Sunday, February 4th, 2018 Archives | Eastern North Carolina Now

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Archived Results for Sunday, February 4th, 2018

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I am disappointed that K.T. McFarland has withdrawn from consideration to be Ambassador to Singapore.
Gov. Roy Cooper announced Wednesday he sent a letter to U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke seeking to delay any decision on drilling or seismic testing of the ocean floor in search of oil and gas deposits off North Carolina’s coast
Gov. Roy Cooper announced Wednesday he sent a letter to U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke seeking to delay any decision on drilling or seismic testing of the ocean floor in search of oil and gas deposits off North Carolina’s coast
But it's not the end of the Mueller investigation. In fact, the memo provides evidence that if President Trump were to fire Mueller, he'd be doing so on the false pretense that the entire investigation was predicated on a Hillary/DOJ/FBI/Obama nexus of coordination.
But it's not the end of the Mueller investigation. In fact, the memo provides evidence that if President Trump were to fire Mueller, he'd be doing so on the false pretense that the entire investigation was predicated on a Hillary/DOJ/FBI/Obama nexus of coordination.
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
After watching the dour, glum, non participatory countenance of the what Democrat politicians that did not boycott President Trump's State of the Union Address, I came to one inescapable conclusion.
After watching the dour, glum, non participatory countenance of the what Democrat politicians that did not boycott President Trump's State of the Union Address, I came to one inescapable conclusion.
A ruling by a federal three-judge panel in the Covington v. North Carolina legislative redistricting lawsuit threatens to upset state election laws on a national scale through unprecedented court overreach, eight secretaries of state say in a legal filing
A ruling by a federal three-judge panel in the Covington v. North Carolina legislative redistricting lawsuit threatens to upset state election laws on a national scale through unprecedented court overreach, eight secretaries of state say in a legal filing
Ending chain migration and also ending the visa lottery will allow us to have commonsense immigration rules that promote assimilation and wage growth.
Ending chain migration and also ending the visa lottery will allow us to have commonsense immigration rules that promote assimilation and wage growth.
With yesterday, being February first, I said "rabbit" a lot. A friend introduced me to this custom many years ago.
With yesterday, being February first, I said "rabbit" a lot. A friend introduced me to this custom many years ago.
A federal judge ordered North Carolina to reinstate partisan primary elections for state Court of Appeals and Supreme Court races, but left intact the part of a state law eliminating District Court and Superior Court primaries
A federal judge ordered North Carolina to reinstate partisan primary elections for state Court of Appeals and Supreme Court races, but left intact the part of a state law eliminating District Court and Superior Court primaries
Amid little fanfare, yesterday Governor Cooper’s announced his new Hometown Strong initiative to help rural North Carolina communities
Amid little fanfare, yesterday Governor Cooper’s announced his new Hometown Strong initiative to help rural North Carolina communities
If laughter is good for the soul, then my soul is in good shape after Puddin's recent adventure.
If laughter is good for the soul, then my soul is in good shape after Puddin's recent adventure.
What we have discovered highlights the answer to those relationship questions; and also answers a host of other questions, including: Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele? Yes, but not how media has stated.
What we have discovered highlights the answer to those relationship questions; and also answers a host of other questions, including: Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele? Yes, but not how media has stated.
I generally don't have time to report immediately on issues unless I am covering government meetings, where I do report pithy highlights almost immediately. This week was busy, so fortunately, I now have the time to offer my take on the biggest faux news from the Democrat Media.
I generally don't have time to report immediately on issues unless I am covering government meetings, where I do report pithy highlights almost immediately. This week was busy, so fortunately, I now have the time to offer my take on the biggest faux news from the Democrat Media.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them.
On Friday, Rep. Devin Nunes' (R-CA) four-page memo detailing alleged abuses by the FBI and DOJ in pursuit of a FISA warrant on Trump foreign policy advisor Carter Page was released to the public.
On Friday, Rep. Devin Nunes' (R-CA) four-page memo detailing alleged abuses by the FBI and DOJ in pursuit of a FISA warrant on Trump foreign policy advisor Carter Page was released to the public.


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