Far-Left Extremist Greta Thunberg Calls For ‘Crushing Zionism’: ‘Thunberg Is Hitler Youth’ | Eastern North Carolina Now

Far-left extremist Greta Thunberg is facing backlash after she was captured chanting “crush Zionism” at a recent pro-Palestinian rally in Sweden.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Daily Wire News.

    Far-left extremist Greta Thunberg is facing backlash after she was captured chanting "crush Zionism" at a recent pro-Palestinian rally in Sweden.

    Thunberg has already faced intense criticism over her anti-Semitic views and has been accused of promoting pro-Hamas propaganda.

    "Crush Zionism" is an explicit call to destroy Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state and is considered to be extremely anti-Semitic.

    The Epoch Times, which posted a video of Thunberg making the remarks, said that the incident happened last week in Stockholm.

    Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro responded: "This immoral garbage pseudo-child is a perfect distillation of the generation of morons created by the toxic combination legacy media, social media, and wokeism."

    Podcast host Dave Rubin fired back at Thunberg, "Someone should tell this demented little witch that there isn't much fresh water in the Middle East so Israel invented drip irrigation to make the desert bloom and also revolutionized desalinization plants and now exports fresh water to other countries in the area."

    "Greta Thunberg is Hitler Youth," said author David Steinberg.

    "She really has become a racist talking head and useful idiot for Hamas," said international human rights attorney Arsen Ostrovsky.

    International human rights lawyer Hillel Neuer added, "Now for sure the U.N. will invite her back."

    "There should be no doubt about where Greta stands," said Daniel Schatz, Visiting Scholar, Georgetown University.

It has been far too many years since the Woke theology interlaced its canons within the fabric of the Indoctrination Realm, so it is nigh time to ask: Does this Representative Republic continue, as a functioning society of a self-governed people, by contending with the unusual, self absorbed dictates of the Woke, and their vast array of Victimhood scenarios?
  Yes, the Religion of Woke must continue; there are so many groups of underprivileged, underserved, a direct result of unrelenting Inequity; they deserve everything.
  No; the Woke fools must be toppled from their self-anointed pedestal; a functioning society of a good Constitutional people cannot withstand this level of "existential" favoritism as it exists now.
  I just observe; with this thoughtful observation: What will happen "when the Vikings are breeching our walls;" how do the Woke react?
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( December 11th, 2023 @ 11:39 pm )
Well Big Bob: I have long said that the act of being a mentally fit Beaufort County Commissioner is NOT "Rocket Science," but it is for them; those members of the Center - Left Coalition comprising the majority of voting board members.

Big Bob, I am satisfied that if you served as a county commissioner, it would probably be "rocket science" for you as well, and your comment, "I don't know how you do it" would be extremely accurate.
Big Bob said:
( December 11th, 2023 @ 7:27 pm )
You sort of have the right idea CV, you just don't get that your existence is no more important than mine.
Big Bob said:
( December 11th, 2023 @ 7:36 pm )
My condolences to all commissioners who serve on the board. I don't know how you do it.
( December 11th, 2023 @ 4:15 pm )
And who are the rich that are doing that these days? Soros, father and son, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Bill Gates, and others of their ilk, i.e. the globalists. They are distorting politics to the left and to big government, not to the right. They meet annually at Davos under the watchful eye of Klaus Schwab to plot their agenda, known as "the Great Reset". The left could say that this is just a "conspiracy theory" except they are very open about their goals and objectives, writing books and putting out videos on what they want to do. These are the world's New Totalitarians, and dividing society with the gender confusion nonsense, climate alarmism, and mass migration are just some of their tactics.

The rich globalists are the enemy of a free society, which they are trying to destory and rebuild to their own desires. If they get away with taking meat away from the masses, as they want, you can be sure they will still be eating steaks themselves.
( December 11th, 2023 @ 4:00 pm )
Big Bob: Problem solving is what I do; your Leftist representatives stop those of us who possess that capacity to do so as a means to always be moving toward some new crisis ("never to go wasted") to create, so ... Stop your griping, because you will never be part of the solution as a Leftist.

You Leftists have proven that. Crazy Greta, and her kind, will never be part of the solution. She, they have proven that as well.
Big Bob said:
( December 11th, 2023 @ 2:58 pm )
OK, you guys love this kind of stuff. Ever wonder why a divided country is so important to the rich and powerful? They figure if we keep busy fighting amongst ourselves, we wont notice the forever chemicals in our drinking water, the plastics in our food, a warming climate, over use of pesticides, animal cruelty in modern agriculture or the over use of anti-biotics.
Yup...much more important to smite the gays than tackle real problems.
The rich buy the politicians, and the politicians keep your eye away from what they do. Wish the people on this chat might get interested in actual problems facing humanity.
( December 11th, 2023 @ 2:12 pm )
I remember when some leftist called Thunberg Joan of Arc, and my first thought was "when's the bonfire?" It has always been known that she has a variety of mental health issues.

But when it comes to the crazy eyes on this junior league dingbat Thunberg, the best comparison I have seen was a large banner of her put up in California posted beside beside a Hitler banner from Nuremburg in the 1930s. The facial expressions and crazy look in the eyes were identical. It was uncanny.

One has to remember that Hitler used environmentalism in his politics, just like Thunberg. Now Thunberg is pushing Hitler's position on the Jews.
( December 11th, 2023 @ 1:07 pm )
Sure Big Bob: You are a real smart "guy" - "She's not" crazy.
Big Bob said:
( December 11th, 2023 @ 1:00 pm )
She's not.
( December 11th, 2023 @ 12:43 pm )
Look into this crazy chick's crazy eyes at your own peril.

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