Voting Reform: A Progressive Voting Scheme | Eastern North Carolina Now

    Congress bears a moral responsibility to provide for and protect individual Liberty, including economic Liberty, and personal property (whether real or intellectual). If the current income tax structure is permitted to exist in its arbitrary and progressive nature, then immediately, there MUST be voter reform to institute a progressive, or weighted, voting system to protect the inherent property interests of taxpayers. While each person is entitled to one vote, additional voter weight will be given to those who pay taxes, own property, own a business, and otherwise engage in activities which are subject to the onerous and burdensome taxation requirements of the federal government. This progressive voting scheme will be necessary to combat the inherent unfairness of the current income tax scheme. It will provide that necessary constitutional safeguard to protect a person's property from the insatiable jaws of government. It will help exceedingly to protect against the thing that could destroy personal freedom and that is government confiscation of property. Then we'd surely have communism here in America. Right now it's socialism that is moving closer to fascism. (Note that you don't need outright confiscation of private property or business to impose socialism. It doesn't really matter if you hold the title to your property the government regulates it so heavily as to render it useless or unproductive. It doesn't really matter if you hold the title to your business if the government holds the power over the life or death of it).

    In the alternative, of course, we could simply abolish the 16th Amendment and move to a Fair Tax or other fair taxation scheme, or go back to the taxation scheme that served our nation well for the first 126 years of our existence - revenues which were raised through tariffs, excise taxes, and property taxes. It never touched a worker's paycheck. Of course, that would require the federal government to divest all its unconstitutional powers and functions, return the responsibilities to the states, where they certainly would apply them more fairly and intuitively to their citizens.

    My solution just keeps getting better !!

    In summary, we need to a return to fairness, and not the kind of fairness that Democrats talk about. Fairness needs to apply to everyone and not just those who have chosen to do the very least to get by and therefore feel they are entitled to what others have earned. We need tax reform (or if not, then voter reform!). With tax reform, we need the government to cut its "cradle-to-grave" nanny-state policies. Then we can finally expect to see tax breaks. We need to get the millions off dependency and into self-sufficiency. We need them to stop waiting around for a government check and instead, getting out each day to work to earn a paycheck or to class for an education to get a bigger paycheck. No one has the right to claim inequality unless he or she is willing to put an honest effort into an education and learning the English language in order to speak and communicate fairly intelligently. We need to stop the mean-spirited accusations and the tired old line that certain Americans can't achieve because they are victims. Everyone is in charge of their own destiny. As Machiavelli once warned: "It is just as difficult and dangerous to try to free a people that wants to remain servile as it is to enslave a people that wants to remain free."


    Larry P. Arnn and Grover Norquist, "Repeal the 16th Amendment," The Claremont Institute, April 15, 2003.
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    Ilana Mercer, Repeal the Abominable 16th Amendment, WorldNetDaily, November 20, 2002.
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    "Government and Policies: Class Warfare Dominates Debate," The Patriot Post, Digest - January 27, 2012. Referenced at:
Charles Gasparino, "Adding Up to Nothing," NY Post, January 26, 2012. Referenced at:
Timothy Geithner, Honest Questions. Referenced at:
Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, 104 (2000)

    Diane Rufino has her own blog For Love of God and Country. Come and visit her. She'd love your company.

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