Results found for walter reed | Eastern North Carolina Now

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4 Results found for walter reed

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Doctors at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center released a statement on Tuesday revealing that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was treated in late December for prostate cancer and was hospitalized at the start of this month with complications from a urinary tract infection.
Doctors at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center released a statement on Tuesday revealing that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was treated in late December for prostate cancer and was hospitalized at the start of this month with complications from a urinary tract infection.
President Donald Trump walked out of Walter Reed Medical Center on Monday evening and is returning to the White House after receiving treatment for coronavirus.
President Donald Trump walked out of Walter Reed Medical Center on Monday evening and is returning to the White House after receiving treatment for coronavirus.
This morning, May 14, 2018, First Lady Melania Trump underwent an embolization procedure to treat a benign kidney condition.
This morning, May 14, 2018, First Lady Melania Trump underwent an embolization procedure to treat a benign kidney condition.
Yesterday, Congressman Walter B. Jones visited two wounded warriors from the Third District of North Carolina at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. This visit marks the 24th time Congressman Jones has visited Walter Reed since 2003
Yesterday, Congressman Walter B. Jones visited two wounded warriors from the Third District of North Carolina at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. This visit marks the 24th time Congressman Jones has visited Walter Reed since 2003


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