Beaufort Observer | Eastern North Carolina Now

The Beaufort Observer is a Community Website serving Beaufort County. It is a subsidiary of Eagle Publishing, Inc.


Beaufort Observer

Beaufort Observer

Rant & Rave

From The Right

If we vote the way we have always voted we will get the kind of government we have always gotten
Accepting the unacceptable makes the unacceptable acceptable
Bill Moore tell us how to tell when the left is lying

Hood: I'd Rather Be Right

Another case of "be careful what you wish for," you may just get it
This election comes down to what kind of government we want, capitalism or communism
If we vote the way we have always voted we will get the kind of government we have always gotten

Rev. Mark Creech

From Bedford Falls to Pottersville

Bonus Deal

What is known about America's latest service branch

Latest Beaufort Observer Comments

All things considered, it was possibly the worst campaign for a Republican in the history of North Carolina for that important of a seat. Mark Robinson's political career is over for any major seat.

Why? His campaign was incredibly pathetic, and he bears responsibility too. I have a Raleigh friend (one of my wife's best childhood friends, but I like her too), who had a huge fundraiser for Mark, and I just have to wonder how she feels right now about how her time and money was spent.

One day, I shall ask her.

Dale Folwell would have won that seat, and that is why I voted for and supported Dale in the primary. Plus, I know Dale, and I know that he is solid.
Commented: Sunday, November 10th, 2024 @ 12:25 pm By: Stan Deatherage
The upcoming German election will be an immigration election. The Christian Democrats, who had already toughened their position against illegal immigration after Merkel left, has just further toughened their position. On the left the anti-immigration BSW is eating heavily into the vote of the Social Democrats and Green and will probably wipe out the Left Party entirely.
Commented: Sunday, November 10th, 2024 @ 11:52 am By: borderhawk
ONe example of how totally inept Mark Robinson's campaign was can be seen by his utter failure to raise this issue against Josh (Fraken)Stein, who was very vulnerable on it. His consultants and campaign staff should NEVER be hired by any future Republican campaign.
Commented: Sunday, November 10th, 2024 @ 11:46 am By: Rino Hunter
We should encourage this. Get as much of the woke mind virus out of the country as possible. Then concentrate the rest of it in places like California and New York where they cannot screw up our elections in places like North Carolina. Let them enjoy all the illegal aliens and crime in their new homes. When the leftie women cut off the soy boys, maybe the soy boys will start thinking straight and become real men again. Every bit of this tantrum is positive for us.
Commented: Sunday, November 10th, 2024 @ 11:40 am By: Rino Hunter
Who knows how many Soros has been paying off! He would love to see America fall. After all he is apart of the World Economic Forum.
Commented: Saturday, November 9th, 2024 @ 11:32 pm By: Jann
That gibberish at the end of your second paragraph shows you need to see a mental health professional, Bobbie. Maybe your TDS is getting out of hand?
Commented: Saturday, November 9th, 2024 @ 6:27 pm By: John Steed
It would appear that Josef Goebbels and Lord Haw Haw, as well as the faceless propagandists at Pravda of the Stalin era are the role models for America's corporate media, AKA the alphabet media. MSM should stand for Marxist Socialist Media. I think these phonies lost the last ounce of credibility and trust that anyone had in them this election. They should NEVER be allowed to run presidential debates ever again.
Commented: Saturday, November 9th, 2024 @ 8:57 am By: Concerned Taxpayer


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