Results found for secession | Eastern North Carolina Now

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25 Results found for secession

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wants NY, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Vermont to join Canada
wants NY, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Vermont to join Canada
What does Independence Day - the 4th of July - mean to you?
Greater Idaho Movement has the support of the prople but will Oregon let them go?
Greater Idaho Movement has the support of the prople but will Oregon let them go?
follows efforts in Texas, Alaska, Vermont, and Idaho
eleven counties have already voted to secede
Jay Nordlinger reviews for National Review Online a new book about our political divisions.
Jay Nordlinger reviews for National Review Online a new book about our political divisions.
On July 2, the Chancellorsville (Virginia) City Council voted to no longer recognize Thomas Jefferson's birthday, April 13, as a celebrated a paid holiday. Chancellorsville is the hometown of our country's most renown Founding Father.
On July 2, the Chancellorsville (Virginia) City Council voted to no longer recognize Thomas Jefferson's birthday, April 13, as a celebrated a paid holiday. Chancellorsville is the hometown of our country's most renown Founding Father.
On September 3, 1783, representatives from the American states, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay, and a representative of King George III signed the Treaty of Paris to officially end the American Revolutionary War against Great Britain.
On September 3, 1783, representatives from the American states, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay, and a representative of King George III signed the Treaty of Paris to officially end the American Revolutionary War against Great Britain.
This article, excerpted from Mike Scrugg's book THE UN-CIVIL WAR, discusses the first 13th Amendment, which was QUITE DIFFERENT from the one which was ratified in 1865.
This article, excerpted from Mike Scrugg's book THE UN-CIVIL WAR, discusses the first 13th Amendment, which was QUITE DIFFERENT from the one which was ratified in 1865.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them.
The question is: Was the Civil War fought over the issue of Slavery?
The United States has grown far too large to still be considered a "republican form of government" as guaranteed under Article IV. The question is this: How do we get this form of self-government back?
The United States has grown far too large to still be considered a "republican form of government" as guaranteed under Article IV. The question is this: How do we get this form of self-government back?
This short article is intended to alert the reader to the importance of the Tenth Amendment and hopefully inspire him or her to join the Tenth Amendment Movement and help bring government power back to the States
This short article is intended to alert the reader to the importance of the Tenth Amendment and hopefully inspire him or her to join the Tenth Amendment Movement and help bring government power back to the States
The States, acting voluntarily and in convention, entered into the Union by adopting a social compact, the US Constitution. The features of a compact provide great protection for American liberty.
The States, acting voluntarily and in convention, entered into the Union by adopting a social compact, the US Constitution. The features of a compact provide great protection for American liberty.
Help fight the PC War on the South by learning the true history of the Confederacy at the Abbeville Institute Convention Feb. 27-28 in Charleston, SC
Help fight the PC War on the South by learning the true history of the Confederacy at the Abbeville Institute Convention Feb. 27-28 in Charleston, SC
This is a resolution to propose that Article I, Section 4 be removed from the NC state constitution, in part to acknowledge that the federal government unconstitutionally required the provision and in part to reassert state soverignty
This is a resolution to propose that Article I, Section 4 be removed from the NC state constitution, in part to acknowledge that the federal government unconstitutionally required the provision and in part to reassert state soverignty
Within these gathered groups of information from Diane Rufino, we are provided a timeline to American Civil War, and the Resolutions of Secession from South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia.
Within these gathered groups of information from Diane Rufino, we are provided a timeline to American Civil War, and the Resolutions of Secession from South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia.
We don't need the Supreme Court to tell us its interpretation of the Constitution. We have the very words and writings of the very men who drafted our Constitution and created our government.
We don't need the Supreme Court to tell us its interpretation of the Constitution. We have the very words and writings of the very men who drafted our Constitution and created our government.
QUESTION: Is it true that both California and Texas have such a right in the agreements they signed to join the Union?
QUESTION: Is it true that both California and Texas have such a right in the agreements they signed to join the Union?
The Declaration of Independence wasn't intended as a one-time "Get Out of Jail Free" card !!
I was struck by how many people want to learn such topics but just don't know where to go to be educated or how to trust that they will be taught the right stuff. But one question that came up almost every class period and by every group was this: "Do the states have the right to secede?"
I was struck by how many people want to learn such topics but just don't know where to go to be educated or how to trust that they will be taught the right stuff. But one question that came up almost every class period and by every group was this: "Do the states have the right to secede?"


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