Results found for senator marc basnight | Eastern North Carolina Now

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3 Results found for senator marc basnight

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Confrontational? Sure, but that is local politics as the forces of political proponents collide, as they struggle to protect what they hold dear, what they hold sacred.
Confrontational? Sure, but that is local politics as the forces of political proponents collide, as they struggle to protect what they hold dear, what they hold sacred.
The most recent publicly-available poll on the District 1 race, by the John W. Pope Civitas Institute published on Aug. 4, seems to partially confirm Richardson as a true contender.
The most recent publicly-available poll on the District 1 race, by the John W. Pope Civitas Institute published on Aug. 4, seems to partially confirm Richardson as a true contender.
Conservative County Commissioner Hood Richardson seeks election against the most powerful Democrat in North Carolina - Senator Marc Basnight.
Conservative County Commissioner Hood Richardson seeks election against the most powerful Democrat in North Carolina - Senator Marc Basnight.


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