Illegal alien migrants behaving badly - migrants and crime NEWLY UPDATED | Eastern North Carolina Now

illegal alien "asylum seeker" migrants are a crime wave on both sides of the Atlantic


An illegal alien from Mexico has been arrested for criminal homicide for killing a prominent Tennessee restaurant owner in a hit and run crash in a stolen car.

A 25 year old Australian tourist was gang raped by five "African type men" in Paris. Police statistics show that 77% of rapes and sexual assaults in Paris are committed by illegal aliens.

An illegal alien who had already been deported three times but came back, has been arrested in Stockton, California for arson and murder, after setting a trailer on fire, killing a mother and two children who were asleep inside.

An 11 (eleven) year old illegal alien from Morrocco, who arrived last year as an unaccompanied minor has been arrested for over 70 (seventy) burglaries in northwestern Germany and was also identified as the leader of a youth criminal gang made up of illegal aliens.  Under German law, he cannot be prosecuted as an adult for his crimes, and the left of center state government where he was arrested does not allow secure confinement of illegal alien youths, so attempts are being made to put him in secure confinement in a different German state.

An illegal alien from Columbia has been arrested for the murder of two homosexual men who lived together in Bristol, England and trying to throw their diemembered bodies packed in suitcases from a bridge.  The murderer had briefly been a guest of the two men in their home prior to the murders.

A 19 year old illegal alien from Honduras who apparently entered the US as an "unaccompanied minor" has been arrested in Charlotte, NC for one count of first degree murder and five counts of attempted murder after randomly shooting into cars and houses.  A 16 year old accomplice was also arrested but his asylum status is unknown.

An illegal alien from Morrocco  has been charged with homicide for pushing a 55 year old passenger down a flight of steps at a railway station in Germany in a random, unprovoked attack.  The illegal alien had just been released from police custody on other charges of pickpocketing and assault.  The victim suffered severe head injuries and died on the scene.

An illegal alien from Mexico who overstayed a 6 month work visa has been arrested in Wisconsin for the murder of two children and attempted murder of their mother, all of whom suffered multiple stab wounds.  He had been arrested twice for DWI after overstaying his  visa but not deported.

A 25 year old illegal alien from Honduras has been charged with manslaugher of a 6 year old Alabama girl who died in a car crash where the illegal alien was driving drunk, three times the legal linit.

Illegal aliens from the Middle East and Africa tryiing to cross the border from Belarus into Poland having been attacking Polish soldiers and local residents living near the border with spears, slingshots, thrown rocks and bottles, and other items.  The spears are often dipped in feces to cause infection.  Lately, if they are not actually attacking, the migrants make a throat slitting gesture to Polish soldiers.  Several weeks ago an illegal alien reached through the bollards of the border wall and stabbed a Polish soldier in the chest killing him and the throat slitting gestures began after that incident.

Illegal alien Joshua Aviala-Bonifacio, 19, an illegal alien from Haiti, was one of three people arrested for the murder of a New Orleans tour guide who was shot to death in the French Quarter.

Brutal wars between illegal alien drug gangs have spread from Belgium to Germany.  The Morroccan drug gang involved in the Netherlands brutal gang wars is trying to move in on a Lebanese drug gang in Germany.  Police in Germany just arrested four thugs from the  Morroccan drug gang for kidnapping and torturing a couple connected to the Lebanese drug gang.

Four illegal aliens from Venezuela have been arrested in Chicago for choking, robbing, and beating a man on a train.  They gave a migrant shelter in Chicago as their address.

A 37 year old illegal alien from Nigeria who stabbed two police officers and bit a third after grabbing a 9 year old boy at the Karlsruhe railway station has been released without charges by a public prosecutor.  The illegal alien had been confronted when he tried to ride a train without a ticket.  Two of the police officers had to take sick leave to recuperate from their injuries inflicted by the illegal alien.

A 31 year old illegal alien from El Salvador living in South Carolina has been found to be wanted for murder in his home country and to be a member of the extremely violent criminal gang MS13. He was arrested for possession of marijuana on a traffic stop in Berkley County, South Carolina.  In running his information, it was found that he was a wanted criminal.

A 20 year old illegal alien from Gruatamala has been charged with murder in the death of a 21 month old boy in Pennsylvania.  The death was from blunt trauma to the chest as a result of being struck there by the illegal alien with his fist.  ICE has filed a detainer on him.

An illegal alien from Iran was shot dead by police after he attacked the officers with a knife at a train station near Nuremburg, Germany and stabbed a police trainee.  The officers had pepper sprayed the illegal alien and fired a warning shot in the air when he first approached them with a knife, but when he still attacked them and stabbed the police trainee, they shot him dead.

A 26 year old illegal alien from Haiti who has been indicted for the rape of a 15 year old disabled girl in the sanctuary state of Massachusetts has been released by a liberal judge on $500 bail.

A 15 year old Muslim illegal alien boy has pled guilty to a terrorist plot to drive a rented truck last Christmas season into a Christmas market crowd in Leverkusen, Germany to kill as many Christmas shoppers as possible.  A 16 year old Muslim illegal alien accomplice is still awaiting trial.

An illegal alien from Ecuador who was released into the US through Biden's open borders in 2023 has been arrested for the murder of a 21 year old girl on her birthday in the sanctuary state of Illinois.  The girl was strangled to death and her body disposed of in a shallow grave.  There is no word yet whether she was raped.

A 21 year old blond woman was relaxing in a small urban park when a gang of seven Syrian illegal aliens approached in Chemnitz, Germany, began insulting her, punched her in the face, reached under her skirt to sexually molest her, and started dragging her toward an alley.  A couple heard her screams and ran to her rescue, whereupon the Syrians assaulted her some more and departed.

An illegal alien wanted for murder in the Dominican Republic has been found living in the sanctuary state of Massachusetts.

A turf war between illegal alien drug gangs in Brussels, Belgium has led to a spate of murders, kidnappings, bombings, and street blockades.  One gang is Morroccans and locally based and the other is Algerian and based in Marsailles, France.  Fortunately, a major bust in Brussels has just gone down to start jailing these illegal alien drug gangs.

According to the city's police chief, the explosion of violent crime, including knife crime, in the German capital of Berlin comes from young male illegal aliens.  "To put it bluntly, according to our figures, the violence in Berlin is young, male, and has a non-German background," declared Berlin Police President Barbara Slowik, "This also applies to knife violence."

It is not just big cities like Berlin that are having these problems.  In the small spa town of Bad Oeynhausen in North Rhein - Westphalia, a gang of ten Middle Eastern illegal alien migrants beat up two young German men who were walking home from a graduation party, putting both in the hospital with one in danger of death with severe head injuries. UPDATE: one of the young men has now died.

Two illegal aliens from Venezuela, aged 21 and 26 have been arrested for the rape and murder of a 12 year old Texas girl, who was strangled and her body dumped in a bayou.  One of the illegal alien rapist / murderers had only crossed Biden's open border a month ago.

A 23 year old illegal alien from El Salvador has been arrested for the rape and murder of a 37 year old American mother of five in Bel-Air, Maryland.  The illegal alien had murdered a young woman in his home country in January 2023, crossed Biden's open border into the US in February, and the following month committed a home invasion in California where he sexually assaulted an American mother and her nine year old daughter.  In announcing the arrest, Maryland law enforcement called out Biden and Congress for the open border saying Americans were unsafe because of it.  This is the second young woman murdered by an illegal alien in this small rural county in just a few months.

A 12-year old Jewish girl has been beaten and gang raped by three youths in a heavily Muslim suburb of Paris.   The girl was called a "dirty Jew" with other anti-semitic and anti-Israel slurs.  They threatened to kill her and her family if she reported the attack.

Germans are outraged that a court gave more prison time to a 20-year old German woman for "insulting" a migrant rapist than they did to the nine actual illegal alien rapists who had gang raped a 14 year old girl for hours in a park.  The woman had found the phone number of one of the illegal alien rapists online and sent a text message calling him a "dishonorable rapist pig" and a "disgusting miscarriage" and asking "aren't you ashamed when you look in the mirror."  All of the actual gang rapists got probation for the rapes but the woman had to serve jail time for the "insult".

Twenty illegal alien youths from Afghanistan and Syria have been arrested for severely beating a German 14 year old boy in Gera, eastern Germany and posting a video of the beating and torture on social media.

An off duty New York City police officer was carjacked by two illegal alien migrants from Venezuela.  The illegal aliens pulled a pistol on the officer and stole his own service pistol as well as his personal car.

An illegal alien from Iraqi who joined ISIS in 2016 and fought for them in Iraq, has been arrested near Stuttgart, Germany after he was inserted into Germany in late 2022 as an ISIS sleeper agent to prepare for attacks within Germany.

An illegal alien from Ecuador has been arrested in New York City for raping a 13 year old girl.  The girl and a boy of the same age were walking in a park in broad daylight, when the illegal alien confronted them waving a machete, tied them both up, raped the girl, and stole both of their cell phones.  The illegal alien videotaped the rape.  The illegal alien entered the US in 2021 through Biden's open borders.

Germany is seeing a rash of knife crimes, with some of the stabbings resultng in fatalities, and most of it comes from the illegal aliens.

A 31-year old illegal alien from Nicaragua who entered through Biden's open borders murdered a California man by stabbing him to death just days after skipping his immigration hearing.

New York has been deluged with pickpockets since Joe Biden's open borders migrant wave has arrived, and pickpocketing has exploded.  Police and prosecutors do not seem to do much about it.  There are even reports of training courses in South America on how to be a pickpocket.  Is pickpocketkng one of those "jobs Americans don't want to do"????

An illegal alien has been charged in the death of a grandmother and her daughter in Shelby Township, Michigan when he crashed his vehicle into the one they were in.  A Michigan legislator has demanded that Michigan's Democrat Secretary of State explain how the illegal alien had a Michigan drivers license, since Michigan law does not allow licenses to be issued to illegal aliens.

A 19-yeare old illegal alien from Afghanistan has been arrested for attempted  murder of a 41-year old woman who was a war refugee from Ukraine.  The woman was sitting on a park bench in Frankfurt, Germany when the Afghan walked up and for no apparent reason started stabbing her in the head and neck. She was able to get up and flee a short distance but fell to the ground, and the Afghan then stabbed her some more until passers by rushed to her defense and the illegal alien fled.  He was apprehended by police. The victim was very seriously injured in this random attack.

Six Muslim illegal aliens with ISIS ties have been arrested in New York, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia after one of them was caught on a wiretap talking about bombs.  All six had come in through Biden's open borders.  At least one was on the Terrorism Watch List.

A 35 year old serial arsonist Sudanese illegal alien in the French city of Pau has been convicted of setting fire to 16 apartments, multiple vehicles, and a church and seriously injuring a French girl, endangering over 50 people, but the judge will not order his deportation because he is afraid the illegal alien might be in danger if he is returned to Sudan.

An illegal alien from Takikistan who is a member of Muslim terrorist group ISIS was released into the US interior by Biden's DHS.

A Syrian illegal alien was arrested for trying to firebomb the Israeli embassy in Bucharest, Romania.  He was arrested by police after his Molotov cocktail hit the embassy's front door.

A 19-year old illegal alien from Venezuela was arrested for shooting two police officers in New York City.  He had been in the US less than a year, arriving through Biden's open border.  Just weeks before shooting the two police officers, a deportation proceeding against him had been closed by a federal immigration judge allowing him to stay in the US.

An illegal alien "asylum seeker" from Zambia received probation for sexually assaulting a 13 year old French girl.  The girl has tried to kill herself twice since the sexual assault.

A Muslim migrant failed Afghan "asylum seeker" in Mannheim, Germany made a mass stabbing attack on a campaign event of a small rightwing party, injuring a leader of the party and seven others, including mortally wounding a policeman, who was stabbed in the neck.  The police shot and killed the attacker.

Three Venezuelan illegal aliens connected to the Tren de Aragua criminal gang have been arrested in Louisiana for running a sex trafficking gang, bringing Venezuelan girls into the US and forcing them into prostitution.

In Berlin, Germany, a 25 year old illegal alien from Syria broke into an apartment and sexually assaulted a 78-year old woman.  He was arrested for attempted rape but the public prosecutor had him released without bail.  He immediately went out and raped a 23 year old woman, biting her severely in the process.

Diego Castro, an illegal alien, has been arrested at a truck stop in Alleghany County, Virginia for abducting an underage girl against her will in Louisiana and transporting her to Virginia, as well as for indecent liberties with a minor and assault and battery.  The girl was able to get to a phone and call police at the truck stop.

As a group of 50 illegal aliens trying to cross Poland's border wall encountered a patrol of Polish soldiers, one of the illegal aliens thrust a knife between the bollards of the border wall into the chest of one of the soldiers, badly wounding him and the illegal aliens then tried to harrass other soliders and the medical personnel which arrived to treat the wounded soldier. UPDATE: The wounded soldier has since died.

Two illegal aliens from Chechnya, a Muslim area of Russia, were found surveilling the home of a Special Forces colonel in Carthage, NC near Fort Bragg, with one of them on his property taking pictures of his home and his children.  The colonel's own security cameras showed the same illegal alien had been there earlier doing the same thing.  When the colonel confronted the Chechen, he became agressive and the colonel had to shoot him.  The other Chechen was in a vehicle parked nearby.

Members of the violent Venezuelan criminal gang Tren de Aragua are being arrested thousands of miles from the southern border as the gang expands throughout the United States.  Even when jailed, Biden DHS is releasing them back into the US.  The radiical socialist regime in Venezuela released inmates from its prisons and directed them to the US border.

A leading criminology professor has warned that Sweden is on the brink of civil war due to violence by illegal alien migrants.

A 25 year old illegal alien recently arrived from Venezuela who says he is bi-sexual has been arrested for sexual battery of a boy under 12 years of age in Gainesville, Florida.  The illegal alien had been charged with raping two young girls in his home country and complained he had not had sex since arriving in the US.

Antisemitism and attacks on the Jewish community in France have skyrocketed since large numbers of Muslim migrants started entering the country. In the city of Rouen yesterday, an armed Muslim migrant tried to set fire to the city's Synagogue but was shot dead by police before he was able to do so.

A Moroccan illegal alien "asylum seeker" has received a life sentence for his random stabbing attack that killed a 70 year old British pensioner as well as a prior attack on another migrant who had converted to Christianity which left him seriously injured.  The migrant said he conducted both attacks due to being upset with Israel.

Two Jordanian nationals, at least one of whom had recently entered illegally through the southern border and was on the terrorist watch list tried to crash their way into the Quantico Marine base in a truck after claiming to be Amazon delivery drivers.

An illegal alien "asylum seeker" from the Congo who had been held up by the liberal German media as an example of successful integration into German society has been convicted of raping and beating his own mother pulling a knife and threatening to kill her if she denied him sex.

In Graz, Austria, a 14 year old Muslim migrant schoolgirl was arrested for plotting an attack on Christians with axes and knives on the historic main square of the city.  ISIS materials were also found in a police search of her home.

An illegal alien from Mexico has been charged in Los Angeles with two counts of forcible rape after police said he was operating a "rape dungeon on wheels."

A homeless Muslim illegal alien from North Africa has been arrested in Brussels, Belgium for stabbing to death a Belgian couple who had allowed him to stay in a spare room in their home.

A 46 year old illegal alien from El Salvador was arrested in West Virginia for murdering a 33 year old woman in Berkeley  County and in a separate incident severely injuring two homeless people with a baseball bat in  Jefferson County. The illegal alien had been denied asylum in Canada, but Biden's border patrol released him on parolie into the US interior even though he had spend 20 years in prison in El Salvador for convictions of murder, robbery, and drug trafficking.

Germany's rail union has complained that the country's rail system is turning into a "battleground" due to attacks by male migrants on female rail workers and passengers, with an average of 90 violent crimes and sexual assaults per day on German trains and stations..

A 26 year old illegal alien from Mexico who was deported under President Trump but returned under BIden's open borders has been arrested in Montgomery County, Texas for killing a three month old baby.

In France, at least two prison guards have been killed in a gang ambush that freed a Muslim drug gang kingpin from a prison transport van.

Gangs of illegal aliens are engaging in  widespread oil theft in the Permian Basin in West Texas, the largest US oil field.  Is oil theft one of those "jobs Americans don't want to do"?

In the Belgian city of Kortrijk, a gang of ten "asylum seeker" migrant youths from Muslim North Africa and Somalia are being sought for the gang rape of a 14 year old Belgian schoolgirl, after posting videos of it on Snapchat. This is the second gang rape by migrants of a young girl in that city in weeks.

In the first three months of 2024, the sanctuary city of Chicago has arrested over 1,000 Venezuelan illegal aliens for various crimes.

Recent German crime statistics show that while illegal aliens make up 14% of the population in Germany, they commit nearly 60% of all violent crimes.

A 20 year old illegal alien from Guatemala who came in through Biden's open borders has been arrested in Florida for kidnapping and raping an 11 year old girl.

An illegal alien from Mali who says he is a Muslim holy man, laughed at the judge when he was given a 15 year sentence for raping nine women in Paris.

An illegal alien from Mexico wanted for murder and attempted murder in his home country was among the illegal aliens who got into the US under Biden's weak border policies.  He was arrested on other criminal charges in the US, and has now been turned over to Mexico to prosecute on their cases.

An illegal alien in sanctuary Montgomery County, Maryland with a substantial criminal record and multiple failures to appear in court, has been arrested for the hit and run death of an American father with a 5 year old  son.

A 15 year old French boy has been stabbed to death in the French region of St. Denis by a 15 year old Afghan migrant.  Both the teenage migrant and his 37 year old mother, both from Kabul, have been charged with murder.  The mother beat the victim while he was lying on the ground bleeding out.

An illegal alien from Guatemala was arrested in Florida for murder in the very gruesome stabbing death of a young American mother and her 4 year old daughter.

A gang of illegal alien "asylum seeker" migrants has invaded the grounds of a school in Germany to assault students.  Several people, including a teacher, have been injured.

Fairfax County, Virginia has repeatedly released and refused to turn over to ICE an illegal alien from Honduras charged with raping a child.

An illegal alien from Mexico is charged in St. Josephs County, Michigan with breaking into a home and sexually assaulting two girls under 13 years of age.

An Illegal alien from Guatemala has been arrested in Sumter County, Florida for fatally stabbing a man at a hotel.

Biden's DHS has released an illegal alien migrant from Brazil who is wanted for child rape in his home country, into the US interior.

In Dresden, Germany, an Afghan taxi driver who drove an intoxicated German student home from a party, helped her up the stairs to her apartment and then raped her there.

In New Rochelle, New York, the Home Depot has had to hire guards, wearing bullet proof vests and with German Shepherd dogs to patrol its parking lots because of "aggressive" migrant thieves.

In Munich, Germany, a Jordanian asylum seeker illegal alien whose claim for asylum had laready been rejected, was on trial for a series of rapes and sexual assaults when he threatened to kill the prosecutor.

In 2023, foreigners (migrants) committed 77% of all rapes and sexual assaults in Paris, leading the city's police chief to issue a warning for the upcoming Olympics.

Anicet Mayela, a Congolese citizen who illegally entered the UK, received notoriety in the media from a widely circulated photo of him holding a sign at a demonstration that read "Migrants are not criminals".  But now Mayela has pled guilty to the rape of a 15 year old girl.  Mayela has escaped deportation several times with the intervention of "human rights" lawyers, but where are the human rights of his 15 year old rape victim?

An 18 year old illegal alien who entered the US in 2021 during the Biden open borders era has been arrested in Nevada for a hit and run collision that killed a top aide to a Democrat US Senator.

In Germany, violent crime has reached historic highs, driven by illegal aliens in the country. The most recent figures from the police show that 41.8% of those committing violent crimes were foreign citizens (this figure does not include those with migrant backgrounds who have German citizenship) while 75% of victims were German citizens.  For rape and sexual assault the figures are even worse.

Also in Germany, police are now hunting for 6 migrants who gang raped two 14 year old girls in Rostock.

In Orange County, New York, a Haitian illegal alien, released into the US on Biden's "parole pipeline" mobile app has been arrested for a double murder

It has also come out that the illegal alien who kidnapped and muredered Laken Riley was given a work permit by Biden's DHS even though they knew he had a criminal record.  He should have been deported, not given a work permit.

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( July 14th, 2024 @ 2:37 pm )
When an illegal alien uses or threatens actual or potential deadly force, border guards should be allowed to shoot them in self defense. It is insane that Polish soldiers are not allowed to do so and one has died so far as a result. The new globalist government in Poland shamefully is not letting its soldiers on the border defend themselves.
Victoria said:
( June 21st, 2024 @ 7:08 am )
Illegal aliens are bringing lots of crime to the US and it is Biden's fault. We need Trump back to solve this problem. Build the wall and enforce our immigration laws fully.
( June 18th, 2024 @ 7:16 am )
An illegal alien from Mexico, deported 16 times from the United States, is accused of killing a 64-year-old man from Bailey, Colorado, in a vehicle crash.
( May 29th, 2024 @ 9:30 am )
Rape and sexual assaults seem to be very common crimes by illegal aliens. I suppose part of that is the fact that most illegal aliens who cross the border are military aged males
( May 15th, 2024 @ 12:19 pm )
Whether it is Europe or America, bringing in more illegal aliens means bringing in more crime. It is time to put a stop to it and send them home.
( May 4th, 2024 @ 1:07 pm )
Maduro opened prisons in Venezuela and send his people to destabilize South America countries like Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile and now they are here as "refuges" according to Biden.
( May 3rd, 2024 @ 10:12 am )
Biden has put a particular focus on bringing Venezuelan migrants into the country, but they seem to be the migrants most prone to crime. 1,000 Venezuelan migrants arrested for crimes in one city in 3 months is very telling. Biden's migrant pipeline has also brought Venezuelan crimimal gangs into our country, including the extremely violent Tren de Araguq criminal gang.
( April 18th, 2024 @ 10:34 am )
The extreme left wants to characterize this as a racial matter, but it is not. The problem lies not in all persons of several ethnic groups but instead in the subgroups of those individuals who have entered countries illegally in defiance of their immigration laws. These people clearly have an attitude that they do not have to obey laws, whether it is immigration law or criminal law. They are a threat to the peace and security of the countries they invade.

In the US, we have lots of Hispanics who have been here for generations and they are NOT a crime problem. The crime problem is from the scoflaw border jumpers.

Some decades ago, Germany invited in gastarbeiters (guest workers) mostly from Turkey. They and their descendants are NOT the crime problem. The crime problem is from the border jumpers from the Middle East and elsewhere.

Those who enter legally tend to be law abiding. Those who thumb their nose at the immigration laws also tend to thumb their nose at our criminal laws, too.
Big Bob said:
( April 18th, 2024 @ 9:25 am )
Brown people crime - bad
White people crime - wait whaaaat?

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