N.C. General Assembly Legislative Update, 032815 | Eastern North Carolina Now

Last week, I presented Senate Bill 112 (Commercial Fishing Courses/Coastal Colleges) to the Senate Committee on Workforce and Economic Development.

News Release:

Legislation urging Coastal Colleges to offer Commercial Fishing Courses

    Last week, I presented Senate Bill 112 (Commercial Fishing Courses/Coastal Colleges) to the Senate Committee on Workforce and Economic Development. Senator Jerry W. Tillman, Senator Norman W. Sanderson and myself are the sponsors of the bill. In committee, there was no opposition to the bill and it was placed on the Senate calendar. The bill also passed unanimously on the floor of the Senate on Thursday, March 26, 2015. The legislation simply urges coastal community colleges to offer courses on commercial fishing and aquaculture. Currently, aquaculture courses are being offered at only two coastal community colleges - Carteret Community College and Brunswick Community College. Carteret Community College offers courses that can be transferred to a four-year marine biology program at UNC-Wilmington or East Carolina University. Brunswick Community College also offers an aquaculture program, though its curriculum focusing on freshwater aquaculture. For this industry to grow in North Carolina we need to make sure our coastal community colleges are offering courses that support aquaculture. To see a copy of the legislation click here.

    Presenting Senate Bill 112 (Commercial Fishing Courses/Coastal Colleges) to the Senate Committee on Workforce and Economic Development on Wednesday, March 25, 2015.

    Legislation to Modify For-Hire License Logbook Requirement

    I filed Senate Bill 374 last week to modify the for-hire license logbook requirement. The legislation provides the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission with the option to implement a logbook requirement. However, if the commission approves the requirement the bill modifies it to a voluntary logbook that would be submitted to the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF). In addition, if the commission decides to ask for a voluntary logbook, DMF will be required to conduct a 12-month implementation process to include input from stakeholders and hold public workshops to provide education for those who would be impacted by the requirement. The process would also include the establishment of a stakeholder advisory group. To see a copy of the legislation click here.
Last week, we had an excellent turnout on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 for the legislative fish fry in Raleigh, N.C. Shown left to right: are Dare County Commissioners Beverly Boswell, Bob Woodard, Governor Pat McCrory, Warren Judge, myself, Margarette Umphlett and Wally Overman. We North Carolinians deserve nothing less than the safest, healthiest, and most delicious seafood available.

    Legislation to Strengthen the Aquaculture Industry in North Carolina

    Lastly, along with Senator Jerry W. Tillman and Senator Norman W. Sanderson we filed Senate Bill 573 last week to encourage and promote the aquaculture as well as the oyster cultivation industries in North Carolina. The bill creates a shellfish planning and promotion entity within the N.C. Economic Development Partnership, reduces regulatory barriers to shellfish leasing, requires the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries to develop a proposal to potentially repeal the core sound shellfish leasing moratorium, and creates a program for the permitting of marine aquaculture activities within the N.C. Department of Agriculture. In addition, the bill amends the Senator Jean Preston marine shellfish sanctuary legislation. This is another great example of how we are focused on helping to promote opportunities for our shellfish and commercial fisherman in Eastern North Carolina. To see a copy of the legislation click here.

Contact: Jordan Hennessy
     jordan.hennessy@ncleg.net, •  (252) 619-3606

     300 N. Salisbury Street
     Room 525 • Raleigh, NC 27603

    Phone: (919) 715-8293  •  Fax: (919) 754-3296  •  bill.cook@ncleg.net
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( March 31st, 2015 @ 5:34 am )
Senator Bill Cook is showing great Progressive thoughts concerning the Sounds and Rivers of Eastern NC. We should all realize that all such areas offshore of VA are spoiled by pollution so "Maryland Oysters and Crabs" are actually from NC!

NOW we should widen our Progressive view of protection of the waters to include Off Shore Oil Exploration. You CANNOT have both healthy aquaculture and oil production in the same locale. It is not a matter of IF oil pollutes, but WHEN. The Gulf of Mexico is the latest massive destruction of wildlife. It happened due to an off-center well head according to the BOEM Official at Manteo.

It was "supposed" to have further security with a Containment Dome BUT~~~OOPS~~~it was approved for use without full protection and now we have a continued mess. There are now strange abnormalities in the aqualife of the Gulf and the kicked up shallow mud smells of sulfur and oil coating the bottom. It will take years for any normalcy to return ---- MEANWHILE . . .

Between the Inland Fracking now approved with secrecy of Felony to disclose the chemicals used and Offshore Drilling --- lies our Rivers, Estuaries, and Sounds. My grandchildren love our little beach water wonderland at Bayview. But it is threatened from both directions by Big Oil GREED. Koch is the name . . .

I strongly suggest that our Legislature go on record as opposing anything Offshore. The alternative is to turn our waters and shores into a Crude Oil covered sandwich . . .

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