Rino Hunter said:
( August 9th, 2024 @ 8:36 am )
What is Kamala terrified of? Most of the partisan Democrat "journalists" of today would cover for her if she slips up. Is she that awful in communicating?
Stupid is as stupid does not in the case of Kamala not sitting for interviews with real journalists.
Kamalal Harris also refuses to do unscripted press conferences, somethimg that Joe Biden also avoided. There she is annointed in the smoke filled rooms of the UN-Democratic Party's elites but never having ever received a single vote in any presidential primary. The "Democrats" are standing democracy on its head by annointed Kamala, and now they are running their version of Biden's evasive "basement campaign" of four years ago. The partisan Democrat media is mostly letting them get away with this travesty of a campaign.
It is now 18 days since Open Border Czar Kamala Harris has been coronated as the Democratic Socialist presidential candidate, since now the democratic method of holding free, fair and real presidential primaries has been eliminated by the Non Patriot Left that controls the Democratic Socialist political party, which also hypocritically decried that they would "Save Democracy," so, rightfully and responsibly, I have this one question.
When will the Democratic Socialist Propagandistic Media interview the Open Border Czar, who would be their Democratic Socialist President, and ask real and pertinent question, as is their charge as fledgling members of the Free Press guaranteed within OUR First Amendment? |