Wednesday, October 18th, 2017 Archives | Eastern North Carolina Now

Browse our Archived Results for Wednesday, October 18th, 2017


Archived Results for Wednesday, October 18th, 2017

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A federal court signaled Thursday that General Assembly Republicans' gambit to create race-neutral legislative districts may backfire
A federal court signaled Thursday that General Assembly Republicans' gambit to create race-neutral legislative districts may backfire
Thomas Jefferson articulated the absolute right of a state to secede from the Union. He did so in 1798, in 1799, in 1816, and up until his death in 1826 (July 4, the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence).
Thomas Jefferson articulated the absolute right of a state to secede from the Union. He did so in 1798, in 1799, in 1816, and up until his death in 1826 (July 4, the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence).
Governor Roy Cooper responded to the legislature's override of his veto of SB 656
ESPN says they've suspended anchor Jemele Hill for a second violation of company social media policy, after Hill tweeted what appeared to be a call to boycott National Football League sponsors.
ESPN says they've suspended anchor Jemele Hill for a second violation of company social media policy, after Hill tweeted what appeared to be a call to boycott National Football League sponsors.
State Treasurer Dale Folwell wants to save North Carolina nearly $400 million
Connecticut legislators made headlines last year when they introduced a bill to tax revenue-generating college and university property. The bill was crafted to help New Haven, where Yale University is located, remain solvent
Connecticut legislators made headlines last year when they introduced a bill to tax revenue-generating college and university property. The bill was crafted to help New Haven, where Yale University is located, remain solvent
On 09-27-2017, Investigators with the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office Drug Unit arrested Charles Alexander Martin, 38 years of age, of 469 Tooley Street in Belhaven
On 09-27-2017, Investigators with the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office Drug Unit arrested Charles Alexander Martin, 38 years of age, of 469 Tooley Street in Belhaven
Prospective college students will have a chance to talk to representatives of 45 private and public colleges and universities at College Night at Beaufort County Community College
Prospective college students will have a chance to talk to representatives of 45 private and public colleges and universities at College Night at Beaufort County Community College
Gov. Cooper vetoed S.B. 656 to forestall a purported constitutional amendment The Republican-led General Assembly seemed content to stay home until January
Gov. Cooper vetoed S.B. 656 to forestall a purported constitutional amendment The Republican-led General Assembly seemed content to stay home until January
Either these people are really smart or we are really dumb for believing they are really smart.
Either these people are really smart or we are really dumb for believing they are really smart.
Like every celebrity in Hollywood who hung around movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is also claiming dumbfounded ignorance regarding the "open secret" about his alleged habitual sexual harassment of women.
Like every celebrity in Hollywood who hung around movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is also claiming dumbfounded ignorance regarding the "open secret" about his alleged habitual sexual harassment of women.
Build a southern border wall and authorize the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to raise fees from the processing of immigration-benefit applications and border-crossings to be used for security and infrastructure.
Build a southern border wall and authorize the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to raise fees from the processing of immigration-benefit applications and border-crossings to be used for security and infrastructure.
In Honor of the 230th Anniversary of the US Constitution, and also to help promote Brion McClanahan's latest book, HOW ALEXANDER HAMILTON SCREWED UP AMERICA, I wanted to post this important History Lesson.
In Honor of the 230th Anniversary of the US Constitution, and also to help promote Brion McClanahan's latest book, HOW ALEXANDER HAMILTON SCREWED UP AMERICA, I wanted to post this important History Lesson.


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