Comments for Biden influence peddling: $200K check to Joe from brother Jim found | Eastern North Carolina Now

Comments for Biden influence peddling: $200K check to Joe from brother Jim found

smoking gun on Biden family corruption

Another attack on American democracy that ultra-partisan Democrat prosecutor Fanni Willis is doing in Georgia is trying to criminalize the contesting of a questionable election. This has been accepted part of American democracy since our founding and now Willis wants to distort the law to criminalize it. Even in Georgia, there is one of Willis' fellow leftwing black Democrat women who ran for governor just a few short years ago and makes similar charges that Trump did about her own election, but with a whole lot less basis. This is one of the clear double standards the left is dividing our judicial system with.

Indeed, democracy abroad abounds with open challenges of election results. Earlier this year, the German state of Berlin had a new election that changed the result after the first election was successfully challenged in the Constitutional Court. The city of London in the UK reran an election in the Tower Hamlets district after a successful challenge due to election fraud there. The entire parliamentary election in Ukraine was re-run after the first election was successfully challenged in the Constitutional Court in the Orange Revolution case. I had the privelege to meet the two Ukrainian lawyers who won that case when I hired them to train political party lawyers in Moldova.
Commented: Thursday, October 26th, 2023 @ 10:59 am By: Steven P. Rader
Yeah, these terrible, lawless Republicans made phones calls, and some actually talked to people, possibly questioning why voting was stopped then restarted hours later.

In all seriousness NOW, Beaufort County finishes counting ballots during large biannual elections in less than 2 hours, every election now going forward with the equipment that Beaufort County Commissioners recently purchased.

Who knows, maybe Fulton County, and their many voting irregularities is the "hit dog that yelped," with all these voting irregularities planned for nefarious purpose.

Also, maybe Republican governor Kemp should have grown a pair some time ago.
Commented: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 @ 10:47 am By: Stan Deatherage
Stan, if you are referring to the phone call Raffensberger recorded from Trump that the Democrats make such a big deal over, if you listen to the whole thing instead of the snippet they push, he is making a point to Raffensberger about why he needs a full recount as the hurdle he has to get over is fairly small. There is nothing at all criminal about pushing for a full recount. Heck a LOT of Democrats have done that and then claimed to find new boxes of ballots in closets, trunks of cars, and whereever that just happen to be mostly Democrat. That has happened in several races for Senate, governor, or Congress. Never any criminal investigations but they have stolen a number of public offices that way.

I have never known of Republicans in recounts to claim finding "missing" ballot boxes. They have just wanted a second look to see if things were counted correctly. In Georgia, there were some really questionable activities in the election night count, especially the mail in ballot count for Fulton County, where they ran off the election observers. What was recorded on a security camera that they apparently did not know was filming was appalling to say the least.
Commented: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 @ 10:34 am By: Steven P. Rader
Steve remember, the Trump people also made phone calls. So the Left does have a valid point: Only Democratic Socialists can challenge election results. That is the law!

Maybe the Leftist Fulton County Attorney should make an example of these Republicans working on behest of the President of the United States of America; they used their phones to contact people, some even politicians!

This is classic RICO prosecution; they Conspired to Use Their Phones!
Commented: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 @ 10:22 am By: Stan Deatherage
Those who are sadly destroying the American judicial system are the Democrats who are using it for power politics to try to destroy their political enemies. The things they now want to call crimes were not considered crimes in the past but they now make up their own interpretation of laws.

The Gore camp did a lot more to try to manipulate an election in 2000, than what the Democrats are claiming on Trump, but there was not even a hint of prosecution then. Some of the shananigans they were involved in to try to change the result in Florida, required the US Supreme Court to step in and shut the Gore Democrats down.

The Gore Democrats did not stop there. They tried to get members of the Electoral College to change their votes to Gore. Having myself been a member of that Electoral College from North Carolina, I well remember that. Somehow, they got my email address and that of other Electors and flooded our inboxes with emails asking us to break the law and not vote for Bush. They even got some phone numbers and harassed us by telephone. These were open solicitations asking us as Electors to break the law. Nothing was ever prosecuted or even investigated from that.

In Georgia, what President Trump was asking Raffensberger for was a full recount of ballots instead of the limited recount Raffensberger called for. That is what Trump is being prosecuted for. The Gore people were breaking the law in Florida in the course of an actual full recount, and they were soliciting presidential Electors to break the law. None of that was even investigated.

This is a new world in American politics of using courts to punish political enemies. Some are calling it lawfare, a take on "warfare". It is a disgusting perversion of our legal system.
Commented: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 @ 10:14 am By: Steven P. Rader
Big Bob: First of all, I am NO old man, I am fit enough mentally and physically to know my abilities, and know my limitations. Your argument here based on Ageism belies your bigoted nature.

Secondly, I detest corruption in all forms, while you Leftists openly embrace it in your every thought and deed as a political tool, and me and my constituents are ready for a big change ... Yeah, we are fully fed up by it.

I am not bitter, I am just honest about what is real, and your words have proved that you are not. I allow you to post comments here, under an alias, because your trolling is the perfect foil, a spring board to project that there are profound differences between Good and honest people and Leftists that have, and will go to great lengths to do great damage to this Constitutional Republic.

In that sole regard you serve that purpose, nothing more.
Commented: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 @ 9:43 am By: Stan Deatherage
Hmm, I guess that’s a no. The country is divided Stan. Nobody will be removed. One side wins a little, then the other side wins a little. Learn to compromise or pass from this earth a bitter old man.
Commented: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 @ 9:20 am By: Big Bob
Naming a special prosecutor on election interference to go after these rogue prosecutors and perhaps rogue judges should be a top priority for a new administration, but equal to that should be a special prosecutor to go after those who have perverted and violated our immigration laws, from Biden and Mayorkas down through lower political appointees who have been a part of it.

Use the same tactics as Willis in Georgia. Pile up heavy charges on the middle level people who cannot afford the legal costs or the potential jail time and give them get out of jail free cards to bring down the big boys. Those who bring down Obama, the evil force behind all of this, should get the best get out of jail free cards.
Commented: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 @ 9:16 am By: borderhawk
No Stan. None of that is happening. You Ok buddy?
Commented: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 @ 9:02 am By: Big Bob
No Stan. None of that is happening. You Ok buddy?
Commented: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 @ 9:04 am By: Big Bob
Big Bob: The Non Patriot Left, your group, has already destroyed our "Rule of Law", by whoring it out, compliments of the worst American Citizens, possibly ever. It will be up to the best of US Republicans to reinstall a Constitutional Republic, and remove the Non Patriot Left's stench and stain..
Commented: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 @ 9:08 am By: Stan Deatherage
Attempting to destroy the American judicial system while in the throughs of a temper tantrum is not only childish but unAmerican.
Commented: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 @ 8:58 am By: Big Bob

Twisting and distorted the law and strongarming other people they indict to parrot their narrative is abuse of prosecutorial power for election interferance. These political hack prosecutors need to be indicted and jailed for the rest of their lives for their attacks on American democracy. These are indeed "trumped up" charges.

And who can forget that this crooked prosecutor in Georgia is the daughter of a leader of the racist terrorist group, the Black Panthers.
Commented: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 @ 7:51 am By: Conservative Voter
Court. Where MAGA goes to die. I know I’m being rather unsportsmanlike but really how could anyone believe the crap that comes from the orange one. I understand you want it to be true but it just isn’t. I’m sorry you got sucked in. Look at it this way. Trump isn’t even a conservative. He’ll say anything. He doesn’t care.
Commented: Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 @ 10:18 pm By: Big Bob
RH: If these Leftist fools want to be treated where "No one is above the law" Trump style, they will all be in prison at some point.

How may years will former President Biden spend in prison; will Hunter ever get out.

Killary will definitely be in for Life. And Obama has some questions to answer about some recent events.

And what about Comey the Crook? How many years will Comey get? We could have some fun with this. Start building the federal prisons.
Commented: Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 @ 10:13 pm By: Stan Deatherage
What goes around, comes around. The far left has opened the door to political prosecutions, and it will not stop with their witch hunt on Trump. Twisting the law into pretzels with new legal theories like they are trying to do to Trump can be turned back on them. Some of the first who need to be indicted after the crooked Dems are out of power is three crooked prosecutors responsible for the politically motivated witch hunt against Trump. Some of the crooked judges connected to these cases who should have recused themselves, also need to join them. Once the shoe is on the other foot, we need to kick hard to teach these corrupt Democrats a lesson.
Commented: Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 @ 9:07 pm By: Rino Hunter
Meadows granted immunity, flips on Trump.
Commented: Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 @ 7:01 pm By: Big Bob
Looks like the Democrat prosecutorial mafia is making offers people cannot refuse, the consequences are too severe. This is a crooked court and crooked prosecutor.

I want to puke every time I read that Hamas apologist, pro-China troll Bigot Bob post "none of this is true" because I can read the links others have posted and see that it completely true or in this case the personal experience which Bigot Bob lacks.

I have also read the opinions of noted legal scholars who paint all of these sets of charges as beyond the pale, things that have never been charged under similar facts previously. This is a "get Trump" judicial lynching like that seen in banana republics or under Stalin or Hitler.
Commented: Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 @ 6:55 pm By: Conservative Voter
Meadows granted immunity, flips on Trump.
Commented: Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 @ 6:44 pm By: Big Bob
None are above the law. All of us can be wrong. The charges against Trump are real. Next step, determine guilt through the same system everyone else has to deal with. 100% of that is true. BTW anyone peddling the notion that a free legal aid attorney is better than the ones trump, or any rich person can afford, is um, wrong.
Commented: Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 @ 3:12 pm By: Big Bob
Big Bob: Do you realize that Steve Rader has been an attorney for many decades, and well understands the machinations of politics from the constitutional base point to the point of dealing with real people, their needs, but not to the detriment of this Representative Republic?

To announce that what Steve Rader writes, which I have the distinct honor to publish on this expansive platform, by you sophistic words, "None of what you posted is actually true," is an extreme dismissal of a subject that you proved you do not understand.

If you can just pull yourself away from bathing yourself in the banality of what constitutes a Leftist, and learn to argue an issue on its face, you might gain at least the respect of those that understand a multiplicity issues at their core here on Eastern NC NOW.

I might not agree, in total, with every bit of advice and wisdom I have been afforded by Steve, but, it is a rare discussion with Steve that I do not pull out far more than an acorn of pure truth, and at this point in my existence, I am not easily impressed, and am wise to learn from truly wise words where ever I can find them.
Commented: Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 @ 2:30 pm By: Stan Deatherage
None of what you posted is actually true.
Commented: Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 @ 1:58 pm By: Big Bob
You are clueless, Bob. One of the things that pressures defendants in criminal cases is the enormously high cost of criminal defense, which can ruin people financially from a major case. Sure Trump cannot be pressured on that because he is very wealthy, but neither can the poor because the taxpayers are paying for their appointed lawyers. It is the MIDDLE CLASS defendants that feels this pressure. They have neither the money of the wealthy nor the free lawyers of the poor.

It is the middle class targets of this partisan prosecutor who are vulnerable to this pressure. If they do not dance to her tune, they face financial ruin and potential heavy jail time. It not about truth, it is about conforming to her narrative. When this is going on in a political prosecution, as it is, then democracy in our country is hanging by a thread.
Commented: Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 @ 11:26 am By: Steven P. Rader
Yes the poor have it so much better than Mr. Trump. If there ever was victim, it's Mr. Trump. He's a poster boy for rich, fat, orange victims.
Commented: Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 @ 10:59 am By: Big Bob
The term "trumped up charges" has long been used for bogus criminal charges, but with the political witch hunt against President Trump, that meaning has been reinforced. The danger here is partisan prosecutors with political motives targeting a political opponent and strongarming others they charge to join their lynch mob, so that political target gets an ambush instead of a trial. Bringing charges in places they know that the jury pool will be politically hostile to their target also helps make the process an ambush rather than a trial. Without a change of venue, there will be no fair trial in any of these cases except the ones in Florida. Even that murder trial I refered to earlier had venue changed from Martin County to Pitt County to get a fair jury.

As to poor people, they are less intimidated by these DA tactics, since they have court appointed lawyers and therefore do not have the worry about being financially ruined by legal defense costs. They are insulated from some of the impacts that can be brought to bear on more well to do defendants.

The political targeting go on against Trump is what is scary for the future of American democracy. If Republicans win in 2024, there are now certain to be some making lists of Biden officials to indict when the shoe is on the other foot. In 200 years of our republic, no one has gone there until the Biden Democrats opened the door to it.
Commented: Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 @ 9:47 am By: Steven P. Rader
Yada yada yada. Steven, poor people live with this system daily. I absolutely don’t feel sorry for rich orange boy. Heard his speech today? He’s completely nuts.
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2023 @ 11:25 pm By: Big Bob
Steve: Thank-you for your analysis on the Democratic Socialist squeeze play, where these heartless "keepers of the law" could care less about what is true, only about the winning ... until it is overturned by appeal.

And what about the quality of the testimony after the deal is cut, just so that these American Citizens can get some relief from these sleezy Democratic Socialist lawyers (on the taxpayers dime), all Biden voters, so by the representative scheme of "you get the government you deserve," not too smart. What if their testimony is somewhat less than enthusiastic?

I just started watching "Billions," a series about this ruthless hedge-fund manager /owner pitted against a U.S. Attorney with a perfect record of convictions, and you will never guess who is winding up the sympathetic character.
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2023 @ 7:05 pm By: Stan Deatherage
The squeeze by the far left Democrat prosecutor in Georgia on other defendants is a huge danger to coercing questionable testimony against President Trump. It is a targeted version of the common prosecutor squeeze on co-defendants. Most prosecutors just want to bolster their conviction record, and having a co-defendant rat out other defendants helps them get convictions. When a co-defendant pleads to a lesser charge in return for "truthful testimony", truth is not measured by whether it would pass a polygraph, but whether it works with the prosecutor's theory of the case. Deviate from what the prosecutor wants, and one loses his or her plea deal.

In a run of the mill case, if the prosecutor gets one defendant to flip, they will go along with that defendants version of what the others did, which is often tilted. For example, in a four defendant capital murder case where I was first chair counsel for one of the defendants, another co-defendant flipped and told a version to minimize his role and portray much larger roles for the other three. The DA just wanted convictions, so he went with that. Four defense attorneys for other defendants concluded that based on other known facts, the "cooperating defendant" was almost certainly the triggerman and the instigator of the murder, but he put that off on others.

Now take a DA like the one in Georgia who has an agenda in the case, a particular defendant she is after. No other defendant is going to get a plea deal unless they tell the story the way that DA wants to go after that particular defendant. It doesn't matter what the actual truth is, they have to conform to the "truth" as that DA sees it.

Paul Manafort and Roger Stone both came forward to reveal that anti-Trump prosecutors offered them sweetheart deals if they would tell what the prosecutor wanted against Trump. They knew the prosecutor's version was a lie, so they accepted time in prison rather than lie for a crooked prosecutor.

The financial burden of contesting any of these cases would likely break most of the co-defendants financially, and enough charges are piled on that they would do significant jail time if found guilty. These defendants, especially the lawyers among them, also know they are facing a jury pool that will be highly unfavorable to President Trump or anyone associated with him. The places where these cases were brought were chosen for that very reason. These defendants want to survive this and have a life on the other side, and all of this creates an enormous pressure to just say whatever it is the DA considers "the truth" in order to save their own skins. Few have the stamina of Manafort and Stone to do what is right and stick to the actual factual truth.

Donald Trump is facing a kangaroo court in Georgia, and that is a threat to American democracy. Of course, the DC and Manhattan situations are not much better. At the very basic level, without a change of venue to get an unbiased jury, the Georgia, New York, and DC cases all present fairness problems in a big way and need a change of venue at a minimum but it is highly unlikely that will happen.

Welcome to the new American banana republic.
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2023 @ 6:34 pm By: Steven P. Rader
Biden is a crook, and the American media wants to cover it up, as does the corrupt DOJ and FBI. Instead they want to bring made up charges against President Trump. Thank goodness for British newspapers actually doing journalism, instead of the propaganda of the American MSM, to dig some of this stuff out. Also thanks to some of our courageous congressmen. The Biden mafia is probably right now trying to figure out what fake criminal charges to hit them with.
Commented: Sunday, October 22nd, 2023 @ 12:49 pm By: Conservative Voter
Super Patriot. I love it!! To the bat cave, Alfred!
Commented: Sunday, October 22nd, 2023 @ 10:30 am By: Big Bob
Big Bob: I can not speak for Mr. Steed, but I will not stand for corruption, especially in the "American institutions that bind" you Leftists, who as we all know are utterly corrupt by practice.

Big Bob, you declaring Stan Deatherage an John Steed as "unamerican" may have alternately, by exacting contrast, vaulted the both of us into the realm of Super Patriot ... I appreciate that Big Bob for the back-handed compliment.
Commented: Saturday, October 21st, 2023 @ 9:35 pm By: Stan Deatherage
I’m sorry that you guys are so unamerican that you would tear down the institutions that bind us. Just awful.
Commented: Saturday, October 21st, 2023 @ 7:22 pm By: Big Bob
RH: I believe you are right about the lying, which I will add is one of the reasons why Idiot President Biden is so incredibly stupid at just 80 years old.
Commented: Saturday, October 21st, 2023 @ 4:25 pm By: Stan Deatherage
There do not seem to be any consequences for FBI, DOJ, and crooked partisan prosecutors lying. They seem to get away with it all the time. Also, Biden. There is another one for whom lying is a regular part of his life.
Commented: Saturday, October 21st, 2023 @ 3:03 pm By: Rino Hunter
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