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782 Results found for james g. martin

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Reformers must oppose DEI’s latest existential standard.
Duke has signed on to the Campus Call for Free Expression. What, exactly, does that mean?
Duke has signed on to the Campus Call for Free Expression. What, exactly, does that mean?
The university’s admissions processes must comply with the Constitution.
Another academic value has been corrupted by the Left.
UNC and other institutions may soon attempt to raise student fees.
By accepting the Classic Learning Test as an SAT alternative, the Sunshine State has further loosened the progressive hold on education.
By accepting the Classic Learning Test as an SAT alternative, the Sunshine State has further loosened the progressive hold on education.
Texas A&M’s recent hiring scandal shows the costs of opposing campus wokeness are rising.
Texas A&M’s recent hiring scandal shows the costs of opposing campus wokeness are rising.
By convincing students they’re destitute, colleges are breeding government dependence.
By convincing students they’re destitute, colleges are breeding government dependence.
UNC-Chapel Hill and UNC Charlotte have won well-deserved praise from Heterodox Academy.
Australian universities face a government prohibition on failing grades.
The Martin Center thanks its readers after two decades of higher-ed sanity.
Tradition-minded historical scholarship is nearing extinction.
Much-needed reforms have helped, not hurt, the university’s standing.
Repurposed technologies are allowing UNC-System schools to maintain troubling records.
A new book by Heather Mac Donald should serve as a national wake-up call.
Professors should remember what it’s like to be a beginner.
The UNC System is giving in to problematic student expectations.
Conservative attempts to do away with the longstanding faculty protection may backfire.
Conservative attempts to do away with the longstanding faculty protection may backfire.
The North Carolina Senate has crafted a recipe for cronyism and corruption.
Another academic field has been infiltrated by leftist radicals.
A new family-income policy may put more minority students in the applicant pool.
Will the push for improved working conditions upend the university-student relationship?
The Scott Gerber case at Ohio Northern University is a new low for campus politicization.
Federal law calls for “public” members of accreditors’ boards. It shouldn’t be ignored.
Federal law calls for “public” members of accreditors’ boards. It shouldn’t be ignored.
NC State’s legal victory over a conservative professor bodes poorly for freedom of expression on campus.
NC State’s legal victory over a conservative professor bodes poorly for freedom of expression on campus.
Funding-eligibility tests can do real good if used universally, not selectively.
By right-sizing its operations, WVU is embracing reality.
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