning out a toolshed.
A new, groundbreaking report from Beacon Hill economists estimated that in 2015 state regulations cost North Carolina's economy at minimum $3.1 billion and possibly as much as $25.5 billion.
A new, groundbreaking report from Beacon Hill economists estimated that in 2015 state regulations cost North Carolina's economy at minimum $3.1 billion and possibly as much as $25.5 billion.
Regulation imposes significant costs on the economy through deadweight loss - i.e., labor and capital employed in complying with government edicts and red tape, as opposed to being used for productive purposes.
Regulation imposes significant costs on the economy through deadweight loss - i.e., labor and capital employed in complying with government edicts and red tape, as opposed to being used for productive purposes.


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