Election interference - EU moves to censor Trump on Twitter | Eastern North Carolina Now

US should not stand for this


The European Union has had the audacity to attempt to interfere in American politics by dictating what President Trump can or cannot say in his upcoming interview with Elon Musk on Twitter/X.  This is an outrageous attack on America's First Amendment and our freedom of speech, and doing so in an election campaign makes it much much worse.

Thierry Breton, the EU's censorship czar has wrtiten a letter to Elon Musk demanding that the EU be able to dictate what Trump is allowed to talk about in the interview. This is direct interference in our presidential election and should not be tolerated.




The American media no longer support freedom of speech.  A reporter with the hard left Washington Post, now owned by leftwing oligarch Jeff Bezos, suggested to Karine Jean. Pierre at a White House press conference that Biden should take action to stop the Elon Musk interview with Trump.


Now, even a top German newspaper, Die Welt (The World) has published a lead editorial denouncing the EU move as "totalitarian censorship."


Hopefully, when President Trump is back in office, he will take strong action against the enemies of free speech.  A good start would be to put everyone pushing censorship on an "enemies of freedom" list where they would be persona non grata, not allowed to travel to the US.  Thierry Breton should be the first name on the list.  There should also be legiislation to allow any American censored by a foreign government to sue that foreign government in American courts.

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( August 14th, 2024 @ 5:17 pm )
Here is a victory for free speech in Europe. A German court has overturned the left-liberal German government's ban on the popular sovereigntist / anti-globalist magazine "Compact". The Social Democrat Interior Minister had sent 200 masked storm troopers to close the magazine, and now the court has reversed that. One of the top experts on German Constitutional law, a former cabinet minister for the center-right CDU had called the closure blatantly unconstitutional. "Democracy defeats dictatorship" the editor of the now unbanned "Compact" posted on Twitter.
( August 13th, 2024 @ 9:42 pm )
America needs to defend the free speech of our citizens against any foreign country which tries to muzzle them. Biden and Harris will help suppress free speech, but Trump will defend it. Free speech is the ncessary cornerstone of democracy. To defend our democratic rights against foreign threats, we simply have to reelect Trump.

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