COVID-19 and Unintended Consequences | Eastern North Carolina Now

A great deal of conversation has been had over COVD-19, how it was addressed, and when should we recover.

    A great deal of conversation has been had over COVD-19, how it was addressed, and when should we recover. However, no one seems to be paying even lip service to the many unintended consequences that have occurred by Government actions at all levels. Paraphrasing a law of Physics, "For every action there is a reaction" we begin to understand the hopefully unintended, results of government actions.

    Let us start with the Federal Government passage of an additional $600 in unemployment insurance above what the state already offers. Employers are starting to report they are having some difficulty getting employees to return as the new benefits are often higher than what they were earning while they worked. One landscape services owner mentioned his difficulty in getting employees to return even though he was offering a salary of $15 to $20/ per hour based on longevity with the company. That extra $600 is an incentive to stay home in the short term. He was not sure his business will survive. I can only hope this is an unintended consequence and not the Left attempting to hurt the economy as business' are forced to close. Another theory would be no workers available and the Left would push for additional illegal aliens to fill the open positions.

    Another area of unintended consequences is in the area of Health Care. Government forced hospitals not do elective surgery and concentrate on potential Virus victims. There have been screaming of lack of resources and a desire to over stock in fear of what might happen based on flawed models being used by all areas of government. The decision to close hospitals from doing elective surgery and devoting all their facilities to treating COVID - 19 patients has had many unintended consequences. Many patients are being forced to postpone elective surgery that could cause major issues in the future. People are afraid to go to hospitals because of the Covid 19 scare and as a result people are not going to hospitals both for fear of the virus and thinking they are not allowed there. The unintended consequences are many deaths from heart attacks and other diseases that were improperly treated at home until it was too late. OR is this part of the Democratic playbook and their Obama Care Death Panels?

    The Democrats wrote into the stimulus bill money for small business. Interesting how quickly the money was expended. Isn't funny how the owners of the Los Angeles Basketball team qualified for over $4 million in loans/ grants. Ruth Chris Steak Houses and the Pot Belly Restaurants were also approved for loans. These are Small businesses? I do not think so. To the Lakers credit after it was exposed they did return the money. Let's look a little deeper. Money was allocated to Universities where the money was not needed but sent as a Democratic gift to their supporters. One example is Harvard University. It was scheduled to receive almost $9 million in Government funds but refused to take it after pressure from President Trump. Consider this Harvard has over $40.9 Billion in their endowment fund. Do they really need the money? I think not. And this is just one example. Unintended consequence of how the bill was written? I think not. In fact, in my opinion, it was designed to reward their supporters and deplete he available money so a new bill had to be passed. It would then give them another chance to send dollars to support their Leftist causes.

    Finally, both Schumer and Pelosi have indicated they would not support any bill that limited or protected businesses from law suits as a result of re- opening and virus issues. Consider this, by taking this stand many businesses, schools, and other operations will most likely delay re-opening. This will extend the effect this virus will have on the economy and continue to weaken it. Do not believe for a minute these two "All-stars" would take this stand to protect the people's interest. In my opinion, they are doing this in the hope it would further weaken Trumps re- election bid. TO HELL WITH THE PEOPLE AND HOW THEY AFFECT THEIR LIVES SO LONG AS THEY ELECT A DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT.

    In short I believe these unintended consequences are in fact intended and part of a long range plan to defeat Trump at all costs. How do we fight this? Easy

    RE-ELECT TRUMP AND THE REPUBLICAN TICKET SO WE RETAIN CONTRLOF THE SENATE AND REGAIN CONTROL OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. This stops their funding their pet projects and the possibility of annual impeachment votes in a Democratic controlled House.


William (Bill) Moore was born and raised in Yonkers NY. He became a Social Studies Teacher in Yonkers and eventually an Assistant Principal at the Middle School and High School levels. He was Principal at Roosevelt HS for 5 years in Yonkers before deciding to relocate to Edenton, NC. There he was Principal of John A. Holmes HS for 4 years. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Social Studies from Fordham University and Master's Degree from Iona College, majoring in Social Studies. He received his second Master's Degree in School Administration from Manhattan College. Bill is also a retired Lieutenant Colonel from the US Army Reserve. He is trained as an Armor officer and a Logistician. He served two years active duty in the 4th of the 68th Armor, part of the 82nd Airborne Division. In the Reserves he served as a Field Service Company Commander, Transportation Battalion Commander and numerous staff positions at all levels. He has received numerous awards including Administrator of the Year in Chowan County. He has had numerous yearbook dedications and was nominated several times as Administrator of the Year in NY. In NY, Roosevelt HS became a Model School for the Smaller Learning Community Initiative from Brown University. Bill is President of the Edenton Tea Party and a member of the Chowan County Republican Party Executive Committee. He is a current member of the Edenton Planning Board, Chowan County Juvenile Crime Prevention Task Force, and the Northeast Commission.
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