Results found for lyndon johnson | Eastern North Carolina Now

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7 Results found for lyndon johnson

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The billionaire 2020 Dem candidate insists he wants to commit 'our country to new and innovative ways to combat poverty — there has to be a war on poverty'
The billionaire 2020 Dem candidate insists he wants to commit 'our country to new and innovative ways to combat poverty — there has to be a war on poverty'
We want to be wanted and we need to be needed. Call it the human condition or the need for dignity
We want to be wanted and we need to be needed. Call it the human condition or the need for dignity
This plan is certainly a foolproof plan but it may be Foolishness. It’s for you to decide.
This plan is certainly a foolproof plan but it may be Foolishness. It’s for you to decide.
It would seem that one of Gov. Christie's spear carriers screwed up big time. First they (she) did something really stupid and then lied about it.
It would seem that one of Gov. Christie's spear carriers screwed up big time. First they (she) did something really stupid and then lied about it.
I think it was Albert Einstein who once said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
I think it was Albert Einstein who once said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
After the 1964 election, when Barry Goldwater and the Republicans sustained an epic defeat, Lyndon Johnson and the Democrats thought they had established themselves as a permanent governing majority.
After the 1964 election, when Barry Goldwater and the Republicans sustained an epic defeat, Lyndon Johnson and the Democrats thought they had established themselves as a permanent governing majority.
The current United States Congress and the President of the United States are simpatico on this one issue: There will mortgage the twin futures of our nation and our children to get into office.
The current United States Congress and the President of the United States are simpatico on this one issue: There will mortgage the twin futures of our nation and our children to get into office.


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