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Beaufort Observer Editorial Team's Entries

The Epoch Times documents the impact of Big Money on American politics
The Epoch Times documents the impact of Big Money on American politics
How you vote will determine how much your taxes will go up
How you vote will determine how much your taxes will go up
How many so called migrants are being paid to enter the USA?
How many so called migrants are being paid to enter the USA?
SCOTUS has a chance to rule in out-of-control bureacrats.
A new study of mail-in ballot fraud challenges the official results of the 2020 presidential election.
A new study of mail-in ballot fraud challenges the official results of the 2020 presidential election.
Leftist's radical arguments just do not fly, even with Leftist justices
Leftist's radical arguments just do not fly, even with Leftist justices
The man does not know how to tell the truth
The man does not know how to tell the truth
Meteorologist finds 96 percent of NOAA temperature stations located in ‘urban heat islands,’ including next to exhaust fans and on ‘blistering-hot rooftops.’
Meteorologist finds 96 percent of NOAA temperature stations located in ‘urban heat islands,’ including next to exhaust fans and on ‘blistering-hot rooftops.’
This shift to the right is far greater than Donald Trump, but he will be the beneficiary of it.
This shift to the right is far greater than Donald Trump, but he will be the beneficiary of it.
If you want to change government you must vote the change the people who have been running the government.
If you want to change government you must vote the change the people who have been running the government.
CNN exit polls show 70& of Haley's vote came from non-Republican voters
CNN exit polls show 70& of Haley's vote came from non-Republican voters
Sometimes it is hard to tell the Democrats from the Republicans
Sometimes it is hard to tell the Democrats from the Republicans
Included is a video clip of the disgusting Whinning Party
Included is a video clip of the disgusting Whinning Party
The Board should draw a Bright Line between education and politics. Playing politics in School Board meetings is disgusting.
The Board should draw a Bright Line between education and politics. Playing politics in School Board meetings is disgusting.
A house divided shall not stand. Abraham Linclon (R-Ill)
Star Parker: Government has become our new religion, and blacks have suffered for it
Star Parker: Government has become our new religion, and blacks have suffered for it
Stewardship of county records is not important until it is, then it is very important
Stewardship of county records is not important until it is, then it is very important
To save this nation we must first save our education system
To save this nation we must first save our education system
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