Stan's Raw Opinion of the Obvious as the President-elect's Nominees are Put Forward | Eastern North Carolina Now
As the Senate Hearings of approving the nominations for cabinet of President-elect Donald Trump, politics in America will take center stage. It is not so much that these predominantly Republican nominees be on this fine, public stage, but, moreover, that of the minority Democrats.
Now that President Trump is picking his cabinet and immediate staff to insulate him from the poor judgement of the Bureaucratic Class, while moving quickly to transition this Constitutional Republic unto a wise and sustainable direction: What is your immediate impression as to how our nation will prosper?
62.5% We are headed toward a Golden Age in America's self-governed society.
6.25% This will all wind up in a clustered mess since Trump is a Fascist, and thought to be the second coming of Adolf Hitler by our best journalists.
31.25% This is a time where critical days lay ahead, where only wise and responsible decisions must be made to sustain US.
0% I generally do not pay attention, but expect only the best to occur ... and that is what I always expect.
Publisher's note: This post will reflect a daily journal expressing through a standard Stan rant of the sights and sounds of the Senate Confirmation Hearings for President-elect Donald Trump's nominees to help the political neophyte, and often inarticulate, President-elect sway this foundering Republic away from oblivion as it teeters on the proverbial brink of abject uselessness.
The most partisan of the dwindling Democrat opposition have pledged to stand in Mr. Trump's presidential path, and that path to nomination of his remarkably talent rich pool of potential cabinet selections, as they, so far, are proving to be both exceptionally wise and extra articulate, as they express themselves before these Senators, many of whom are still self absorbed just enough in their most Liberal of intellect to keep these hearings interesting, and at some points, downright hilarious in the darkly comical bent that is their political reality through my eyes.
(January 12, 2016, Day Three - it continues - 10:00 hour) Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis, a both remarkably unique and quite unusual choice choice for the extremely important position of Secretary of Defense, began his hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee, where he was given a chance to make his case to become only the second general chosen to head up the Department of Defense within 7 years of his retirement, the second being General George Marshall, who served under President Harry Truman immediately after World War II; tasked with the mammoth responsibility winning of the peace with Germany and Japan.
Selecting General Marshall required a congressional waiver to overcome his recent retirement after being the top United States General during WWII; selecting General Mattis, who was the Commandant of the Marine Corps would require the same. General Mattis did win the vote of the Senate Armed Services Committee, with about half of the most liberal Democrats dissenting, and then overwhelmingly won that waiver by the entire senate later in the day, again, with about half of the most liberal Democrats voting in the negative. While the waiver was a preliminary vote, one should consider that preliminary vote for waiver a final proxy vote to affirm Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis as the next Secretary of Defense.
The General Mattis hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee is here" Below.
Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson, throughout his daylong inquisition showed remarkable stoic grace, wisdom and great intellect while undergoing the withering fire from Senators playing to their self-perceived base, and at times appeared a towering figure enduring their peppered spray of relentless myopic questions, mostly about an alleged Russian hacking of Democrats' emails, as if our nation's future diplomatic minefields lay in places where Liberals tread with great and inelegant fluidity.
Here is a long smattering of the former Exxon Mobile CEO's intellectual resolve to do the job he is nominated to so do. Once again, there are is a continued stream of ranting commentary from Liberal /Socialist protesters erupting from the public audience, and then they are ushered from this public hall, banished to the other side of the public's wall keeping us from them: Below.
The Previous Day's Proceedings are Here Below:
This will be an ongoing post.
The United States capital, taken from just to the north of the U.S. Arboretum: by Stan Deatherage
As the Senate Hearings to approve the nominations for cabinet of President-elect Donald Trump, politics in America will take center stage. It is not so much that these predominantly Republican nominees be on this fine, public stage, but, moreover, the minority Democrats that are now acting in an obstinate resolve.
Beginning now, in the 10 o'clock of January 10, 2017, I will begin a series of raw opinions as to what I see that is ugly and what I see that is behavior befitting reasonable men and women.
(January 10, 2016, it begins - 10:00 hour) Wow ... if the Democrats don't know anything else, they know racism, racists and how to act as such.
In watching the confirmation of Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, I am reminded just how racist many Democrats are today, and if one examines history, Democrats have long been racist ... against one race, and now yet another.
I guess for Democrats, it takes one to think they know one.
Playing a role to placate a racist Democrat base for these lawmakers is getting really old.
Stupidity takes many forms, and now, with these Senate confirmations taking America's center stage, we will see it aplenty, in great abundance, all of it with a great big blazing "D", or now: Is it an massive "R"... R for "RACIST!"?
Democrats, I am watching you. You need to learn how to act, if not as patriots, to act as reasonable people.
(January 10, 2016, it continues - 2:00 hour) The Liberal /Socialist protesters have subsided in their shouting cadences, whereby the racist comments by these neo fascists are now diminished. Now the Democrat lawmakers, with the eruptive influence of their immediate neo fascist base ushered from the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, in disruptive disgrace, are acting more like reasonable politicians, though still laying their Liberal snare for Senator Sessions.
The Alabama Senator did not take the bait and has projected an air of professionalism for this much maligned position during the Hussein Obama administration, first under Eric Holder and then Loretta Lynch - both hampered by systemic unprincipled behavior, and related practices. Jeff Sessions storied law and political career is one that is built on principled behavior, which was sorely lacking during, not only the Department of Justice of the beleaguered two aforementioned Attorney Generals, but the last 8 years of much of the extra scandal ridden Obama presidency.
Whether one appreciates Senator Ted Cruz's truth seeking, truth speaking tone in this video, it speaks volumes as to what has been the truth of these Democrat Senators partisan behavior over the last 8 years, even behavior unbecoming any patriot. Senator Cruz, as is his talent to do so, speaks eloquently to that true. There is also an outburst that is partially caught by this video, which exemplifies much of what I have already stated: Below.
Today, after over 7 hours of inquisition, Senator Sessions held his ground and did well, by employing his measured tone and his remarkable preparation for the job. If there was one message to be derived from this marathon session, which will be extended tomorrow, Senator Jeff Sessions is an accomplished and committed public servant, who knows his place, his purpose, and has the sense of duty to be perfect in this path.