Results found for united airlines | Eastern North Carolina Now

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7 Results found for united airlines

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United Airlines announced a deal to buy up to 400 electric aircraft from Eve Air Mobility coupled with a $15 million investment in the startup.
United Airlines announced a deal to buy up to 400 electric aircraft from Eve Air Mobility coupled with a $15 million investment in the startup.
On Tuesday, United Airlines pilots rejected a contract offer, intensifying fears that upcoming holiday airline travel may be impeded in a major way. That followed a vote on Monday by Delta Airlines pilots to call a strike for a new contract.
On Tuesday, United Airlines pilots rejected a contract offer, intensifying fears that upcoming holiday airline travel may be impeded in a major way. That followed a vote on Monday by Delta Airlines pilots to call a strike for a new contract.
United Airlines executive Jacob Cefolia went missing more than a year ago. On Sunday, human remains were found hanging in Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve in Darien, Illinois. Those remains were identified as Cefolia following an autopsy.
United Airlines executive Jacob Cefolia went missing more than a year ago. On Sunday, human remains were found hanging in Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve in Darien, Illinois. Those remains were identified as Cefolia following an autopsy.
Two major U.S. airlines have announced that they will continue to enforce Democrat President Joe Biden’s mask mandate on public transportation despite a federal judge ruling on Monday that the mandate was “unlawful” and that it must be “terminate[d].”
Two major U.S. airlines have announced that they will continue to enforce Democrat President Joe Biden’s mask mandate on public transportation despite a federal judge ruling on Monday that the mandate was “unlawful” and that it must be “terminate[d].”
Airline pilots are being trained to avoid Serious Safety Violations over a year after those violations became apparent. Does that make you nervous?
Airline pilots are being trained to avoid Serious Safety Violations over a year after those violations became apparent. Does that make you nervous?
Jean-Marie Simon, a 63-year-old attorney and private school teacher, was on a loooooong trip back home
Why is it that the hardest words to say are, "I'm Sorry," and "I made a mistake?" Think of the needless pain and problems that could be avoided if people, especially those in leadership, owned up to their mistakes
Why is it that the hardest words to say are, "I'm Sorry," and "I made a mistake?" Think of the needless pain and problems that could be avoided if people, especially those in leadership, owned up to their mistakes


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