Tales of Sector E38 is a saga of short stories within the Trials of Ambiguity world, providing particular accounts of certain aspects. Internal Peace takes place in the time period of the second Trials of Ambiguity (yet to be released), designed to provide insight on the ideologies of Sector E38. This short story focuses on one of the main religions in this dystopia known as the Establishment of the Anti-Reason; the belief that you should not think and avoid reason as much as possible.
Tales of Sector E38: Internal Peace
Morality is in the eyes of the beholder, yet is treated by the preceptor as objective. To form order, societies instills various conventions to define what is ill defined. Said conventions later evolve into our laws, such laws are influenced overtime by how societal conventions change. These changes are mostly made by demand of people gathered as a collective unit. A unit where they all think alike not on their own accord, but because they believed them when they said it was the right thing. In the collectives, individuality is sacrificed for the perceived common good. Units like this exist everywhere, many time with an opposing unit to accompany it, equally as guilty for the same crimes against free thought. To demonstrate this madness, I would like to tell a story from Sector E38 before the fateful evacuation. This is the story of Oglas Faren, a family man loyal to Dactric and the Establishment of the Anti-Reason, whose mind will travel where it should not have. Once blindly yet boldly allegiant to the state of Dactric, he will ask the critical question, "why?" To gain a better insight, we will see the events unfold from his perspective.
Life though as bliss as it may be, is peculiar in nature. There are people in this world, evil people, who are opposed to things being wonderful. Particularly the Mayith or the Retlins, villainous people who will bring about the destruction of the world. It is certain that the Dactric way is the only means of survival for Sector E38, all others are the work of Diwelo; Mayith and Retlin are his main tools of Dactric oppression. I fear Diwelo is growing powerful again, Mayith is still on a recession of sorts, but Retlin activities are growing. Last week, a Retlin hijacked the central broadcast station for Dactric, sending out a message telling people to think critically, challenging us to question what we believe in. Doing this is irrefutably a sin in the all gracious eyes of the Great Anti-Reason.
The incident made an impact on several more weak-minded people, prompting the reeducation camps to offer therapy for anyone conflicted; this done to reinforce the supremacy of Dactric ideology. It is a shame that these villains dare to taint this elegant pristine land; anyone opposed must be possessed by a demon so vile my mind of the collective fails to comprehend. To an extent, the attack injured me as well. At times, I get the dire urge to question things. The act of doing so is sinful and impure, but it is so inherently difficult every time to resist. I continue to fight back the idea of thinking so I can better serve the Anti-Reason and Dactric.
I am traveling through the fields of Sarp, on the way to the Establishment of the Anti-Reason along with my wife Ivy, and our children Sowen and Detry. Since the hijacking, I have been of increasing concern for my children's ideological safety. Their minds are so incredibly open to new ideas at their age, making them perfect targets for Diwelo (the devil) to contaminate their minds with Retlinism. To protect them, we are bringing them to the Establishment more frequently for further reinforcement of the Anti-Reason.
We arrive at the Establishment. A massive building, massive stone pillars supporting an overhanging the steps of the glorious House of Wisdom. The tremendous size makes it a marvelous monument to the great Anti-Reason, a gift for protecting us from the vile enemies of Dactric. Etched above the entrance reads the Anti-Reason's guide to living a life of Righteousness:
- Do not think, Do not think or act against Dactric and the Anti-Reason, Do not question the existence or greatness of the Anti-Reason.
Those are words everyone should live by; with these ideas alone, you need nothing else in life. The reason why any trouble exists in Sector E38 is people falsely believe that they can live without it. Etched above the good words is the insignia of the Anti-Reason.
We enter into the Establishment, inside is a massive hall, numerous columns of chairs spread down the hall split with an aisle in the median. Most of the seats are occupied by other followers of the Anti-Reason. At the end of the hall is a tremendously sized pulpit raised four times the height of all others. The walls are decorated with images of Dactric Party Leaders; Leotina, the current leader, is most prominent in display.
My family takes seats about three quarters of the way back as the rest are taken. Near us sits a woman in dark brown robes and short black hair, a hood covering most of her face. She stands out overtly in contrast to mostly everyone else, cloak dresses have been out of style for decades. There is something peculiar about her, she seems odd. People like her have been accused of Retlinism simply for dressing like her. If a person shares a trait similar to Retlins, they can be executed for the high crime without additional proof needed. Sometimes innocent people become victims of this system, but it is for the common good.
I should arrest her as I hold such authority as a Sarp Nobleman, but I feel it would be wrong to arrest someone simply for existing. I do not know for certain that she is a criminal, so why is it right to arrest her? How am I getting these ideas? They are opposing the tenants of the great Anti-Reason, I should not be thinking as an individual but I can't help myself. Chapter 96 of the Anti-Reason Proclamation,
"None shall develop personal ideologies, for they are not that of the Anti-Reason; anything not a product of the Anti-Reason is wicked, and should be destroyed."
The sacredman walks to the pulpit on the far end of the church. "Hear me people of Sarp for I bring news from the Great Anti-Reason." He shouts boastfully to the crowd, a tradition for Establishment sessions. "I come before you today as not only as your sacredman, but as a fellow Dactric. I am here to say that we followers of the Anti-Reason are under attack."
"The Retlins are being sent here by Diwelo to purge the Anti-Reason from the world, allowing the conflicting ideas to emerge. Remember to always be on the lookout for Retlins, or soon to be Retlins." The sacredman declares valiantly to the congregation. "For I know they are on the rise!" His projection becomes more intense. "We must protect our society from the outsides and within, for I know the Great Establishment is at threat by the Retlins and the Mayith both! We must kill all the Retlins that exist."
His passionate speech continues, "The Retlins are evil, just so demonicly vile!" He commands throughout the hall, "Did you know. Did you know that Retlin women give birth to children so they can sacrifice the babies to Diwelo?" He lines in closer to the audience, "Because that is what the Retlins don't want you to know."
Part of me gets this strange urge to want to know how he acquired this information and why. Not that I wish to witness such acts he is accounting, but for some special type of curiosity I possess. Skepticism, a thought against the Anti-Reason, and in many instances illegal In Dactric. I want to inquire the evidence for his claims on Retlin actions as he has made extreme statements like this in the past, but asking for evidence is a crime. I know it is evil to request evidence of a claim, let alone question something, but my suspicion is cumulating the longer I think. I must resist the urge to think, and blindly agree to what the Sacredman is telling us, that is what my family and I are here for; to maintain our allegiance to the Anti-Reason.
"Now let me make it perfectly clear!" The sacredman shouts to his audience, "Retlins are no one to mess with. They will tear you to pieces like the vile demonic monsters they are. The only thing you can trust is the righteous Anti-Reason!" Sounds of agreement and acceptance of the sacredman's speech erupt throughout the hall, except for the woman in robes beside me. She sighs in disappointment, with a hint of frustration expressed as she releases that breathe. I can't help but to relate with this woman and her discontent for the sacredman's teachings. This is an opinion we share that is highly illegal, you cannot just disagree with what a sacredman says, that is vile and a crime of Retlin.
Am I a traitor to the Dactric Government? Does my act of simply thinking make me a Retlin? What if I am caught thinking, what would happen to my children? In some cases, the public decides to kill the entire family of a Retlin defector. This mysterious women seems to be a Retlin, maybe she can help. I am terrified, the more I think, the more crimes I am committing, but I cannot stop thinking. One thought becomes two, two becomes four. The complexity of thought multiples each time I think against the Anti-Reason. I didn't want to think, but it just started; like a virus it spreads, making think more and more. Each time I think, a sense of euphoria comes along with the guilt of thinking against the Anti-Reason. For each thought, the euphoria intensifies while the guilt diminishes. With each new unregulated thought crossing my mind, a sense of ecstasy comes over me; I must think more, I must think deeper.
More and more these thoughts correlate as the complexity grows to portions insurmountable to what I could previously fathom.
The Anti-Reason is a lie! The Anti-Reason is not about peace, it is about control! Designed to control humanity since the dawn of Dactric, reducing us all to nothing more than pawns for the uppermost leader!
Seize it be the existence of Dactric! Seize it be the triumph of the Anti-Reason! Down with all things that oppose individuality!
There is so much I wish to do, so much I want to say, but in a society of allegiants to the Anti-Reason, I am left with no allies but my own. With no other hope in sight, I must speak with this woman, hopefully she will be gracious enough to offer guidance.
I had zoned out of my surroundings, coming back to the sound of the Hall collectively stating, "All hail the Anti-Reason." I sit still for several moments. Everything appears a little blurry as I'm still focused more on thinking. I see blurred figures getting up from their seats as they exit the crowded building. A hand grabs around my right shoulder, and begins to shake it. "Oglas.... Oglas" A distorted voice calls. I look in its direction as it clears up, it is Ivy; she is staring at me concerned. "Oglas, are you okay?" Her soft voice whispers to me clearly this time.
"Yeah... I. I'm fine." I respond quietly. "Excuse me for a moment, I have to take care of some business. Go ahead and take the kids home, I will be home soon." I get out of the aisle of chair in search of the possible Retlin who has since left her seat. Amongst the exiting crowd, I see a single black hooded figure; that must be her. I try to quickly get through the crowd of people, disregarding etiquette to an extent.
Outside, she is no longer cloaked by the massive crowds surrounding, she appears to be heading down an alley.
I follow her into the corridor where we are out of sight to everyone. I begin to tremble, what if she kills me? "Excuse me, Madam." I say, a slight shiver runs through my voice. The woman stops, but does not turn around. "I wish to speak with you. I just want to talk, I have suspicion that you are Retlin. -"
At the sound of those words, she turns around swinging a sword in my direction. She stops just as the sword touches my neck. I look at her face for the first time to see a menacing pair of eyes stare at me, the lower half of her face is masked by a light gray scarf to conceal her identity. I am motionless in fear.
"Look. If you are a Retlin, I need your help. I wish to join your legion." I plea to the woman. She maintains the same stern look in response. While alertly watching me and wielding the sword just before my neck, she reaches in her cloak for something. She pulls out a syringe, and jabs it in my abdomen.
Once the injection starts, a convulsion comes over my entire body; I involuntarily bind backwards facing the sky, immediately following my body becomes limp as I fall to the ground. I cannot move at all. My vision begins to fade, sound becomes progressively hallow, but slowly.
I see the woman lower her scarf, and raise her wrist. "Jasper, are you alright?" A concerned woman's voice comes from her call.
"Yes," Jasper responds, "I just had an encounter with a Dactric claiming to need help. He is incapacitated, now what should we do?"
A masculine sounding second voice emerges from the other end of her conversation, "We can't take him in; we are already short on space for the trip back home." The woman then adds, "Annachordine is right, this man could also be a Dactric spy. You need to leave him and return to the outpost quickly."
"Okay Sabine. Returning now." Jasper responds. As she is hanging up, Annachordine states, "make sure you are not being followed."
"Sir Faren, you awake?" A voice calls.
I open my eyes to see bright light, followed by its succession as my eyes adjust. Feeling nauseated and exhausted I say, "I suppose." With an added sigh.
I am in a medical office, surrounded by several doctors.
"We found you laying in the dirt in an alley unconscious. Do you know what happened?" The doctor asks in a concerned voice.
"I think I just drank some bad rum this morning." I say in a positive humorous tone.