Kamala Harris, Dems Attack JD Vance As ‘Weird.’ He Responds With This Video Clip Of Harris. | Eastern North Carolina Now

Vice President Kamala Harris and her surrogates have started to use the attack line that Ohio Sen. JD Vance (R) is “weird.”

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Amanda Prestigiacomo.

    Vice President Kamala Harris and her surrogates have started to use the attack line that Ohio Sen. JD Vance (R) is "weird."

    Vance, who former President Donald Trump picked as his running mate, responded on Sunday with a short video clip of Harris on CNN, telling the audience she uses "she/her" pronouns.

    "JD Vance is weird," Vance mockingly captioned the clip of Harris.

    "And my pronouns are "she, her and her's," Harris says at the 2020 town hall event. Then-CNN host Chris Cuomo seems to rib Harris over the absurd statement, responding, "Me too."

    Harris has repeatedly stated her "pronouns" on video - a nod to the leftist movement that suggests females can become males and males can become females. Notably, liberals like Harris push ideology and legislation to enable children to change their bodies in order to fit their "gender identity," sometimes in an irreversible way.

    "The intersection on the issue of reproductive care and trans care, and the ability of families to be able to have care for their children and their families, is really, again, an intersection around attacks that are on an identity," Harris said last year.

    In the White House last summer, Harris again stated her "pronouns": "My pronouns are 'she' and 'her,'" she said.

    Over the weekend, Democrats began attacking Vance as "weird." For example, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called the VP pick "weird" and "extreme." Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) also called Vance and Trump "weird."

    Harris used the same line, saying during a campaign fundraiser that Trump and Vance are saying "weird" things. She also sent out a campaign release on Friday that said Vance was a "creep" for wanting restrictions on abortion and falsely claiming the senator wants to "ban abortion nationwide."


    "JD Vance is a creep (who wants to ban abortion nationwide)," it said, adding that this "isn't just bad policy - it's creepy, it's unacceptable, and voters won't stand for it."

    Harris is the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee after President Joe Biden dropped his re-election campaign after a poor debate performance and pressure from other Democrats to withdraw from the race. Harris did not receive any votes but locked up delegates in about 48 hours.

Since the Democratic Socialist campaign message has been that the Republican nominee, "Donald Trump is a threat to Democracy," is it not exceedingly ironic that the leadership of the Democratic Socialist party is endeavoring to remove their presumptive nominee - Joseph R. Biden, though elected - as their candidate for the presidency of the United States?
  The Democratic Socialists reserve the right to always be incredibly flexible in all matters pertaining to communicated core ideals.
  The Democratic Socialists are long on hyperbolic promise, but way short on purposeful performance, ergo, they are grand hypocrites of the first order.
  None of this really matters.
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( August 9th, 2024 @ 9:48 am )
What should be upsetting to any normal person is the harm that pushing this radical gender ideology is doing to children. They go through a temporary phase and zealots want to push drugs and surgery on them to make that permanent wrecking their lives. Read the agony that Cristina Hineman was put through in the post on her ordeal. This is what scumbags like you are trying to foist on America's kids.

Conservatives offer a lot to the vast majority of Americans like ending the destructive Bidenomics and Biden's open borders, the key issues for the American people according to the polls. It is the Biden-Harris Democrats who are out of step with the American mainstream pushing their destructive far left ideology.
Big Bob said:
( August 9th, 2024 @ 9:15 am )
I really don't care. I just don't let different types of people upset me. The right wing machine has nothing for 80% of the population, and they know it, so they gin up fake outrage to distract you. Weirdos seems to go for it every time. Trump and pals cash the checks. What could go wrong?
( August 8th, 2024 @ 10:33 am )
The scientific / professional consensus in Europe is that gender dysphoria ("transgenderism") in most children is a temporaty passing phase that they will grow out of. It is beyond sick to radically and permanently alter their bodies for something they will probably grow out of, anyway.

The British National Health Services, hardly a conservative bastion, last year changed their protocols so that their doctors not only no longer push drugs or surgery to children suffering from gender dysphoria, but they are also instructed not to even suggest new names or pronouns. The idea is to encourage them to grow out of it as quickly as possible not try to make it permanent. That is a healthy and logical approach.
Big Bob said:
( August 7th, 2024 @ 11:46 pm )
Your efforts to deny that transgender students exist and the fact MAGA is more than willing to trash anyone and everyone for anything, will be the reason trump loses the election. It's just weird.

I'm not saying he will lose, but if he does, its because he's a mean SOB, and people are tired of it.
Big Bob said:
( August 7th, 2024 @ 11:36 pm )
Your efforts to deny that transgender students exist and the fact MAGA is more than willing to trash anyone and everyone for anything, will be the reason trump loses the election. It's just weird.

I'm not saying he will lose, but if he does, its because he's a mean SOB, and people are tired of it.
( August 7th, 2024 @ 10:38 am )
Maybe your talking points don't give you all the facts, Bobbie. Walz put tampon machines in BOYS restrooms in high schools. He made sure BOYS has access to tampons, which is genuinely WEIRD. The tampon machines in BOYS bathrooms is why he is being calling "Tampon Tim" Walz.
Big Bob said:
( August 7th, 2024 @ 9:56 am )
Making sure female poor kids have access to feminan hygiene products and you call him "tampon Tim". That is weird.
( August 7th, 2024 @ 9:27 am )
The one who is genuinely weird is "Tampon Tim" Walz. Before he tried to call anyone else "weird", Walz should have looked in a mirror.

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