In the Christmas Spirit: Piano Guys, Part I | Eastern North Carolina Now

I found these (Piano) guys, when I was searching for Christmas Carols, specifically "Carol of the Bells".

    Publisher's note: If you appreciate the musical and cinematography creativity of the extra talented Piano Guys, as much as we do here at BCN, you can easily access all of their segments here.

    I found these (Piano) guys, when I was searching for Christmas carols, specifically "Carol of the Bells". What I discovered was their cellist, Steven Sharp Nelson, performing an arrangement of "Carol of the Bells" for 12 cellos, no other instruments, with Mr. Nelson playing all of them - 12 tracks overlaid and mixed - beautiful. His grasp of the complex versatility of the cello, plus using its melodic box as a percussion instrument manifests Mr. Nelson's profound musicology.

    Upon a bit of research, I found that the Piano Guys had done a number of other Christmas carols, all remarkable in one context or another, all extremely unique. These (Piano) guys are the personification of have piano, and, or cello will travel, and in this post, and the next two yet to be presented, one should get a strong sense of that essential act of keeping their music mobile, and eclectic sound so pleasing.
Piano Guys (from left to right): Paul Anderson, Jon Schmidt, Steven Sharpe Nelson and Al Van Der Beek: Above.

    While Piano Guys consists of four guys, two of the guys are less musicians, and act more as producers: Paul Anderson is listed as a Producer / Videographer; Al Van Der Beek is listed as Music Producer / Songwriter. The centerpiece of the group is, of course, the piano, with the maestro du jour, actually everyday, Jon Schmidt, who is also listed as a Songwriter. The aforementioned cellist, Steven Sharp Nelson, is also listed as a Songwriter.


    A better explanation of who Piano Guys was found on their website, which also informs one where they are performing, and how to obtain their most original style of making beautiful music. On their site, these (Piano) guys explained themselves as such:

    What do you get when you mix up a marketing genius that does video, a studio engineer that writes music, a pianist that had a successful solo career, and a cellist that does pretty much everything? The Piano Guys: a miraculous meeting of “guys” with the same intrinsic purpose – to make a positive impact in the lives of people all over the world through music videos - Piano Guys

Here below is Piano Guys homespun, group, and extra-melodic rendition of the Christmas carol "Angels We Have Heard on High".

Here below is the Christmas carol, "Carol of the Bells", that led me to these wonderful musicians and entertainers.

    Publisher's note: If you are really in the Christmas spirit, or just in the need for more, please click here to access all of the holiday spirit in melody and narrative that BCN can harness and offer for this Yuletide Season.
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In the Christmas Spirit: Piano Guys, Part III Local News & Expression, Holiday Spirit, Regional Spirit, The Region Keeping waistlines in check during the holidays


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Our office is currently monitoring an increasing risk of tornados as an approaching costal storm moves through our area today and tomorrow.
A Coastal Flood Advisory for our waterways, meaning water levels are expected to be 1 to 2 feet higher than normal.
This morning’s update included both good and bad changes for our area, with another reduction in the total rainfall but an increased threat of tornados.
This afternoon’s update included a reduced threat of storm surge for our area, and an increased concern for downriver flooding for areas along the lower Tar River early next week as a result of inland rainfall.
Debby continues to live up to its reputation of being a difficult storm to forecast, and we appreciate everyone’s patience as we navigate these changes in real time.
The afternoon updates have included another increase in expected rainfall amounts, and provided us with additional details related to the timing of our forecasted impacts.


Recent weather updates continue to include minor track and timeline adjustments to Debby’s path along the eastern US, as well as an increase in forecasted rain fall and expected winds for our area.
Recent weather updates continue to include minor track and timeline changes to Debby’s path along the eastern US. Forecast models continue to vary on the where Debby will stall, and the track it will take afterwards.
Recent weather updates included minor timeline changes to Debbie’s track along the eastern US. While forecast models continue to become more aligned, there are still unknown variables that could determine the expected impacts for Beaufort County.
We would like to have quick briefing with our county’s municipal leaders and public safety partners to discuss our response to the potential impacts of Tropical Storm Debby tomorrow, Tuesday 8/6 at 7pm.
Our office is continuing to monitor the development of a tropical system, that is expected to become a named storm (Debbie) within the next 48hrs.


Our office is monitoring the forecast of an approaching front moving through this afternoon that could produce heavy rainfall, isolated strong to severe thunderstorms, strong winds, coastal flooding, and dangerous marine conditions.


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