Wind and solar energy which is being pushed by the globalists is very land intensive, and their demand for more of it to reach "net zero" CO2 is destroying many natural wonders and much farmland. A public document request in Scotland last year revealed that the country's official forestry agency calculates that 13.1 million trees have been chopped down just on public land in that country to build wind and solar facilities.
Now, loss of a court case in Germany means a significant part of the ancient Reinhartswald forest, the setting for the Grimms Faity Tales, is being clearcut to build wind turbines. It is estimated that 120,000 tress will be lost in the state of Hessen. Farther south, in Baden-Wurtemberg, the state government, ironically led by the "Green" Party, is clearcutting swaths of the famed Black Forest to build wind turbines. In losing these forests, Germany is also losing a significant wildlife habitat.
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Rino Hunter said:
( April 1st, 2024 @ 9:37 pm )
There's not a dime's worth of difference between globalist "truthers" and 9/11 "truthers". Same breed of cat.
9/11 truthers are nuts.
Globalist "truthers" like Little Bobbie are just as noxious as 9/11 "truthers" and just as devoid of real truth.
Episode.. of truth
Bobbie better watch out for those red flag laws. He's gone full nutter.
Did you make it to 4 th grade |
Photosynthesis is real science, whether one is in grade school or grad school. Climate alarmism, on the other hand, is nothing but science fiction or at best political science. The Climategate email dump exposed the climate alarmists for the scammers they are.
And that last bit of gibberish might get you "red flagged", Little Bobbie. |
One might think cT drinks gasoline and poops coal.
He keeps quoting the 3rd grade lesson we all learn about respiration and photosynthesis. as if thats it. Bhahahahahahahaha |
Environmentalists used to be known as "tree huggers" but the recent climate cult variants now seem to be tree enemies. Not only are they destroying massive numbers of trees to build wind turbines and solar farms and for "biomass" but also clearcutting Amazon forests, the lungs of the planet for balsa wood for wind turbine blades.
Anyone who has taken basic science should know that trees, like all plants, take CO2 out of the atmosphere in photosynthesis and release oxygen. If these zealots are really concerned about CO2, why is it that they are massively destroying the natural mechanism to take CO2 out of the atmosphere? Is there some other, hidden, agenda? |
Don't forget that other "green energy" scam, biomass, where they chop down old growth forests in the US and Canada to make wood pellets to burn to make electricity in Europe and in the US. Burning wood pellets emits more CO2 than coal, so what is the point other that chopping down our forests?