Biden-Harris' "Great Replacement" of US workers with foreigners | Eastern North Carolina Now

and most of those foreigners are illegal aliens


When one looks at the jobs numbes under Biden-Harris, it is clear that they have a "Great Replacement" going on - replacing American native born workers with foreigners, mostly illegal aliens.  In the last five years,  1.4 million fewer American workers have jobs while 3 million more foreign born workers have jobs.  Since jobs generally were lost during the Covid period, the "Build Back Better" period under Biden-Harris has seen those jobs go to foreign born workers, mostly illegal aliens.

And under Bidenomics - Kamalanomics, full time jobs keep being lost, and the gain in jobs is among parttime jobs.  Here are the figures from the latest job report:

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Big Bob said:
( September 7th, 2024 @ 4:34 pm )
I rest my case.
( September 7th, 2024 @ 2:37 pm )
The jobs in the Biden-Harris economy are for illegal aliens, not for Americans. Whatever name you want to call that, it is bad for America. They are also part time jobs, meaning no benefits, rather than full time jobs.
Big Bob said:
( September 7th, 2024 @ 9:52 am )
The great replacement. One of the biggest lies pushed by white nationalists. Nazi territory.

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