Liberal Insanity | Eastern North Carolina Now

There is a disabling disease going around; epidemiologists believe it hit sometime in the fall of 2016.

    There is a disabling disease going around; epidemiologists believe it hit sometime in the fall of 2016.

    No, I'm not talking about the Swine Flu, or the H1N1 or H3N2 virus strains, all three of which can be deadly if not caught and treated early enough. I'm talking about the derangement syndrome that causes once-ordinary, rational-thinking people to start speaking irrationally, to speak as if they haven't a single brain cell in their cranium, to spew obscenities, to engage in hate speech, to throw a tantrum when offended in any way, shape, or form, to shout robotically (like paid protesters) when a conservative speaks, to throw the word "racist" around like it was just another common adjective, to manage to turn every story and every bit of news into an occasion to bash Trump, to express their political views cloaked as "humor" (no one is fooled by that), to hate their country, to side with those who would do harm to the country, to think foreigners who have no entitlement to the jurisdiction or benefits of the United States have more rights than legal and other naturalized citizens, to make idle threats (such as, "I'm moving to Canada"), to demand that everything be free except speech, to wish harm on others (usually involving rape or something shoved in some orifice), to be willing to sacrifice traditionally-held human rights like the right to speech, conscience, religion, and firearms for the un-natural right not to be offended, to be willing to minimize or sacrifice most of the expressly-listed human rights in the Bill of Rights for one not listed (the unfettered right to an abortion), to demonize the historically-American right to the free exercise of one's religion (including the right to have it influence one's conscience) in order that persons living an alternative lifestyle (gays, lesbians, transgenders, cross-dressers, etc) not have to be confronted by the rationality of religious doctrine and natural law, and often, to wish death on others or to make death threats.

    I'm talking about Trump Derangement Syndrome. From what I can deduce so far, it is brought on by extreme hatred combined with a general inability to tolerate opposing viewpoints and especially an inability to deal with people in power who don't talk and think like them. TDS has hit all ranks of the Democratic Party, has hit nearly all liberals and progressives, is prevalent among the Deep State, and has infected some high-ranking and other Democratic members of Congress, such as crying Chuck Schumer (the crying over illegals while never crying over any American an illegal has killed gave his sickness away), Maxine Waters (a rock has more intelligence and inherent worth than Maxine; consistently voted the most corrupt member of Congress; she is a modern-day reverse KKK leader, and thinks Congress serves only one purpose - to impeach Donald Trump), Nancy Pelosi (another one whose intelligence and common sense is eclipsed by a rock), Bernie Sanders (an avowed socialist), Kamala Harris (a race baiter), Cory Booker (a race baiter and moron), Shiela Jackson (a race baiter), Elizabeth Warren (a liar, a misappropriator of an entitlement for a class of persons actually aggrieved by past US social policies, socialist), Keith Ellison (a Muslim race-baiter and hate-mongerer), willingly associated with the anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam), Diane Feinstein (so blinded by hatred that she helped hatch a scheme to subvert Judge Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings by springing unfounded accusations of sexual misconduct by Christine Blasey Ford), Richard Blumenthal (a liar and hypocrite), and others. Obama-era officials, especially with the DOJ and FBI, and other Deep State officials, such as James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, James Mueller, Andrew McCabe, Loretta Lynch, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and others (including Hillary Clinton), were so stricken that they funded opposition research on Trump by a known partisan ex-M16 intelligence agent, they fabricated information, created unfounded dossiers, tricked FISA court judges, obtained illegal FISA warrants, rigged the investigation against repeat criminal Hillary Clinton, initiated an investigation by Special Counsel (even though there was no underlying crime; essentially an investigation hoping to find a crime), unconscionably coerced members of Trump's campaign and indicted them on crimes that Clinton herself and other ranking Democrats themselves had committed, leaked classified government information, and in general, doing anything and everything possible to make good on their "insurance policy" which is to come up with grounds to impeach our duly-elected president.

    Every day, ordinary Americans, simply wanting to turn on the news (the mainstream news) to find out what good President Trump and Congress are doing on behalf of the country, its people, its business climate, and its world status, are confronted with nothing more than unfair accusations against Trump, personal political attacks against him, and an unrelenting stream of criticism of every single thing he says and every single thing he does. President Trump has done wonderful, historic things to improve the status of our country, the lives of its people, and the safety and security of our communities, and the results are often staggering, yet the mainstream media shows no decency to deliver such important news to the American people. This is yet another symptom of the Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    There is not a day goes by when ordinary people of sound mind and common sense are confronted with a case of TDS - whether it be on social media, in conversation with a diseased friend of family member, on the news, on any of the late night talk shows, in a google search, in print, in a rap song, a music video, on Saturday Night Live, on Comedy Central or other Celebrity Roast show, on an awards show, in an acceptance speech at a correspondence or awards show, on a college campus, in a liberal college or law school classroom, or at a Women's March or other liberal protest.


    Personally, I try to stay away from almost all those venues. But on social media, a conservative post will almost always attract an individual suffering from TSD. Most times, the individual will post an insult or explicative, reinforcing the horrible ravages of the disease, but sometimes - yes sometimes, they will try to address the post and offer their particular viewpoint. Most times, that viewpoint will reflect far-left ideology and an outright hostility to our country, our system of government, our Constitution, and our traditional values.

    I'd like to share with you one such example.

    Right before Christmas, my friend (and columnist) Stan Deatherage wrote a post on social media addressing the looming government shut-down, and the fact that President Trump is more than willing to allow it over funding for the wall.

    Here is what Stan wrote:

    I can't believe I am watching the Democrats shutting down the government a second time, since the election of Donald J. Trump, with their arguing point that they must politically "Resist" this President, regardless of the tangible damage committed to this nation.

    We see that at every turn: Democrats, who have voted for a wall and border security in the recent past, now continually advocate for "Open Borders" and an open abdication for the rule of law at every possible political point.

    Like it or not, this President knows his base of patriotic voters, and will follow their lead to secure our borders, and protect our people at home and abroad, just as passionately as the Democrat base advocates that their Liberal politicians create Open Borders to allow more supposed future voters beginning as illegal immigrants; abdication of national defense whenever possible in hopes of acceptance within the political trappings of the New World Order; and their complete defense and anxious acceptance of the accelerated growth of Socialism.

    Never in the history of this Constitutional Republican have two groups of base voters been more different. Democrats can blame President Donald J. Trump all they wish, but, if it was not this President, it would be another one who would stand up for the patriots that still inhabit this nation.


    It is my prayer that President Trump will not back down and stand for those patriots that know that securing our borders in a necessity for the continued sovereignty of this nation.

    I personally agree with Stan. Several of my previous articles outline my support for border control, including the most persuasive argument of all, which is that national security is probably the #1 responsibility of the federal government. Allowing people to pour into our country illegally and unaccounted for runs completely counter to our Constitution and our Rule of Law. There aren't a lot of things I feel I pay federal income taxes for (because the federal government doesn't actually provide me and my family with much) but I do feel that national security and safety together are the one true consolation I get - I SHOULD get - for the exorbitant amount of taxes I pay every April 15th. In fact, if the government ignores that one primary responsibility, I have a hard time believing I should have to pay taxes.

    Anyway, a Ms. Angela (full name withheld out of decency) responded to Stan's post with this with a typical liberal, Democrat, socialist comment:

    "Here's a thought, Trump come up with something other than a wall. For 5 billion dollars every American can be insured. Just a thought. We all know a wall won't stop the immigrants. History has proven this time and again."

    Frist of all, she makes the outrageous claim that walls don't work - that "history has proven this time and again." I don't know what history she is referring to, but I think most of us who can read books and who have paid attention to the news recognize that statement as "fake news."

    Let's look at some of the walls that work - that keep people out: First, we have the Israel-West Bank Wall (which is actually more a security fence). Almost immediately after it was constructed, in 2001-2002, the number of successful terror attacks in the Jewish state dropped by 90%). Second, we have the Berlin Wall, which effectively prevented any movement between East and West Berlin (mostly to keep East Berliners from leaving). Third, we have the Cyprus Wall, which, built in 1974 after Turkey invaded the island, divides Cyprus between the northern Turkish portion and the remaining Greek section. Fourth, we have the India-Pakistan Wall (actually a border fence and wall system), built by India to keep Pakistanis out. Thank God for that wall because nowhere else in the world could a simple border incident so quickly escalate into nuclear war. (That's a testament to how effective the wall is !!) Fifth, we have the Turkey-Syria Wall, which was built by Turkey during the 1990's to prevent an Kurdish militant insurgency. It worked very well, for over 15 years. It was only when Turkey's leader, Erdogan, removed many of the defenses and turned a blind eye to border security that the terrorism problem in Syria, with repercussions in Turkey as well, grew so great. Sixth, we have the Morocco-Algeria Wall, which was a 1,700-mile system of sand berms, fences, mine fields, and ditches built by Morocco to defend against Algerian terrorists. Like the others, it was an effective wall.

    There are other walls as well: Saudi Arabia just built a wall along its disputed border with Yemen to keep Yemeni-based terrorists out. India has a long-standing border fence with Bangladesh to prevent illegal immigration. Hungary is building a fence to protect its borders. Greece maintains a heavily protected border with Turkey. Spain fortifies its enclaves in Africa. [See Michael Rubin's article "The Places Where Walls Work" and the article by Simon Tomlinson, "World of Walls")


    And, of course, let's not forget Hadrian's Wall (73 miles of heavily fortified wall, in the Roman province of Britannia, begun in AD 122 during the reign of the Roman emperor Hadrian), the wall around the Vatican, the wall erected at the Academy Awards (to keep the ordinary folk out so that Hollywood elite could lump praise on one another and party in privacy), the gated homes of celebrities (like the one Ryan Seacrest is buying from Ellen DeGeneres), and the gated communities that too many US Congressmen live in. Why do they have walls?? To keep those that don't belong out !

    As the organization, Legal Immigrants for America (LIFA), has long stated: "A nation without walls is not a nation, and a nation without borders is not a nation."

    Second of all, when she suggests that we use the $5 billion President Trump wants to fund the wall instead "to insure every American," she is really saying this: Those that can afford their own healthcare will still be forced to do so, and in fact, we'll ask them to pay more so that everyone else who can't afford healthcare insurance will be provided it for free. And because she wants the government to neglect the border and allow uncontrolled immigration, she suggests that hard-working, law-abiding, LEGAL Americans provide free healthcare for illegals as well.

    So, what she is suggesting is that we not only continue to allow anyone who wants to come here to do so, and by any means they can, but we should also provide more and more magnets to attract them here.

    In California, 73% of its illegal aliens are on welfare, other means-tested programs (such as Food Stamps, Housing Assistance, Federal Tax Credits), and on social programs. Nationally, 63% - 70% of all illegal aliens (non-citizens) are on welfare, other means-tested programs, and social programs. Of course, there is no way for the government to know exactly how many illegals are in our country (that's what "undocumented" means), and so their numbers admittedly are always on the low side. The number we are given, however, is 4.6 million illegal households that are on welfare. For those illegals in this country 10 years or more, the average is over 70%, which goes to show that once illegals go on welfare and get other "free stuff" (programs that citizens have to pay for), they tend to stay on them. [See Paul Bedard's article "Census Confirms 63 Percent of Non-Citizens on Welfare, 4.6 Million Households"]

    Put compassion aside, because laws are about right and wrong, and not about feelings or compassion or heartstrings. That is what volunteer organizations are for. Government and laws are designed to work for the benefit of legal members of society. Every country not only has limited resources (including tax dollars, because every government of a free people has the obligation to tax its people as little as possible) but has the sovereign right to control who enters the country and the right to know exactly who is entering the country. The rightful expectation of an American citizen is that government MUST enforce the laws that carry out the core functions delegated to it under the Constitution. If the government doesn't obey laws, why should its citizens?
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Does President Trump Have Authority to Secure Our Southern Border? Local News & Expression, Editorials, For Love of God and Country, Op-Ed & Politics TAKE ACTION NOW! Tell Congress to Fund the Wall


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