The Democrat Media and Democrat Priorities | Eastern North Carolina Now

I just spent almost an hour watching MSNBC, which is the crown jewel of the still massive, but shrinking Democrat Media.

I just spent almost an hour watching MSNBC, which is the crown jewel of the still massive, but shrinking Democrat Media.

    The main issues in that one hour were:

      •  'The FBI has begun an preliminary investigation into Paul Manafort's possible connection to Russian Business men. Paul Manafort served as campaign director for the Trump campaign for about 2 months. He is no longer with the campaign. Trump and Manafort have no history of a business relationship.

      •  Democrats are lobbying the FBI to investigate Donald Trump for ties to the KGB as this is reported by Mother Jones News. Rumors are that Donald Trump has been blackmailed by Russians to do their bidding once elected. The FBI has already investigated Trump and found no evidence, but, still, this is an important rumor.

      •  Democrats are apoplectic still that there is a "double standard" that Director Comey will not discuss an investigation by the FBI into possible Russian hacking of Democrat emails, but did, however, send a letter to congress that he has reopened the email /illegal server investigation of Hillary Clinton, when 650,000 emails were, inadvertently, discovered on the laptop of Clinton's most trusted aid Huma Abedin. There was no mention that Hillary's destroyed emails, while under subpoena, may be discovered among the 650,000 emails found on the Abedin laptop.'

    Is there any wonder why so many Liberals have so little knowledge of so much?

    Of course, possibly, there are more Americans, and some Illegals ("undocumented" is the Liberal vernacular), who will end up voting for the first time, that ascribe more to the Bernie Sanders perspective, even though The Bern was roundly sandbagged by the DNC, which is: 'The American people are sick of hearing about your (Hillary's) damn emails'.

    Democrat Media paragon MSNBC has spent all of their journalistic principles, or lack there of, on that Socialist Liberal premise.

Considering that Hillary Clinton, from the recently concluded email investigation, is charged with gross negligence, dereliction of duty, was recommended that she lose her security clearance, while pathologically lying to congress, the press and the American People; and even though she was not referred for indictment because she is a Clinton: Will you?
12.84%   Vote for Hillary
76.65%   Vote for The Donald
10.51%   Vote for none of the above
257 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

And now for your additional voting pleasure:

What should be the priority of the Federal Government after the "Pulse" massacre: Should we turn our attention toward destroying, earadicating ISIS as Candidate Trump suggests, or, as Democrats' President Obama suggests, broaden our efforts to effect stricter Gun Control laws to limit "Gun Violence?"
83.78%   After many years of trying to degrade and contain the murderous ISIS, we should make it the nation's policy to destroy ISIS immediately.
6.08%   Gun Violence in America can be eliminated by limiting access to guns for all American citizens.
10.14%   I don't care either way; I just live here.
148 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

Should Americans be thankful for North Carolinians setting precedent in taking a stand for their state's right to manage the safety of their public facilities, where separation of the sexes remains, or should they follow Bruce Springsteen's lead and boycott the state as bigots since they will not allow grown Transgender men to use the same bathrooms /locker rooms as pre-pubescent girls?
  North Carolina is right to control the separation of the sexes as a matter of decorum and safety.
  North Carolina is a bigoted state to not require that children of opposite sexes share the same public facilities with adults of the opposite sex, although misidentified - the Transgender.
  I generally prefer the natural environs of the vacant, although rather public, large tree.
253 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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