Results found for commissioner al klemm | Eastern North Carolina Now

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9 Results found for commissioner al klemm

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Beaufort County Commissioner Al Klemm, the acknowledged chairman of equivocation, expressed that he would 'not insult his Democrat friends', in any strongly worded resolution begging for their bipartisanship in correcting ObamCare.
Beaufort County Commissioner Al Klemm, the acknowledged chairman of equivocation, expressed that he would 'not insult his Democrat friends', in any strongly worded resolution begging for their bipartisanship in correcting ObamCare.
The Beaufort County Commissioners voted 4 to 3 to move as "quick as is practicable" to effect an earlier property revaluation in order to correct the property values that were the cumulative effect of a revaluation performed in 2009, and enacted on January 2010.
The Beaufort County Commissioners voted 4 to 3 to move as "quick as is practicable" to effect an earlier property revaluation in order to correct the property values that were the cumulative effect of a revaluation performed in 2009, and enacted on January 2010.
Beaufort County Commissioner Al Klemm touts himself as Beaufort County's economic development commissioner. He recent wrote a letter to the County Compass which we printed in the December 13 edition as a Guest Commentary.
Beaufort County Commissioner Al Klemm touts himself as Beaufort County's economic development commissioner. He recent wrote a letter to the County Compass which we printed in the December 13 edition as a Guest Commentary.
The industrial parks have incurred capital ($6.5 million) and current ($3.5 million) costs of $330,000 per job created (30 jobs).
The industrial parks have incurred capital ($6.5 million) and current ($3.5 million) costs of $330,000 per job created (30 jobs).
Al Klemm and his cronies at the EDC/Committee of 100 don't like public scrutiny of their scheming to give away taxpayer funded goodies to their friends (and campaign donors).
Al Klemm and his cronies at the EDC/Committee of 100 don't like public scrutiny of their scheming to give away taxpayer funded goodies to their friends (and campaign donors).
The Beaufort County and City of Washington taxpayers were treated to another prime example last week of why we have such a mess with the Economic Development Commission (EDC) in Beaufort County.
The Beaufort County and City of Washington taxpayers were treated to another prime example last week of why we have such a mess with the Economic Development Commission (EDC) in Beaufort County.
What is actually sane about this report? What do you find acceptable about a one sided public relations piece being submitted, 75 days late and only after a threatened suspension of pay, in place of documented tool for management review and oversight?
What is actually sane about this report? What do you find acceptable about a one sided public relations piece being submitted, 75 days late and only after a threatened suspension of pay, in place of documented tool for management review and oversight?
We address the much belated Beaufort County EDC report, now finally submitted, through contributor Warren Smith's correspondence to Beaufort County Commissioner Al Klemm.
We address the much belated Beaufort County EDC report, now finally submitted, through contributor Warren Smith's correspondence to Beaufort County Commissioner Al Klemm.
Ashley Woolard, former candidate for U.S. House, has a frank conversation with Republican Beaufort County Commissioners.


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