Results found for polling | Eastern North Carolina Now

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40 Results found for polling

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The Beaufort County Board of Elections was informed that the Beaver Dam Polling Place (The Grange Building) has been sold. We contacted the new owner and they informed us that they would not rent the building for voting purposes.
The Beaufort County Board of Elections was informed that the Beaver Dam Polling Place (The Grange Building) has been sold. We contacted the new owner and they informed us that they would not rent the building for voting purposes.
87% of respondents, who are likely Republican primary voters, view former president Donald Trump favorably
87% of respondents, who are likely Republican primary voters, view former president Donald Trump favorably
The North Carolina State Board of Elections voted Tuesday to extend voting at four precincts after each polling site opened late.
The North Carolina State Board of Elections voted Tuesday to extend voting at four precincts after each polling site opened late.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is providing guidelines for voters and local polling locations to help protect the health of North Carolinians during the voting process.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is providing guidelines for voters and local polling locations to help protect the health of North Carolinians during the voting process.
Today, Lt. Governor Dan Forest releases the following statement regarding the State Board of Elections memo attempting to prohibit police officers from working near polling sites.
Today, Lt. Governor Dan Forest releases the following statement regarding the State Board of Elections memo attempting to prohibit police officers from working near polling sites.
A woman whipped off her shirt and voted topless at a polling place in Exeter, New Hampshire, on Tuesday after a “town moderator” ruled that her T-shirt was a form of electioneering.
A woman whipped off her shirt and voted topless at a polling place in Exeter, New Hampshire, on Tuesday after a “town moderator” ruled that her T-shirt was a form of electioneering.
Former Vice President-turned-2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden is finding himself with a narrowing lead over President Donald Trump in the latest polls and Trump, not Biden, appears to have gotten a “bounce” from the Democratic National Convention.
Former Vice President-turned-2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden is finding himself with a narrowing lead over President Donald Trump in the latest polls and Trump, not Biden, appears to have gotten a “bounce” from the Democratic National Convention.
Charles Fain Lehman of the Washington Free Beacon consults polling data on a liberal cause that has picked up steam since George Floyd’s death: defunding police departments.
Charles Fain Lehman of the Washington Free Beacon consults polling data on a liberal cause that has picked up steam since George Floyd’s death: defunding police departments.
What to watch a month out from North Carolina’s Super Tuesday Primary
Public Policy Polling released a new poll reflecting a divide among North Carolinians over the 2020 elections for president and governor.
Public Policy Polling released a new poll reflecting a divide among North Carolinians over the 2020 elections for president and governor.
If a new poll from Emerson Polling is accurate, the Democratic Party has an edge over Republicans in upcoming elections.
If a new poll from Emerson Polling is accurate, the Democratic Party has an edge over Republicans in upcoming elections.
Our office was notified this morning that we are unable to use the First Christian Church as a polling place for tomorrow’s Congressional District 3 Primary Special Election.
Our office was notified this morning that we are unable to use the First Christian Church as a polling place for tomorrow’s Congressional District 3 Primary Special Election.
A newly released statewide poll from the Pretrial Justice Institute and the Charles Koch Institute seems to show North Carolinians are ready for reform of the pretrial justice system and the practice of requiring money bail
A newly released statewide poll from the Pretrial Justice Institute and the Charles Koch Institute seems to show North Carolinians are ready for reform of the pretrial justice system and the practice of requiring money bail
Unaffiliated North Carolina voters are trending Republican, the conservative Civitas Institute found in its latest statewide poll. Even so, the Democratic Party maintains a lead on the generic ballot
Unaffiliated North Carolina voters are trending Republican, the conservative Civitas Institute found in its latest statewide poll. Even so, the Democratic Party maintains a lead on the generic ballot
The potential impact of unaffiliated voters on the upcoming election was the focus of the Thursday, Aug. 23 discussion of latest statewide poll by Civitas
The potential impact of unaffiliated voters on the upcoming election was the focus of the Thursday, Aug. 23 discussion of latest statewide poll by Civitas
State legislators are returning today to Raleigh to write short descriptors for the six constitutional amendments slated to be on the ballot this fall
State legislators are returning today to Raleigh to write short descriptors for the six constitutional amendments slated to be on the ballot this fall
A new poll shows that North Carolinians are mostly optimistic about the economic condition of the state and the country as a whole
A new poll shows that North Carolinians are mostly optimistic about the economic condition of the state and the country as a whole
Many political pollsters took it on the chin in 2016. Their surveys proved to be wildly off in the presidential race, among others
Many political pollsters took it on the chin in 2016. Their surveys proved to be wildly off in the presidential race, among others
I would trust you more if I did not distrust you so.
I would trust you more if I did not distrust you so.
A new Civitas poll of North Carolina likely voters reveals how voters feel about local and national issues, including school choice, the Confederate monument controversy, and partisan politics
A new Civitas poll of North Carolina likely voters reveals how voters feel about local and national issues, including school choice, the Confederate monument controversy, and partisan politics
Either these people are really smart or we are really dumb for believing they are really smart.
Either these people are really smart or we are really dumb for believing they are really smart.
As the 2016 voting starts (mail absentee ballots are already being requested), it is illustrative to look at opinions among unaffiliated voters this year to get a sense of which way these voters are leaning and compare to where they were in 2012 at the same time
As the 2016 voting starts (mail absentee ballots are already being requested), it is illustrative to look at opinions among unaffiliated voters this year to get a sense of which way these voters are leaning and compare to where they were in 2012 at the same time
Pat McCrory continues to gain ground in the race for North Carolina governor as a second poll shows him leading Do-Nothing Roy Cooper
Pat McCrory continues to gain ground in the race for North Carolina governor as a second poll shows him leading Do-Nothing Roy Cooper
The State Board of Elections is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all voters
In 2016 North Carolina features the country's most competitive election for governor, one of the country's most competitive elections for U.S. Senate, and (as of mid-July) the tightest state race in the country between Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Trump
In 2016 North Carolina features the country's most competitive election for governor, one of the country's most competitive elections for U.S. Senate, and (as of mid-July) the tightest state race in the country between Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Trump
The most recent Civitas Poll was both accurate and thorough in calling the statewide primary results for both Democrat and Republican presidential primaries and other races, the head of the Raleigh think tank said today.
The most recent Civitas Poll was both accurate and thorough in calling the statewide primary results for both Democrat and Republican presidential primaries and other races, the head of the Raleigh think tank said today.
The State Board of Elections is reminding voters that tomorrow is Election Day and the deadline to postmark mail-in absentee ballots.
The State Board of Elections is reminding voters that tomorrow is Election Day and the deadline to postmark mail-in absentee ballots.
With election day less than a week away, the State Board of Elections is reminding journalists and the public of guidelines for filming at polling locations.
With election day less than a week away, the State Board of Elections is reminding journalists and the public of guidelines for filming at polling locations.
Mainstream media accounts missed the mark when treating recent Wake County school board campaigns as fights pitting supporters of diversity against supporters of neighborhood schools, or longtime residents versus newcomers from out of state, or north Raleigh and western Wake County residents against
Mainstream media accounts missed the mark when treating recent Wake County school board campaigns as fights pitting supporters of diversity against supporters of neighborhood schools, or longtime residents versus newcomers from out of state, or north Raleigh and western Wake County residents against
They say "timing is everything", but it's hard to understand the timing behind this week's "Bad Bill of the Week"; House Bill 239, Restore Early Voting Days. HB 239's primary sponsors Larry Hall (D-Durham), Marvin Lucas (D-Cumberland), Garland Pierce (D-Hoke) and Pricey Harrison (D-Guilford) are...
They say "timing is everything", but it's hard to understand the timing behind this week's "Bad Bill of the Week"; House Bill 239, Restore Early Voting Days. HB 239's primary sponsors Larry Hall (D-Durham), Marvin Lucas (D-Cumberland), Garland Pierce (D-Hoke) and Pricey Harrison (D-Guilford) are...
Polling, it is said, is more of an art than a science. Pollsters are among the first to say this — particularly when the products, causes, or candidates they project to succeed fall flat.
Polling, it is said, is more of an art than a science. Pollsters are among the first to say this — particularly when the products, causes, or candidates they project to succeed fall flat.
The first and only time I ever helped take a political survey was during my undergraduate days at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill back in the 1980s. I was one of many journalism students who made phone calls on behalf of the Carolina Poll, a regular survey of North Carolinians on...
The first and only time I ever helped take a political survey was during my undergraduate days at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill back in the 1980s. I was one of many journalism students who made phone calls on behalf of the Carolina Poll, a regular survey of North Carolinians on...
Public Policy Polling is out with some new numbers on the highly-watched US Senate race here in good ol' NC.
Public Policy Polling is out with some new numbers on the highly-watched US Senate race here in good ol' NC.
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