Dem House leader joins Biden attacks on Supreme Court (& democracy) | Eastern North Carolina Now

part of the Democrats War on Democracy intended to intimidate SCOTUS


In a continuing Democrat attempt to undemocraticly concentrate power in the executive branch over the legislative and judicial branches, Democrat House leader Hakeem Jeffries has attacked the Supreme Court with the clear intent to try to politically intimidate the court on key upcoming rulings.  Jeffries called the Supreme Court "MAGA extremists" and said "Congress needs to get it under control".

Our founding fathers never intended for our Supreme Court to be under political control by Congress or the President.  Meanwhile, Biden has repeatedly usurped Congress' power to make laws by trying to make them himself by executive action. and Democrat functionaries like Jeffries look the other way.  Who Congress really needs to get under control is the power obsessed, lawless Biden regime.

Biden himself has been making attacks on the Supreme Court regularly, and has even boasted about defying Supreme Court rulings.  This is the mentality of a dictator.

The leftwing "advocacy journalists" of the corrupt MSM, which is little more than the propaganda section of the Democrat Party, have predictably piled on in their attacks on the Supreme Court.  They are working hand in glove with Democrat politicians.

The Supreme Court is now considering a key First Amendment case, Missouri v. Biden which is critical to protecting our freedom of speech.  The Biden regime wants a ruling against free speech protections so it can censor Americans.

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( May 25th, 2024 @ 9:05 pm )
Biden's attempt to buy votes by cancelling college debts is ripping off the taxpayers and further boosting Bidenflation. His arrogance in defying the Supreme Court on that is appallingly arrogant.

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