Results found for the left | Eastern North Carolina Now

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10 Results found for the left

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Katie Pavlich asks at whether Joe Biden’s supporters will allow him to follow through on a key promise from his victory speech.
Katie Pavlich asks at whether Joe Biden’s supporters will allow him to follow through on a key promise from his victory speech.
Americans celebrate their independence today, but liberty is still threatened in higher education.
Tomorrow, Gov. Cooper is set to release his budget proposal for the next two fiscal years. At a news conference today, Cooper previewed his budget by revealing the highlights of the education section.
Tomorrow, Gov. Cooper is set to release his budget proposal for the next two fiscal years. At a news conference today, Cooper previewed his budget by revealing the highlights of the education section.
In a News & Observer article last week, a faculty member expressed concerns about UNC-Chapel Hill being “overwhelmingly liberal.”
In a News & Observer article last week, a faculty member expressed concerns about UNC-Chapel Hill being “overwhelmingly liberal.”
It was natural to include unions in the Mapping the Left website. They are the quintessential leftist political machine. With virtually unlimited bank accounts, thanks to mandatory membership and dues, more lawyers than one would care to count, and the best community organizing structure...
It was natural to include unions in the Mapping the Left website. They are the quintessential leftist political machine. With virtually unlimited bank accounts, thanks to mandatory membership and dues, more lawyers than one would care to count, and the best community organizing structure...
If you're a frequent visitor to Mapping the Left ( you have watched the website go through a transformation in the last few weeks. The look is new and has been redesigned with advanced capabilities. You will notice faster and more powerful, yet simple...
If you're a frequent visitor to Mapping the Left ( you have watched the website go through a transformation in the last few weeks. The look is new and has been redesigned with advanced capabilities. You will notice faster and more powerful, yet simple...
Environmentalists like to preach that all life is connected - but they themselves are connected in an intricate web of activists, groups, money and influence. And our revamped Mapping the Left site kicks off by unveiling a new network showing how these links are spread across North Carolina.
Environmentalists like to preach that all life is connected - but they themselves are connected in an intricate web of activists, groups, money and influence. And our revamped Mapping the Left site kicks off by unveiling a new network showing how these links are spread across North Carolina.
It can be very difficult to grasp or visualize the vastness of the network of left-wing groups in North Carolina. But one way to start is with the key group on the left, the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation - and the family that dominates it.
It can be very difficult to grasp or visualize the vastness of the network of left-wing groups in North Carolina. But one way to start is with the key group on the left, the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation - and the family that dominates it.
In North Carolina, left-wing nonprofit advocacy groups for decades have wielded an alarming amount of power in the media, state politics, and government. They work together, both in loose coalitions and organized networks, to influence and control public policy.
In North Carolina, left-wing nonprofit advocacy groups for decades have wielded an alarming amount of power in the media, state politics, and government. They work together, both in loose coalitions and organized networks, to influence and control public policy.


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