Results found for tax freedom day | Eastern North Carolina Now

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4 Results found for tax freedom day

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This week brought every American's favorite day: April 15. Most of us knew that we were required to file and pay taxes by the Wednesday deadline. But do you know exactly how long it took you to complete enough work to pay for those taxes? If we add up every tax you have to pay...
This week brought every American's favorite day: April 15. Most of us knew that we were required to file and pay taxes by the Wednesday deadline. But do you know exactly how long it took you to complete enough work to pay for those taxes? If we add up every tax you have to pay...
While last-minute filers across the country rush to a post office or computer terminal to file their 2014 income tax returns, North Carolinians are within 24 hours of reaching an important date for this year - Tax Freedom Day.
While last-minute filers across the country rush to a post office or computer terminal to file their 2014 income tax returns, North Carolinians are within 24 hours of reaching an important date for this year - Tax Freedom Day.
The weather is getting warmer, the plants are in bloom, and people are starting to spend more time outside. Yes, it's springtime, and as we get more comfortable with the season change, one thing continues to put a damper on things - tax day. April 15 arrived today, but do you know exactly...
The weather is getting warmer, the plants are in bloom, and people are starting to spend more time outside. Yes, it's springtime, and as we get more comfortable with the season change, one thing continues to put a damper on things - tax day. April 15 arrived today, but do you know exactly...
While April 15 is on the minds of many taxpayers scurrying to meet the income tax filing deadline, two other dates - April 10 and April 18 - might also...
While April 15 is on the minds of many taxpayers scurrying to meet the income tax filing deadline, two other dates - April 10 and April 18 - might also...


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