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Beaufort Observer

Beaufort Observer

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From The Right

If we vote the way we have always voted we will get the kind of government we have always gotten
Accepting the unacceptable makes the unacceptable acceptable
Bill Moore tell us how to tell when the left is lying

Hood: I'd Rather Be Right

If we vote the way we have always voted we will get the kind of government we have always gotten
Check it out and see if you think this is an exhibit of Open Government
It is always easier for government to waste money when you forget whose money it is

Rev. Mark Creech

From Bedford Falls to Pottersville

Bonus Deal

What is known about America's latest service branch

Latest Beaufort Observer Comments

US immigration law as passed by Congress provides for those wishing to immigrate to apply properly, be vetted, provide assurances they will not become a public charge, and be approved before they come. Those who just crash the border are called "illegal aliens" and are NOT entitled to enter the US. Obama and now Biden-Harris, through unlawful executive orders and rules have perverted our immigration laws passed by Congress. Catch and release, parole pipelines, DACA, etc. are NOT approved by Congress.

The House passed HR2 to tighten up and reform the situation at the border but the Democrats in the Senate refuse to call it up for a vote. Instead, they offered an open borders bill to legitimize Biden's open borders practices, but do not have the votes to pass it. It is an awful bill that just makes things worse. HR2 is what we need to solve the border problem.

The Dmeocrats are trying to fundamentally alter America with their border politics, to bring in more voters for their side. That is who is playing politics on the issue. If we could just get the actual immigration law we already have, as passed by Congress years ago, enforced that would do a lot to help the problem, but HR2 adds even more.
Commented: Monday, September 9th, 2024 @ 11:07 am By: borderhawk
More of America is going to be seeing these Kamalavilles of illegal alien migrants unless we send President Trump back to the White House so he can start on the mass deportation that polls show America wants.
Commented: Monday, September 9th, 2024 @ 8:24 am By: Conservative Voter
Wow! Kamala Harris is even to the left of our resident Marxist woke troll.
Commented: Monday, September 9th, 2024 @ 8:20 am By: Conservative Voter
Most of the Haitians come in by way of Mexico, so Trump's wall would have been helpful there. The second way they come in is with the Biden-Harris "parole pipeline" which allows them to come straight in, on flights our taxpayers pay for, and get around the pesky provisions of our Congressionally-passed immigration laws. This program was found so full of fraud that due to an Inspector General report, it had to be totally shut down, but now Biden and Harris have reopened it in spite of the massive fraud. There is no basis in actual law for the "parole pipeline". The Biden-Harris regime just made it up out of thin air to get around our immigration laws so they could let more illegal aliens into the country.
Commented: Monday, September 9th, 2024 @ 7:52 am By: borderhawk
Of course it was a test, just like you will own nothing and be happy. When Henry Kissinger and King Charles helped good old Klaus Schwab start the World Economic Forum in 1971, they knew exactly what they wanted to do for the future of the World! I think Agenda 21 speaks for itself. The Rockefeller Foundation published "The Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" in May 2010. Which also ties in with everything happening today and beyond. Starting on page 17 of that document they give a breakdown of the years coming ahead. You might want to look into that document and see what these sick evil people are planning.
Commented: Sunday, September 8th, 2024 @ 8:06 pm By: Jann
These organizations which work against free speech should be defunded, and the US bureaucrats responsible for funding them should be fired. Further, we should compile lists of opponensts of free speech worldwide and they should be denied entry into the US, whether private or govrerment. We keep terrorists out, and those who suppress free speech are just as evil.
Commented: Sunday, September 8th, 2024 @ 4:30 pm By: Conservative Voter
So, Bobbie, do you agree with Kamala Harris when she said school resources officers should be removed from schools? That would have upped the body count in Georgia.
Commented: Sunday, September 8th, 2024 @ 4:10 pm By: John Steed


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