Results found for common core standards | Eastern North Carolina Now

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25 Results found for common core standards

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On Friday, December 18th, the North Carolina Academic Standards Review Commission (ASRC) tasked with providing recommendations to replace Common Core standards held their last meeting. All indications over the prior fourteen months of meetings pointed to substantial changes being recommended.
On Friday, December 18th, the North Carolina Academic Standards Review Commission (ASRC) tasked with providing recommendations to replace Common Core standards held their last meeting. All indications over the prior fourteen months of meetings pointed to substantial changes being recommended.
The Common Core Standards is a private and federal initiative to reform public education into one that spits out workers, not thinkers
The Common Core Standards is a private and federal initiative to reform public education into one that spits out workers, not thinkers
Professor Terrance Moore of Hillsdale College presents "How Common Core Destroys the Minds and Souls of our Children"
We've had judges try to tell us that Jefferson, Adams & co. all created a right to taxpayer-funded abortion when they drafted our Constitution.
We've had judges try to tell us that Jefferson, Adams & co. all created a right to taxpayer-funded abortion when they drafted our Constitution.
The NC Department of Administration announced the 11 members of the Academic Standards Review Commission and provided notice of its inaugural meeting.
The NC Department of Administration announced the 11 members of the Academic Standards Review Commission and provided notice of its inaugural meeting.
As students head back to high school this fall, they and their parents will quickly discover that much of traditional American history taught in Advanced Placement (AP) courses for college credit is being rewritten with a distinctive left-leaning bias.
As students head back to high school this fall, they and their parents will quickly discover that much of traditional American history taught in Advanced Placement (AP) courses for college credit is being rewritten with a distinctive left-leaning bias.
Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest today announced his intention to create the North Carolina Education Endowment aimed at supplementing teacher pay in our public schools.
Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest today announced his intention to create the North Carolina Education Endowment aimed at supplementing teacher pay in our public schools.
Today, Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest, responding to legislative action to replace Common Core State Standards in North Carolina, issued the following statement
Today, Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest, responding to legislative action to replace Common Core State Standards in North Carolina, issued the following statement
From the standards grows an entire industry that seeks to make money "training" educators how to get students to do at least well enough on those tests.
From the standards grows an entire industry that seeks to make money "training" educators how to get students to do at least well enough on those tests.
The meeting will allow Sen. Cook to hear from his constituents on the recent implementation of Common Core Standards in the N.C. Public School System.
The meeting will allow Sen. Cook to hear from his constituents on the recent implementation of Common Core Standards in the N.C. Public School System.
Recently, I have encountered folks who blame the N.C. General Assembly for introducing the Common Core State Standards to North Carolina.
Recently, I have encountered folks who blame the N.C. General Assembly for introducing the Common Core State Standards to North Carolina.
Do other professions require their "best" employees to give up an accomplishment to get a raise?
Do other professions require their "best" employees to give up an accomplishment to get a raise?
During his ten minute testimony, Forest expressed his belief that the Common Core standards roll out in NC represents a long term danger to local control of education decisions in our school systems.
During his ten minute testimony, Forest expressed his belief that the Common Core standards roll out in NC represents a long term danger to local control of education decisions in our school systems.
Congressman Walter Jones takes action and relates it to his constituents through these press releases.
Congressman Walter Jones takes action and relates it to his constituents through these press releases.
In an editorial earlier this week, News & Observer editors admonished those who seek to slow down the implementation of Common Core Standards and want the state to back out from national testing requirements.
In an editorial earlier this week, News & Observer editors admonished those who seek to slow down the implementation of Common Core Standards and want the state to back out from national testing requirements.
McCrory previewed his legislative agenda in a speech at the Hunt Institute's Holshouserhmc Legislators Retreat on Monday night, though he did not provide specific policy plans.
McCrory previewed his legislative agenda in a speech at the Hunt Institute's Holshouserhmc Legislators Retreat on Monday night, though he did not provide specific policy plans.
Senator Bill Cook (R-District 1) is scheduled to hold a town hall meeting in Washington N.C., on Monday, Feb. 03, at 6:30 p.m.
Senator Bill Cook (R-District 1) is scheduled to hold a town hall meeting in Washington N.C., on Monday, Feb. 03, at 6:30 p.m.
It's too bad that we have to turn to history books detailing events of generations long ago to appreciate principled American leaders.
It's too bad that we have to turn to history books detailing events of generations long ago to appreciate principled American leaders.
This commentary will make more sense if you review this article and particularly if you watch the video of Dr. Phipps' report to the Beaufort County Board of Education at its November meeting.
This commentary will make more sense if you review this article and particularly if you watch the video of Dr. Phipps' report to the Beaufort County Board of Education at its November meeting.
On June 2, 2010 the North Carolina State Board of Education adopted the Common Core math and English Language Arts standards. Opinion regarding the quality of the English Language Arts (ELA) standards appears divided.
On June 2, 2010 the North Carolina State Board of Education adopted the Common Core math and English Language Arts standards. Opinion regarding the quality of the English Language Arts (ELA) standards appears divided.
Assumes national standards are the route to superior academic and economic performance.
Assumes national standards are the route to superior academic and economic performance.
The superintendent of the Department of Public Instruction, June Atkinson, has insisted that teachers were a crucial part of the state's planning process for Common Core.
The superintendent of the Department of Public Instruction, June Atkinson, has insisted that teachers were a crucial part of the state's planning process for Common Core.
On June 13 the state Department of Public Instruction (DPI) released Common Core Demystified. The document was intended to quell what DPI regarded as confusion and stem the growing public opposition to Common Core Standards (CCS).
On June 13 the state Department of Public Instruction (DPI) released Common Core Demystified. The document was intended to quell what DPI regarded as confusion and stem the growing public opposition to Common Core Standards (CCS).
Last fall public schools in North Carolina along with 44 other states began implementing Common Core Standards.
Last fall public schools in North Carolina along with 44 other states began implementing Common Core Standards.
In 2010 the North Carolina State Board of Education unanimously adopted national Common Core Standards (CCS) in English and mathematics.
In 2010 the North Carolina State Board of Education unanimously adopted national Common Core Standards (CCS) in English and mathematics.


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