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Beaufort Observer Editorial Team's Entries

There are alternatives. Our best and brightest should seek them out
There are alternatives. Our best and brightest should seek them out
It is time we elected new board members who will speak up for the people
It is time we elected new board members who will speak up for the people
Short of some unforeseen catastrophe Trump will win easily.
Short of some unforeseen catastrophe Trump will win easily.
Still to early to know all we need to know, but we now know much more than we did last Saturday
Still to early to know all we need to know, but we now know much more than we did last Saturday
The existing School Board should vote to put this project on hold until new Board is seated
The existing School Board should vote to put this project on hold until new Board is seated
Watch and be sensitive to the events which will possibly unfold in the coming days.
Watch and be sensitive to the events which will possibly unfold in the coming days.
We hold these truths to be self evident
You reckon all those lobbyists Health Care sends to Raleigh have anything to do with this debacle?
You reckon all those lobbyists Health Care sends to Raleigh have anything to do with this debacle?
One would be hard-pressed to find a poorer example of school planning
One would be hard-pressed to find a poorer example of school planning
Stop! making bad decisions on a new school and get it right
Stop! making bad decisions on a new school and get it right
If you want to show how NOT to build a school there is no better example than this new Eastern Elementary School being planned in secret.
If you want to show how NOT to build a school there is no better example than this new Eastern Elementary School being planned in secret.
Average increase in costs at the grocery store
Average increase in costs at the grocery store
Not a dime's worth of difference between D's and R's in the GA leadership
Not a dime's worth of difference between D's and R's in the GA leadership
Accepting the unacceptable makes the unacceptable acceptable
Accepting the unacceptable makes the unacceptable acceptable
This project, if it proceeds as planned, will be another boondoggle of school construction by the Beaufort County Commissioners
This project, if it proceeds as planned, will be another boondoggle of school construction by the Beaufort County Commissioners
Unless the SCOTUS fixes this mess we will no long live in a free country under the Rule of Law.
Unless the SCOTUS fixes this mess we will no long live in a free country under the Rule of Law.
Rounds, Tillis, Graham, and Lankford join liberal colleagues in confirming more Democratic judges.
Rounds, Tillis, Graham, and Lankford join liberal colleagues in confirming more Democratic judges.
Mark Alexander, writing at the Patriot Post penned these words
Mark Alexander, writing at the Patriot Post penned these words
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