Results found for the ink penn | Eastern North Carolina Now

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8 Results found for the ink penn

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Perhaps we can’t travel overseas this fall, but there’s nothing to prevent us from taking an imaginary trip.
Perhaps we can’t travel overseas this fall, but there’s nothing to prevent us from taking an imaginary trip.
I’m an avid reader — someone who reads every night and never goes anywhere without a book.
I’m an avid reader — someone who reads every night and never goes anywhere without a book.
Sure, I’ve begun to stumble as I climb the stairs to the second floor, but I still climb ‘em.
Sure, I’ve begun to stumble as I climb the stairs to the second floor, but I still climb ‘em.
What a blast from the past!
Who wrote the first murder mystery? An article in the Wall Street Journal gives the credit to Sophocles.
Who wrote the first murder mystery? An article in the Wall Street Journal gives the credit to Sophocles.
I mean it, I tell you. I can deal with being poked and prodded and getting a shot or two, but that’s my limit.
I mean it, I tell you. I can deal with being poked and prodded and getting a shot or two, but that’s my limit.
Down here in Atlanta, I attended an author event that was a prologue to the Marcus Jewish Community Center (MJCCA) Book Festival coming up in November.
Down here in Atlanta, I attended an author event that was a prologue to the Marcus Jewish Community Center (MJCCA) Book Festival coming up in November.
I am eagerly awaiting the publication of my first book−The Ink Penn, Celebrating the Magic in the Everyday−due to be released November 21.
I am eagerly awaiting the publication of my first book−The Ink Penn, Celebrating the Magic in the Everyday−due to be released November 21.


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