Results found for united states house | Eastern North Carolina Now

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13 Results found for united states house

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Hillary B. Clinton, the curator of the Benghazi Cover-up, now must face the proverbial music that began with much talk about that 'despicable video'.
Hillary B. Clinton, the curator of the Benghazi Cover-up, now must face the proverbial music that began with much talk about that 'despicable video'.
Renee Ellmers is shedding those issue positions and campaign promises like a snake sheds its skin.
Watch your wallets. The dawn of the new year signals the return of the leeches and other assorted parasites to Capitol Hill. Be on the lookout for brand new ways for "getting something done" with someone else's money.
Watch your wallets. The dawn of the new year signals the return of the leeches and other assorted parasites to Capitol Hill. Be on the lookout for brand new ways for "getting something done" with someone else's money.
Question: What do you get when you hold your nose while voting? Answer: Pretty much the same damn thing you would have gotten from the guys and gals you voted against.
Question: What do you get when you hold your nose while voting? Answer: Pretty much the same damn thing you would have gotten from the guys and gals you voted against.
Unfortunately, we're not voting for the winner of a game show here. We're choosing someone to vote on our behalf amid the DC nonsense.
Unfortunately, we're not voting for the winner of a game show here. We're choosing someone to vote on our behalf amid the DC nonsense.
Renee Ellmers must have been itching for some more coverage on this site. It's been a while since she graced our home page.
Renee Ellmers must have been itching for some more coverage on this site. It's been a while since she graced our home page.
It appears that The Raleigh News & Observer has partnered with The Daily Kos in its political coverage.
Well, congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC) has sent out an email to constituents announcing that she's going to forego a run for the Senate and bless us with TWO MORE YEARS in DC's lower chamber.
Well, congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC) has sent out an email to constituents announcing that she's going to forego a run for the Senate and bless us with TWO MORE YEARS in DC's lower chamber.
Born in Washington, North Carolina, on May 16, 1891, Herbert Covington Bonner as the son of Macon and Hannah Bonner. Herbert attended the Graham School in Warrenton from 1906 until 1909.
Born in Washington, North Carolina, on May 16, 1891, Herbert Covington Bonner as the son of Macon and Hannah Bonner. Herbert attended the Graham School in Warrenton from 1906 until 1909.
A trillion-dollar sequestration that immediately would cut large portions of domestic and military spending likely will be deferred until budget architects can put together a long-term fiscal plan in the new Congress, U.S. Rep. David Price said Monday.
A trillion-dollar sequestration that immediately would cut large portions of domestic and military spending likely will be deferred until budget architects can put together a long-term fiscal plan in the new Congress, U.S. Rep. David Price said Monday.
Washington is buzzing about a bit of theater on the US House floor recently, involving a group of Members that included The Second District's Renee Ellmers:
Washington is buzzing about a bit of theater on the US House floor recently, involving a group of Members that included The Second District's Renee Ellmers:
Washington, North Carolina native Ashley Woolard has announced his candidacy before a standing room only crowd at the Beaufort County Republican Men's Club
Washington, North Carolina native Ashley Woolard has announced his candidacy before a standing room only crowd at the Beaufort County Republican Men's Club


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