Results found for us house | Eastern North Carolina Now

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20 Results found for us house

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Four Republican members of North Carolina’s U.S. House delegation have signed on as co-sponsors of a bill limiting the Biden administration’s ability to track gun ownership.
Four Republican members of North Carolina’s U.S. House delegation have signed on as co-sponsors of a bill limiting the Biden administration’s ability to track gun ownership.
The North Carolina Court of Appeals on Monday morning issued an order temporarily suspending candidate filing for all U.S House of Representatives, N.C. Senate, and N.C. House contests.
The North Carolina Court of Appeals on Monday morning issued an order temporarily suspending candidate filing for all U.S House of Representatives, N.C. Senate, and N.C. House contests.
Foxx committed to winning 10th term, reclaiming U.S. House majority
David Catron of the American Spectator argues that President Biden’s questionable approach to bipartisanship is likely to cost Democrats control of the U.S. House of Representatives.
David Catron of the American Spectator argues that President Biden’s questionable approach to bipartisanship is likely to cost Democrats control of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Mica Soellner reports for the Washington Examiner about one political consequence tied to the delayed release of new U.S. census data.
Mica Soellner reports for the Washington Examiner about one political consequence tied to the delayed release of new U.S. census data.
With Democrats in charge of the White House, and U.S. House, and (possibly as of this writing) the U.S. Senate, you can expect a push by left-wing activists and politicians to repeal some federal tax cuts enacted by the previously Republican Congress and signed by President Trump.
With Democrats in charge of the White House, and U.S. House, and (possibly as of this writing) the U.S. Senate, you can expect a push by left-wing activists and politicians to repeal some federal tax cuts enacted by the previously Republican Congress and signed by President Trump.
Andrea Widburg of the American Thinker critiques the U.S. House’s recent actions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Andrea Widburg of the American Thinker critiques the U.S. House’s recent actions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Democratic majority in the U.S. House has approved a massive pro-labor union bill that’s unlikely to make it past the Republican-led U.S. Senate.
The Democratic majority in the U.S. House has approved a massive pro-labor union bill that’s unlikely to make it past the Republican-led U.S. Senate.
North Carolina’s “gig economy” would take a major hit under a pro-labor union bill that may soon be heard in the U.S. House, experts say.
North Carolina’s “gig economy” would take a major hit under a pro-labor union bill that may soon be heard in the U.S. House, experts say.
Some blind workers hope to recover their jobs in Winston-Salem.
After much encouragement and prayer, Michael Speciale of Craven County has decided to run for the U.S. House seat for District 3. This seat was left vacant by the untimely passing of Walter B. Jones.
After much encouragement and prayer, Michael Speciale of Craven County has decided to run for the U.S. House seat for District 3. This seat was left vacant by the untimely passing of Walter B. Jones.
Republican U.S. Rep. Walter Jones has been representing eastern North Carolina in the U.S. House for 11 terms. He's hoping to make it 12.
Republican U.S. Rep. Walter Jones has been representing eastern North Carolina in the U.S. House for 11 terms. He's hoping to make it 12.
Filing begins today at noon for candidates seeking nomination to the U.S. House of Representatives under new district lines still awaiting approval by a federal court in Winston Salem
Filing begins today at noon for candidates seeking nomination to the U.S. House of Representatives under new district lines still awaiting approval by a federal court in Winston Salem
We were heartened by the success of Mattie Lawson in an NC House primary on the Outer Banks, and state Rep. Larry Pittman's reelection victory in Cabarrus County.
We were heartened by the success of Mattie Lawson in an NC House primary on the Outer Banks, and state Rep. Larry Pittman's reelection victory in Cabarrus County.
I went back in the Google time machine and found some comments from GOP leaders shortly after the Tea Party put them back in charge of the US House of Representatives.
I went back in the Google time machine and found some comments from GOP leaders shortly after the Tea Party put them back in charge of the US House of Representatives.
In response to four years of massive federal deficits, tax cuts scheduled to expire this month, and lackluster economic growth.
In response to four years of massive federal deficits, tax cuts scheduled to expire this month, and lackluster economic growth.
For all the time, energy, and money spent on federal campaigns over the past two years, American voters decided not to make any significant changes. They reelected President Barack Obama, albeit with many fewer votes than in 2008.
For all the time, energy, and money spent on federal campaigns over the past two years, American voters decided not to make any significant changes. They reelected President Barack Obama, albeit with many fewer votes than in 2008.
Citizens United Political Victory Fund (CUPVF), the affiliated PAC of Citizens United, issued the following statement endorsing conservative Frank Palombo in North Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District. CUPVF has contributed $5,000 for Palombo’s primary election.
Citizens United Political Victory Fund (CUPVF), the affiliated PAC of Citizens United, issued the following statement endorsing conservative Frank Palombo in North Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District. CUPVF has contributed $5,000 for Palombo’s primary election.
It's interesting. We hear Standard & Poor's (S&P) telling us that we need to do something to get our financial act together. We hear Moody's Investor's Service telling us the same thing.
It's interesting. We hear Standard & Poor's (S&P) telling us that we need to do something to get our financial act together. We hear Moody's Investor's Service telling us the same thing.
The United States, according to the Administration, is risking a default if the debt ceiling is not raised by Aug 2. Likewise, if we don't "get our act together", we are risking having our credit rating downgraded by Standard & Poors.
The United States, according to the Administration, is risking a default if the debt ceiling is not raised by Aug 2. Likewise, if we don't "get our act together", we are risking having our credit rating downgraded by Standard & Poors.


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