Remarks by President Trump at the Generation Next Summit Panel Discussion with Charlie Kirk | Eastern North Carolina Now

This is a great audience of millennial leaders from all across the country. So thank you for taking the time to address us today.

    THE PRESIDENT: Well, the one she did last week wasn't too good either - that the woman goes and asks the husband, the son, and the male boss for approval to vote for Trump. That was not too good. (Laughter.) That was not too good.

    Q And she found a way to insult both men and women. She said women can't make decisions on their own, and men are so controlling over women, they don't allow them to make decisions of their own. Only Hillary could figure out a way to possibly do that.

    THE PRESIDENT: This is not good. (Laughter.)

    MR. KIRK: No. Kind of, in closing here, I know the next panel, we're going to be talking about the crisis on college campuses, but specifically talking about the opioid epidemic, which is something that has just totally devastated Middle America. And I know your administration is making historic strides to help fix the issue. So can we talk a little bit about opioids and what you're doing to help -

    THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, Charlie, so we're going to be putting $6 billion over a fairly short period of time into the opioid crisis. It's a crisis. And you have to include in that the drug crisis, period. Drugs are coming across the southern border and coming all over. That's why we will have the wall. We have $1.6 billion toward the wall, and fixing up bad walls that are already up and, you know, building them new and rebuilding them. And a lot of work being done.

    You know, certain communities, believe it or not, like in San Diego, they want a wall. Nobody likes to talk about that. In fact, I said, "Don't build a wall there." They're all wanting it. And Jerry Brown, who's doing a terrible job as governor, but you know. (Laughter.) No, if you like high taxes and lots of other - and crime - that's your guy. (Laughter.) But they go and they talk so much about the wall. But in San Diego, as you know, there's a long stretch that is demanding the wall. So I said, okay - they were ready to start. I said, "Don't build it. We'll wait until we get everything approved." Because they're having a lot of pressure. They want the wall.

    Look, we have to stop the drugs from coming in. So, opioids are a big problem. We're going to be probably - we're developing potential litigation to be suing some of these companies. If we could only do a painkiller that's not so addictive. This stuff is brutal. You have a broken arm, you go to the hospital, you're there for a few days; you come out, your arm is fixed and now you're a drug addict. And we got to do something about it. It's so incredibly addictive and so quickly. And we are working here with research money. We're working, and very strongly, on coming up with painkillers that aren't so addictive, and maybe not addictive at all. And I think that will be a big thing.

    The other thing we have to do, in terms of the drug problem, is we have to be very tough on sentences. And, you know, a drug dealer will kill sometimes more than 2,000 people. Sometimes much more than that. Ruin families, ruin lives. And they get caught; they'll get 30 days in jail. They get a fine. They won't even get jail. They'll get a year in jail. And yet, if they kill somebody - if they shoot somebody, if they get into a fight and somebody dies, they put them in jail for life or they give them the death penalty.

    But these people kill thousands of people over the course of their lives through drugs. So we're going to have to get much, much tougher in terms of penalty. And if you want to stop it - if you look at certain countries where they have, as an example, the death penalty, and say, "How's your drug problem?" And they will tell you, "We don't have much of a drug problem."

    So I sort of - there's nothing to laugh about, nothing to smile about. But when we have these Blue Ribbon committees composed of some very nice people, many of whom are in the office - Alex and Alex. We have a double Alex, and Ivanka. And we'll set up a nice - and Kellyanne. Has anybody ever heard of Kellyanne? Huh? (Laughter and applause.) She's become - I told Ivanka this morning, you can take Kellyanne and put her right into the heart of the battle to somebody who the level of hatred back there is so incredible. (Laughter.) Seven in the morning, the cameras are on, the lights are on, and she's there, and she'll just take them on. You know, great courage. Really great courage. A lot of people say, "Please, please." (Applause.)

    You know, Charlie - it's true. A lot of people say, "Please, Mr. President. Please don't put me in there." She'll say, "Where do you want me to go?" Right? It's all words. It's all - if you think about it. And here's another great warrior right here. Right, Ivanka? You are a great warrior. (Applause.)

    MR. KIRK: Thank you. I appreciate that. Thank you.

    THE PRESIDENT: Really is great.

    MR. KIRK: Thank you. Yeah. Thank you, Mr. President. We're fighting for you, and we can't wait for the next seven years. So thank you so much. We appreciate it.

    THE PRESIDENT: That will be great. Thank you. Thank you. (Applause.)


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