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Comments for Good Bye Martini Sippers

Time to kick out the elitist martini sippers from power.

Yes ... unless they have committed high treason, then they can be prosecuted.
Commented: Friday, September 8th, 2023 @ 3:57 pm By: Stan Deatherage
..and by eliminate, you mean vote them out, right?
Commented: Friday, September 8th, 2023 @ 1:56 pm By: Big Bob
Grace Brown: As a county commissioner, I have no position on City matters unless it affects the county government, which is far a larger ingredient in all of Beaufort County residents' lives, including those that live within the city limits.

To that end, since the county, as a body politic of the state of North Carolina, administers most state services, and, in kind, many federal ones as well, I am very concerned with what occurs more in Raleigh and Washington, DC rather than Washington, NC.

For instance, the corruption within the Federal Executive concerns me greatly, as Beaufort County is now becoming a "border county" since the corrupt Idiot President has opened the borders wide open, and has effectively worked in tandem, as an accessory, with the Narcotics and Human Trafficking /Sex Slave Trade to bring additional evil to all our communities.

This is what I think about, and am working to destroy. That destruction begins with the elimination of all non patriot politicians and bureaucrats.

So, I leave city matters to city politicians until ... they should go off the deep end ... then I will get involved as I do with Raleigh and Washington, DC.
Commented: Friday, September 8th, 2023 @ 1:14 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Thank you, Commissioner. I too have a healthy appreciation for honesty. Please share your truth. What is your stance on the museum and senior center coexisting in the same building? Do you share the same disdain as your tenant?
Commented: Friday, September 8th, 2023 @ 12:19 pm By: Grace Brown
I think the question is, does GC live in the area he wants to represent?
Commented: Friday, September 8th, 2023 @ 11:06 am By: Big Bob
Grace Brown: "Commissioner Deatherage" never said or wrote "Censorship begins after one post." So for truth's sake, the veracity of your comment is entirely lacking.

This publication, Eastern NC NOW, is Beaufort County top journalistic entity, and holding that position with great pride, we allow all comments and decently written posts providing that the truth of any issue never becomes the first victim. If you wish to offer a retort to my true words, have at it.

I am certainly not a Leftist, so as publisher, I make honest decisions every day, and I know dishonestly often when it presents itself, and act as I see fit. Wanton dishonesty never furthers any salient point.

Witness the corrupt Leftist Executive, and much of its bureaucracy, the insipidly Corrupt Corporate Media, all of which will be the commanding history of these dishonest days.

Eastern NC NOW is an honest oasis to this hurricane of lies and liars, and will remain that way as long as I, and soon we, draw breath
Commented: Friday, September 8th, 2023 @ 9:27 am By: Stan Deatherage
Thank you for this thoughtful piece providing voters the opportunity to further consider your candidacy. I’ve never liked a martini. Regardless of whatever pretentious flavor is added, it’s just not great. But, what annoys me the most is to see people swirl it as the drink. Like a pot stirrer. Odd. It seems that with polarizing topic, you seem to at the center of it. Like the 2011 umbrella incident, the seniors were recently misled to believe their entire center would be repurposed into a museum rather than just the unutilized portion. Was this simply the spoon taking another turn in a potilcal pot? Again, I appreciate the enlightenment. Your perspective on historical preservative and charitable endeavors is clear. Voters now have to consider if a hyperbolist is any better than an elitist. I don’t expect a response back. As Commissioner Deatherage explained, censorship begins after one post. Such a shame. What is politics without debate? Maybe this can be discussed tonight at dinner?
Commented: Friday, September 8th, 2023 @ 9:03 am By: Grace Brown
I will clear it up one step further. I am in full compliance with all zoning regulations for the City of Washington. If you have a problem with Candidate Ceres, I suggest you take it up with him; he is the candidate.

I told all I know to be true, as I always do. Your inarticulate conflation of what I wrote is your business, or to whatever extent Candidate Ceres provides you time to explain.

Eastern NC NOW allowed you your one chance to voice your conflated comment, and this publisher will allow no more of such unless it is directed toward Mr. Ceres, and his purpose for running for office.
Commented: Tuesday, September 5th, 2023 @ 8:28 pm By: Stan Deatherage
So what you're implying is that Ceres rents a space, you are not saying he lives there. You are not claiming he has a residence in your office/house, the space is not specifically rented as a domicile. It can be an office, a bedroom, whatever. Gotcha. I guess it's up to city residency requirements to determine zoning for multiple units within a dwelling or whatever. Or how much actual time s person spends in a dwelling to call it an official residence. Thank you for clearing up this matter.
Commented: Tuesday, September 5th, 2023 @ 7:48 pm By: Yet another concerned citizen
In full transparency to the second Concerned Voter (there are now Concerned Voters commenting here on Eastern NC NOW): The property at 106 Beechtree Street is a private residence, one where I live and share with my family, run my business, a property that is in full and constant occupancy, and has been so by me and Lynn since 1994.

Gary Ceres is now, and will be further involved with at least one of my businesses, as an independent contractor; so, as a matter of a more perfect business and to provide a convenience to my associate, Mr. Ceres, I am leasing Gary a private room with a private bath; both of which are above my spacious office where I work, meet with clients and customers, all of whom meet with me by appointment only. He and I both have a private entrance to this space, as it is in the northeast wing of my residence. My other direct employees work above my three car garage, which is connected to that northeast wing, all of which is on 4 lots of my property in Mac'swood. I have owned this property all, or in part since 1994.

Gary signed a lease agreement with me on June 30, 2023 to take advantage of this space as he sees fit to do so. This should offer a full and sufficient explanation.
Commented: Tuesday, September 5th, 2023 @ 7:00 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Stan, I am so glad you commented on this thread. I am sure you understand that there are concerned voters wondering about the residency of this candidate. Can you please put any rumors to rest? Does he live at your family homestead, as indicated on record at the Board Of Elections? Or did you just agree for him to use that address? It seems the place isn’t being occupied. Thank you for a response.
Commented: Tuesday, September 5th, 2023 @ 6:19 pm By: Concerned Voter
Wait a minute Big Bob: What is Gary not trying to hide?
Commented: Monday, September 4th, 2023 @ 3:15 pm By: Stan Deatherage
this guy doesn't even try and hide it.
Commented: Sunday, September 3rd, 2023 @ 12:29 pm By: Big Bob
I loved it! But thankfully, I don't run into many of the martini sippers. I guess I don't hang out in the same places.
Commented: Saturday, September 2nd, 2023 @ 11:09 am By: Janet Knight


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