The far left in America is engaged in a War on History, one with very distinct paralells to Chariman Mao's "Cultural Revolution". While their first target was southern monuments from the War Between the States, these anti-history left wing activists have moved on to other wars including World Wars I and II, the Spanish American War, and the Revolutionary War. They have also moved on to attacking great explorers, America's founding fathers, and a wide range of past American presidents.
The Beaufort County Commission has taken a stand in one of the latest battles in the far left's War on History by adopting a resolution opposing their attempts to remove the monument honoring southern soldiers from the War Between the States at Arlington Cemetery. The left once said that they were okay with monuments in cemeteries, but that has apparently now changed.
The county commission resolution passed on a 4 to 3 vote. Two of those opposed were expexted, the leftwing members of Beaufort County's own left wing "squad,", Ed Booth and Jerry Langley. The other opponent was a shocker, Randy Walker, who we thought was a somewhat conservative Republican. Why is Randy Walker joining the far left's War on History? The votes of these three are an insult to Southerners and our ancestors AND an insult to veterans.
As George Orwell wrote, "the most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history"
We should thank John Rebholz, who even as a yankee transplant to Beaufort County had enough respect for our history to stand up for it. That makes it even more shocking that Randy Walker, as a native southerner, did NOT.
Finding this nugget of information made it well worthwhile to sit down and watch the videos of commissioner meetings.
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John Steed said:
( May 12th, 2023 @ 10:51 am )
Big Government Bob's lame attempt to change the discussion to a different subject, Jim Crow makes no sense, as he again does not have a good grasp on history. He apparently knows little outside the leftwing narrative. What Jim Crow most resembles are the Black Codes of the antebellum NORTH. The Black Codes imposed in many northern states created far more severe restrictions on free blacks than the later Jim Crow laws of the South. Free blacks, which were 20% of the black population in the South, were generally given more rights in the South prior to the war than in many northern states. This is reflected on the differing treatment of black soldiers by the two sides during the war. The North gave them half the pay of white soldiers while the South gave them full pay. The North put them in segregated units while the South integrated its units. The North did not allow minorities to serve as commissioned officers while the South did allow it and even had a minority general.
More deflecting and "whataboutism". AGAIN, the issue is monuments for our military heroes.
Your obsession is with something not related that has been dead and buried for over half a century, although your nutty 150 year timeline below contends it ended just eight years ago. I did not have anything to do with that, but if you say you did you must think you are older than the oldest person in the Guiness Book of Records. All you can do, Bolshevik Bob is to deflect because you have no legitimate arguments on the issue at hand. |
Jim Crow is not inherited guilt. We did that.
inherited racial guilt is the nonsense spewed by CRT. A modern person is NOT a victim or an opporessor based on what happened 200 years ago. That nonsense was concocted by Marxists for the purpose of creating divisions in society that the far left could then exploit.
Try as we might, We can absolve the sins of our fathers, by ignoring our own.
Try as we might, We can absolve the sins of our fathers, by ignoring our own.
As to BLM being Marxist, there was a video posted on this site 2 or 3 years ago, where one of the three co-founders of BLM boasted that she and another of the BLM co-founders were "trained Marxists". The third co-founder had lots of Marxist connections but apparently she was just an untrained Marxist. I take them at their word as to what they are, but apparently you want to whitewash it.
As to you, your support of attacks on history is identifal to Mao's Cultural Revolution, and you clearly support the Marxist CRT. Of course, there are other strains of totalitarianism that also support similar attacks on history like Muslim fanatics like ISIS and the Taliban and fascists. |
Not everyone who disagrees with you is a Marxist, but I get why you say that.
Bolshevik Bob is taking the same position on destroying historic monuments that was taken by ISIS, the Taliban, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. He is a fellow traveller with all of those cancel culture tyrants.
Confederae mounuments were erected at the same interval after the war as the Union monuments, and inded a similar interval as World War I and World War II monuments. And who is it that has been making major attacks on monuments here? The Marxist BLM organization, that's who. BLM has been attacking historical monuments all over the world.. |
Thanks for the history lesson John.
The exploits of Robert E. Lee is of conventional legend. The truth of who Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson was, at his core, is possibly a far more interesting story. If not for the accidental friendly fire felling of the inspiring and brilliant general at Chancellorsville, the War Between the States probably would have turned out far differently, and one can only wonder what this unified Republic would have become. |
It is hard to imagine why Randy Walker went along with woke cancel culture against the south. Cancel culture is nothing but evil.
It’s about monuments erected during Jim Crow to celebrate a way of life that no longer exists and to terrorize certain segments of the population. Decorate your private property anyway you want, but Big Bob supports monument removal from the public square. I see it as another nail in Mr Crows coffin. A coffin that should have Ben buried long ago.