Results found for u.s. department of labor | Eastern North Carolina Now

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3 Results found for u.s. department of labor

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While many view Labor Day simply as the unofficial end of summer or an opportunity for a three-day weekend, the holiday's significance should not be lost on the average citizen.
While many view Labor Day simply as the unofficial end of summer or an opportunity for a three-day weekend, the holiday's significance should not be lost on the average citizen.
Young adults largely supported Barack Obama's message of hope and change during his 2008 presidential campaign. Now, four years later, many young people are struggling with the impact of the nation's economic changes.
Young adults largely supported Barack Obama's message of hope and change during his 2008 presidential campaign. Now, four years later, many young people are struggling with the impact of the nation's economic changes.
Two government-funded surveys of "green jobs" released in March show vastly different estimates for the number of green jobs in North Carolina, even though both studies were funded by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Two government-funded surveys of "green jobs" released in March show vastly different estimates for the number of green jobs in North Carolina, even though both studies were funded by the U.S. Department of Labor.


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