Is Procedure more Important than Substance? | Eastern North Carolina Now

Our BOC corrupts the process of governance in a republic


By:  Hood Richardson

Officious, comes about when control of the subject and people becomes more important than issues.  Officious processes and “dictating how we do things” moves to the front when too many decisions are made in the back room or by those who think power has been delegated to them.  These “powerful’ people become very interested in presenting smooth and very polite debate to the public.

Such is now the case with the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners.  Notice that Fake Frankie Waters shuts down debate when approaching the  end of the time set out in the Commissioners agenda.  He is rarely willing to extend times unless it serves his purpose, not the people of the County.  This is because Fake Frankie Waters knows the answer well ahead of time.  Only items that absolutely must come before commissioners are now presented in public.  All other decisions are made in the back room.

This is also how the Beaufort County Republican Party operates.  This started five or six years ago and has morphed into a situation in which the Chairman Carolyn Garris manipulates the Executive Committee. It has cost us candidates and elections.  All governing bodies that cede their authority to the head man become ineffective and create an opportunity for some very unethical behavior.  This happens regularly in the Beaufort County Republican Party.

With this kind of leadership there are severe weaknesses in selecting candidates.  The Beaufort County Republican Party does not vet candidates nor hold candidates to any standard. The Beaufort County Conservative Republican Club does.

About six years ago Republicans, Fake Frankie Waters, along with Gary Brinn, Ron Buzzeo, and Democrats Ed Booth and Jerry Langley announced that the County Board of Commissioners would function primarily as a decision-making body for items recommended by the County Staff.  This has not served Beaufort County well. Personnel costs skyrocketed, new vehicle purchases skyrocketed, and a lot of County policy has been and is being made in the back room.

The system of Commissioners approving staff recommendations results in  the staff being well taken care of and abolishes the public interest.  Commissioners are locked in to working for the County Staff. Before these really smart Republicans and their Democrat henchmen took over, some meetings did run much later and on occasion meetings were recessed to provide time for additional debate.

Some examples of this are personnel policies.  Many good jobs have gone to people who do not live in Beaufort County.  There is not a policy to stop this practice.

Some important pending legislation has not been presented to commissioners until it was too late to influence the legislation.  A new item that has been in process in Raleigh for about two years is to be presented to commissioners shortly for approval.  I had never heard of proposed revisions to the nutrient storm water rules.   I discovered the new laws by accident.  Revisions have been passed by the Legislature and will shortly be presented to Commissioners.  We will be told that we have no alternative but to pass an enforcement ordinance.  There will be additional expenses in enforcing the ordinance.   This law will heavily impact real estate development in Beaufort County in a negative way.

Another issue involves the replacement of the bridge on NC 33 crossing Chocowinity Creek.   This replacement was reviewed by the Mideast Transportation Committees.  They decided to favor a new temporary bridge beside the new bridge instead of a detour.  This almost doubles the cost of the bridge.  John Rebholz lives in Cypress Landing and is a member of the Transportation Committee.  I guess he would have to drive too far to get to commissioner meetings.  More tax money wasted.

The three above items are the responsibility of the Board of County Commissioners and those individuals who made decisions for us are ignorant of how our form of government actually works. Individual commissioners have no power to speak for or act on behalf of the board, unless specifically authorized by formal board action in an open meeting.  “Back room” dealing or individuals making decisions for boards and commissions divides us as a people.  This is a part of the communist plot now being played on the American People.  It does not matter how ignorant or un-informed these individuals may be, the end result is the same.

Commissioners approving staff recommendations is the same system used in the continuation budget.  Fake Frankie Waters will do everything he can to limit discussion and debate to the time schedule in the agenda.  He knows the Gang of Four (Republicans Waters and Rebholz along with Democrats Langley and Booth) will pass the staff recommended budget with very few changes. This does not serve the citizens of Beaufort County at all. 

Did you notice that the staff recommended putting 5.4 million dollars in a fund for some unknown future capital expenditure?  Fake Frankie Waters, RINO Rebholz and the two Democrats could not wait to pass the staff recommendation.  This severely limits the possibility of a tax reduction this year   Five million dollars is about 7 cents in the tax rate which is about 63.5 cents.   Beaufort County has about 44 million dollars in savings. This is over taxation.  By spending the money these commissioners do not have to give it back to  the rightful owners, the taxpayers.

The Beaufort County Republican Party has failed to support conservative candidates during the past several years.  Frankie Waters and John Rebholz  are not conservative Republicans and may not be Republicans at all.  The Super Executive Committee supported John Rebholz against Tandy Dunn three years ago and are trying to destroy Dunn’s credentials as a Republican. The Chairman filed charges of disloyalty against Dunn simply as a reprisal because Fake Frankie Waters was caught red handed making donations to Democrats.

The Republican precinct meetings and County Convention are to be held Saturday March 25 with registration beginning at 8:30 AM at Southern Acres, 3889 NC Highway 92 East, Bath, NC.  This year we elect new leadership and officers.

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( March 9th, 2023 @ 2:20 pm )
Republicans are supposed to be fiscal conservatives. That means taking a sharp pencil to the budget to keep spending down and taxes down. Republican elected officials who actually do that are what we need in public office, people like US Senator Ted Budd, former Congressman Walter Jones, Jr., State Rep. Keith Kidwell, and Commissioners Stan Deatherage and Hood Richardson. We need more who vote like them. On the other hand, the RINOs who talk a good game but too often vote with the Democrats to spend more money like US Senators Mitch McConnell and Thom Tillis, State Senator Jim Perry, and Commissioner Frankie Waters are the types we need LESS of in public office. Then there are those who just don't seem to understand like commissioner Rebholtz's campaign piece that assured voters he was a "physical conservative".
( March 9th, 2023 @ 10:54 am )
RINO Hunter: Anytime there is real, undeniable Party Disloyalty, where the local GOP allocates great succour to those who are obviously disloyal, on every governing level; to the exclusion of those real Republican governing leaders, who strive to do what is purposeful and right; there is an anomaly of total and exacting failure by those hindering the pathways of real Conservatives ... And that simply is not the job of these political neophytes running the Beaufort County GOP.

Reading the jumbled mess of words by the alias "Conservative in Red," an obvious disgruntled GOP Executive Committee member, I am personally reminded of the reality that Conservatives, who endeavor to do what is RIGHT as honest politicians, not only must face down the unrelenting hurdles from the non patriot class of the Left, but NOW must also endure these local "GOP" posers, who believe they are scoring political points by attacking real patriots, like Hood Richardson and others of his peer class. Abjectly, these imposters are NOT helpful, and are a poor reflection upon the Republican Party.

Eventually, just like Fake Frankie Waters, these imposters will be found out, and they will be shown the political door, opened wide, to aid in their newfound path to exile and obscurity.
( March 9th, 2023 @ 9:15 am )
Attending a fund raiser of the opposite party is like an "own goal" in soccer, but just how really bad Tandy Dunn was in doing it would depend on the exact circumstances. What is much worse, however, is something that has been discussed on these boards a number of times before, and that is certain RINOs voting for a Democrat over a Republican for a county commission leadership position and forming a governing coalition with liberal Democrats to exclude conservative Republicans. It is Frankie Waters and John Rebholtz who are clearly guilty of serious party disloyalty there. It is their alliance with very liberal Democrat Jerry Langley that is the root of the commission's big spending ways, and these disloyal Republicans are apparently committed to Langley's pet budget busting project, an unneeded big new jail. There do not seem to be any negative consequences on the Republican Party of whatever Tandy Dunn did, but there are lots of negative consequences from what Frankie Waters and John Rebholtz are continuing to do.

Hood Richardson is indeed one of the two real Republicans that we can depend on to fight for taxpayers to keep spending under control and taxes down. Frankie Waters might as well still be the liberal Democrat he was most of his life, and Rebholtz and Walker are hit and miss on spending issues. Waters party switch 8 years ago was only a facade and has never been real. He is an infiltrator who still carries water for the Democrats.
( March 9th, 2023 @ 6:42 am )
To Conservative in red. From the content of the lies in your message, I think I know who you are. Do you have the courage to use your real name or will you continue to be the manipulating coward you have always been.
( March 9th, 2023 @ 7:18 am )
"Hold Beaufort County back"????? You sound like a liberal big spending type, NOT a conservative. While I do not agree with any politician on every little thing they do, Richardson has been a stalwart for the taxpayers, fighting to lower our taxes and cut wasteful spending. It is the sell out "Republicans" led by Frankie Waters who collude with the Democrats to keep our taxes high and spend like drunken sailors. I do not know or care about all the inside baseball stuff about what Dunn did or did not do, but what happened with the school security was that Ernie Coleman pulled the plug on the sheriff's department doing that, and the school board plugged the gap. I agree we need to get back to the sheriff doing it, and now that we have a new sheriff who wants to do it, I hope that can be done as soon as possible. It is better security for the children and better value for the taxpayers.
( March 8th, 2023 @ 10:45 pm )
It is such a shame that Hood Richardson continues to hold Beaufort County back. His backroom deals have hurt this county tremendously as well as our student's safety. Yes, he made a backroom deal and supported the contract for the private security force for the schools. He didn't care about the cost to the taxpayer. Vendetta driven. Moreover, anyone that serves on the Beaufort County Republican Party Executive committee agrees to follow the Plan of Organization. Tandy Dunn attended fundraisers for a Democrat candidate. This is against the Plan of Organization and he was deemed automatically resigned. If the shoe fits, wear it. Some people do not like to follow the rules. They like to bully people and spread lies like the left. If you tell a lie long enough, people will begin to believe it. The gig is up. You only attend the BC GOP meetings to cause discord and division. Hood's PAC has Democrat candidates speak at his meetings. He supported non-Republicans during the last election.
( March 7th, 2023 @ 1:34 pm )
Thank-you Hood for your tenacious grasp on the reality of good governing. I am proud to be included as one of your most loyal constituents.

10 Benefits Of Still Wearing A Face Mask Hood: I'd Rather Be Right, Editorials, Beaufort Observer, Op-Ed & Politics Female Pilot Hoping The Check Engine Light Will Just Go Out Eventually


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