Conservative voting Beaufort County is in the clutches of liberal Republicans, RINOs (Republicans In Name Only). Even worse, policy decisions in county government and the schools are based on Democrat philosophy.
More than 60 percent of the votes in general elections are made by voters who believe they are electing conservatives to public office. Due to disinformation campaigns conducted by the Beaufort County Republican Party, many liberals are being elected. The Democrats understand the split in the Republican Party better than rank and file Republicans. Most voters look to the Republican Party to provide rock ribbed Republican candidates. The local party, and to the same extent the State Republican Party, are led and run by liberals who are more concerned with their apparent positions of power than the Republican platform.
Neither the Beaufort County Republican Party nor the State Republican party vets candidates. The Beaufort County Republican Party requires their candidates to provide an undying loyalty to the County leadership and a dislike of all conservative Republican candidates.
Poor leadership is proven, in the case of the State Party, by their inability to elect a governor and to gain a majority on the Council of State since 1988. Aside from not providing adequate support for Republican Governor candidates, they picked an obvious looser with no political experience in Mark Robinson. They boosted him in the primary over a very well-qualified candidate, Dale Folwell, with a proven track record. The situation on the State level smacks of gross, not simple, but gross incompetence. There is no credit to be given on the state level for the Republican Party maintaining Republican control of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals because the majority of voters in North Carolina want conservative (Republican) judges anyway.
Political conditions in the Beaufort County Republican Party are equally as rancid. Party leaders withheld information so they could capture elective office (Register of Deeds). During the past several years workers in the Party headquarters have advised voters not to vote for conservative county commissioner candidates by name (Stan Deatherage, Hood Richardson, Tandy Dunn). During the 2024 election volunteers worked against Republican school board and commissioner candidates. Headquarters workers recommended Republicans vote for Democrat Mac Hodges for school board. Stacey Davis was the Republican candidate.
During the past ten years or so the Beaufort County Conservative Club has led the charge to provide and elect conservative Republicans to office. For commissioner they have supported Tandy Dunn, Stan Deatherage, Steve Carawan and Hood Richardson. Considerable effort was made to elect Randy Walker in the 2020 elections. Randy Walker got elected and promptly turned into a RINO.
Until two years ago the Beaufort County School Board was dismally liberal. They believed their job was to rubber stamp whatever the liberal superintendent wanted. The school system is liberalized on the California pattern. We no longer teach cursive writing, classical math, or patriotic history. The use of textbooks has been minimized to the point that parents rarely know what is being taught. LGBTQ and sexual orientation are being exposed to students. Enrollment has been dropping with home and private schooling on the increase.
The Conservative Club recruited and supported three school board candidates during the 2022 elections. All three were elected. During the 2024 elections the Club recruited and supported five candidates. There are 9 seats on the school board. Four Republicans were elected. Because not all Republicans are as conservative or politically astute as they should be, conservative Republicans are not a majority on the school board. The liberal leadership is still in control with the superintendent continuing to promote liberal California education. Their lawyer is Chairman of the Durham County Democrat Party. Hopefully we will elect a conservative Board of Education in 2026, while we pray for a miracle from the RINOs now sitting on the Board.
It is the blurring of the line between RINO and conservative Republican that confuses voters. Republican voters, rightly so, expect their Republican leadership to be competent, honest and present them with good candidates. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Finding the line between RINO and conservative is not made easier when elected officials on the level of Senators Budd and Tillis give awards to liberal Democrats when they are put out of office by the sacrifice and hard work of conservative Republicans. Because of the behavior of Senators Tillis and Budd, it is necessary for me to inform you that they are both elected Republicans.
Usually elected officials do not make awards within their own party without the approval of local party leadership. Therefore, the same Beaufort County Republican Party that worked against the Republican Candidate for School Board must have approved the Republican Senators Tillis and Budd making the award to the Democrat loser (Mac Hodges). This is not all of the backstabbing going on in the Beaufort County Republican Party. There are more things to come out.
In light of all of the above, I was not surprised to see Fake Frankie Waters installed again by RINO Randy Walker and the two Democrats, Jerry Langley and Ed Booth at the December Commissioners meeting. Fake Frankie Waters and RINO Randy Walker returned the favor to the Democrats by electing Jerry Langley to the Vice Chairman seat. There are five Republicans and two Democrats on the Board.
Later during the meeting these four commissioners showed their loyalty to each other by voting to almost double the cost of food in the jail simply because the Sheriff asked them to. Sheriff Hammonds decided he did not like the present food contractor from whom we got meals for $3.15 each. Now we will be paying about $5.80 each. This is at least a $120,000 annual increase in food cost. The only reason given to commissioners was that an inmate had complained that he did not get the same amount of chicken as another inmate. Now employees of the new contractor will enter the jail and serve the food. What about bringing in contraband and infectious diseases. None of this makes any sense other than to show these four and maybe five officials are marching in lock step. We will be spending more money in an already bloated system.
Then the two RINOs and the two Democrats proceeded to approve a fifty-two-million-dollar budget for the building of the new elementary school. This was a two-page document. The Board of Commissioners has not seen plans, specifications, sizing or a parking plan for the new school. All of this money is being approved by the commissioners with no oversight or knowledge of what is being built. This was never intended; otherwise, why do the commissioners have the money and not the school board. Every school board member and every commissioner who voted “for” this project has, in effect, sentenced the youngest students in the Washington Attendance Area to at least fifty years of crosstown busing. They could have built the school on the western side of Washington and cut busing substantially and made better use of the Eastern campus.
There is some good news. The year 2025 is the year that leadership in the Republican Party can be changed. This is the year that Republicans elect new leadership from the county to the state and on to nationally. The Beaufort County precinct meetings and county convention will be held on March 22, 2025, at Southern Acres on Highway 92 near Bath. Later, before Fall, there will be a district and a state convention. We will elect new chairmen and executive committees during each convention. Hopefully, new leadership. Hopefully, honest and competent leadership. Those who want change need to show up at these conventions.
“In the clutches”, I love that—
BCCitizen- Good point. Inmates are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and still possess all their individual rights, including the right to remain silent. By no means am I advocating for starvation.
It has been said “the fastest way to a man’s heart, is through his stomach.” If a man eats better on the inside than he did on the outside, subconsciously he will believe, “this isn’t such a bad place to be”. I have many friends who have at one point or another been incarcerated, we all make mistakes. I would rather though see a bland base diet, that contains all food groups to keep a person healthy, but not exactly what one would call “gourmet”. This acts as a subconscious deterrent, persuading the mind to follow the law for the good of everyone including those in jail. |
Concerning the entity claiming this article is full of lies - Two things: 1) More convoluted dishonesty 2) The reason the disloyalty performed by the perpetrators is not addressed is because they cannot address it, since they are guilty of it.
My take on this is that the people embroiled in this hostility probably don't care about anything other than their petty battle. To people of good will on the outside looking in, it's just an off the rails local party doing way more harm than good to the locality they reside in. Expressed in one word: Disgraceful. How anyone could behave like this and delude themselves into thinking they are doing good in the community is beyond me. That makes a person wonder if doing good in the community is even what the motivation is for some of these people. The primary motivation must be just the personal issues. Also, in some instances personal gain. |
CV: I agree that Beaufort County's board of elections is reasonably competent.
Director Kelly Hopkins is at the top of all department heads here in Beaufort County government when it comes to competence, and Director Hopkins has exhibited this fine behavior since her inception as leader, and I should know ... I was a county commissioner when she began as Director nearly 3 decades ago. |
Big Bob: You are an ideologue as a Leftist, and you lecture me about governing and "hate."
Now, that is rich considering just how pathetic your Non Patriot Leftist politicians have devastated this Republic, all while being DEI racists and bigots. |
"Real" republicans cant govern. They are not capable of it. Their ideology is built on hate.
Stan, the screwup on David Hudson's registration came at the DMV, not the Beaufort County Board of Elections. When Hudson moved back to Beaufort County, he made the mistake of registering there when he got his NC license instead of going to the board of elections. Our local board of elections is pretty competent, but the same cannot be said of DMV, which has an unfortunate habit of screwing up voter registrations, here and elsewhere. I have little doubt that Hudson would have skunked Allen in a Republican primary, but thanks to DMV he had to run as an unaffiliated even though he did get his registration corrected to Republican once he became aware of DMV's screwup.
The lesson is that if you want to get someone properly registered to vote, NEVER send them to the DMV. Make sure they go to the Board of Elections. |
Firebrand: I do understand you loud and clear: RINOs despise real Republicans ... at least they do here in Beaufort County, especially with a current sympathetic Beaufort County GOP that completely disregards the GOP Party Platform.
The only twisting and winding the truth and disloyalty come from the PAC. David Hudson ran as an Unaffiliated Candidate. He obviously did not follow procedures to run as the Republican candidate in the primary. So who didn’t “Vet” their candidate? He couldn’t even spell School correctly.
That "unaffiliated candidate," as per my conversations with David Hudson, was a mistake by our board of elections, or the process of registration; regardless, if he could have run in the Republican Primary, then we might NOW have a real Republican school board.
I am currently working with Dave Hudson on a number of projects, and I can vouch for what I know about Mr. Hudson, not least of which is his real Republican qualities, which are superb; and, of course, I would know of such after all the RINOs I have had the bold displeasure to deal with here in Beaufort County government. |
I looked up the voter registration of those Belhaven school board candidates on the Board of Elections website, and both were registered Republican. I understand one was officially the Republican candidate and the other wasn't, but both were actual Republicans. Of course, the other difference was that the official candidate is totally under the thumb of the liberal school superintendant, and the other candidate wasn't.
Your position is so completely subjective.