Attack on the environment - Michigan to clear cut state forest for a solar farm | Eastern North Carolina Now

state natural resource agency puts solar grifters ahead of trees


There was a time when environmentalists were called "tree huggers" because they valued nature and particularly trees.  Not anymore.  Today's breed of climate alarmists seem to see trees as merely a nuisance to get rid of so they can blanket the land with wind turbines and solar panels.

The latest example comes from Michigan where state officials have admitted they plan to clear cut 420 acres of State Forest land in order to lease it to put up solar panels.  To the MIchigan Department of Natural Resources, pandering to the solar grifters seems to mean more than preserving natural forests.  Not only will the trees themselves be lost, but also wildlife habitat.

Those who claim CO2 is so bad should think for just a minute.  Trees remove CO2 from the air naturally.  In the photosynthesis process, they remove CO2 from the air, use the carbon for their own nourishment, and release Oxygen.  Cutting down trees  just leaves more CO2 in the air.

This problem is not limited to Michigan.  In Germany, real environmentalists have to keep filing lawsuits against wind and solar companies and government to try to save the natural environment, trees and wildlife habitat, from being destroyed for "green energy".  Even famous forests are under threat.  The government of Baden-Wurttemberg, ironically led by the "Green" Party is trying to chop down swaths of the famed Black Forest for wind turbines.  Futher north, it is the ancient Reinhartswald, setting for the Grimms Fairy Tales that is under threat of being lost for the erection of wind turbines.

In Scotland, a public documents request to the government forestry agency revealed that in that country 11.2 million trees had been cut down just on government land for wind and solar energy projects.  That did not even include trees cut down on private land for that purpose.

Today's breed of climate alarmists are clearly fake environmentalists.

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Big Bob said:
( January 6th, 2025 @ 6:34 pm )
try again. you can do it big guy!
( January 6th, 2025 @ 12:12 pm )
It is all actually very clear, Little Bobbie. Endangered species like whales are of no concern to you if they get in the way of your windmills or solar panels.
Big Bob said:
( January 6th, 2025 @ 11:17 am )
Read it again. You'll get it.
( January 6th, 2025 @ 9:49 am )
Who is that "we", Bobbie? Have you ever crewed on a whaling ship? Of course not. Nobody on these boards has because whaling ended many generations ago. Maybe you still fantacize about Moby Dick, but for most modern Americans, whaling is ancient history. But real environmentalists care about biodiversity and maintaining diminished species, something the climate alarmists like yourself clearly care nothing about.

While whales are increasingly washing up on beaches as a result of offshore wind turbine development, the climate alarmists are proposing new forests of these things directly on the migration path of the most endangered whale species, the Atlantic Right Whale.

It is not just whales. Wind turbines on land and sea slaughter birds by the millions, including endangered eagle species. Wind turbines are a threat to the environment and should be banned.
Big Bob said:
( January 6th, 2025 @ 8:42 am )
I think my point was and is, that to say we shouldn't reduce our dependence on fossil fuels in order to save the whales is
disingenuous considering how we have driven them to near extinction. I firmly believe half the regular posters on the BO would shoot a whale in the head if it meant 10 cents less at the pump.
( January 5th, 2025 @ 8:47 pm )
Well, there we have it. Even our own climate alarmist troll admits he does not care about whales, birds, or trees. He is an anti-environmentalist like the rest of his ilk.
Big Bob said:
( January 5th, 2025 @ 8:14 pm )
We slaughtered millions. So what if the last few disappear. Stop acting like you give a sh*t.
( January 5th, 2025 @ 2:19 pm )
Offshore wind turbines are also an attack on the environment, slaughtering whales and seabirds as they industrialize our oceans and also adversely impacted lots of other marine species. They are also one of the very most expersive ways to make electricity, gouging electric consumers with very high bills.

Trump should use the law Biden is trying to use against offshore oil and gas drilling to permanently shut down offshore wind.

Climate alarmists are ANTI-environmentalists in their lunacy.

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