Profile for Gene Scarborough |
Joined: Apr 3, 2012 (12:02pm) Updated: May 8, 2015 (5:53am) Profile Views: 7,102 ( Login to Shadow ) Login to Send a Private Message to Gene Scarborough |
W-e-e-e-l-l-l dogies --- I feel like "The Day The Earth Stood Still" has come to pass today. Who wudda' thunk it???
Published: Saturday, November 12th, 2016 @ 10:24 am
By: Gene Scarborough
Gene Scarborough originally made the following comment on BCN. It is presented here as a stand alone post as it may provide a historical basis for thought and reflection.
Published: Monday, October 19th, 2015 @ 12:08 pm
By: Gene Scarborough
Ever since Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson formed their political groups and began to consciously influence US politics, we have had a problem.
Published: Monday, October 5th, 2015 @ 1:17 pm
By: Gene Scarborough
Eric Cantor is a young Virginia Republican who is wise beyond his years.
Published: Monday, September 28th, 2015 @ 2:41 pm
By: Gene Scarborough
Lest you are going to assume I am saying the Pope forced the Speaker of the House (3rd in line as President), you are jumping to far too much a conclusion about a so-called "liberal."
Published: Friday, September 25th, 2015 @ 3:02 pm
By: Gene Scarborough
Gene Scarborough said:
( August 26th, 2015 @ 8:02 am )
Stan--- have you looked at my bio of late. It ends with "we can agree to disagree." I am finding this current attitude of yours "MOST DISAGREEABLE" --- but I continue to try and be nice . . .
I restated the question, as per your request, and you are still sending me links to wacked-out Liberal sites for the answers to that question asked many times over.
If you truly want to be taken seriously, you should have real facts to back-up your posts assertions that those that you could never understand are such bad people. Otherwise, you are just patently dishonest like so many other Liberals before you. |
Gene, I'm not very good at writing very short articles, as you may or may not have already noticed. And I apologize for that. I wish I had more time to write but I'm limited due to the time I have to spend teaching and planning. If you have time, I might suggest that you join the Beaufort Tea Party Patriots when they have constitutional seminars or maybe come visit with my group sometime - the Eastern NC Tea Party, which meets in Greenville. Our first meeting is on Tuesday night, at 6:00 pm at McAllister's Deli (corner of Charles Blvd and Greenville Blvd, which is near the ECU baseball stadium). Our guest speaker will be Philip Law, who will be challenging Walter Jones next year for the congressional seat from our district (3rd district). It will be an informal meeting, since it is the first meeting we've had since last year. Our subsequent meetings will deal with topics and issues, including Nullification and an Article V Convention (Convention of States), Jury Nullification, the Flag v. the 1st Amendment, the Johnson Amendment, Common Core, Gay Rights v. Religious Rights, etc. Thanks so much for reading my article and for all your comments. I appreciate it.
Diane |